Student Handbook, Semester 1, 2010: Learning and Teaching Plan 2009-2011 | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Student Handbook, Semester 1, 2010: Learning and Teaching Plan 2009-2011


The University’s Mission is:

  • To be the major catalyst for the innovative and sustainable economic, cultural and educational advancement of the region, through the pursuit of international standards in teaching, research and engagement.

The University’s Learning and Teaching activities play an important role in delivering this advancement and enabling the achievement of these standards. This is reflected in the Strategic Plan, which specifies the following goal:

  • To provide an increasingly comprehensive range of sustainable programs that position students for success in the global economy and which are aligned to the University’s priorities.

To advance this strategic goal, the Learning and Teaching Plan identifies six learning and teaching objectives for the period 2009–2011, with associated strategies and key performance indicators. These are to:

Objective 1: Provide high quality and satisfying student learning experiences that promote excellence in learning

Objective 2: Provide a supportive teaching environment that promotes excellence in teaching

Objective 3: Improve students’ learning outcomes during their program

Objective 4: Maximise students’ opportunities for success after graduation

Objective 5: Strongly contribute to the sustainability of the University as a higher education institution of significance, particularly for the Sunshine Coast region

Objective 6: Develop the University’s capacity to demonstrate national and international standards in teaching and in the scholarship of teaching

The development of this Plan has taken into account the University’s Strategic Plan, the review of the previous Learning and Teaching Plan, the current position of the University, and the national and international higher education contexts.

All staff, students and sections of the University contribute to the achievement of the University’s learning and teaching goals, with particular sections having especially critical roles. Detailed actions contributing to the achievement of the Learning and Teaching Plan’s objectives are or will be incorporated in operational plans, including those of the Faculties, Information Services, Information Technology Services, USC International, Student Administration, Student Services and Teaching and Research Services.

Objectives and strategies

Objective 1 Provide high quality and satisfying student learning
experiences that promote excellence in learning


1.1 Sustain high levels of interaction between students and academics and other staff involved in student learning.

1.2 Develop, implement and evaluate University-wide approaches to fostering and maintaining a ‘human-scale’ institution - development by end 2009 and ongoing.

1.3 Complete and implement a learning and teaching policy framework that facilitates best practice in learning, framework to be completed by end 2009, implementation and review ongoing

1.4 Ongoing implementation of a systematic approach to provide more comprehensive data for identifying improvements in the provision of satisfying learning experiences, including development of a system for providing students with Student Feedback on Teaching and Student Feedback on Courses results and with evidence of serious engagement by staff with feedback. System re SFT and SFC results in place by June 2010; and ongoing

See also actions for Objectives 2 and 4.

This will be measured by:

Strategic Plan Key Performance Indicator 2.1

Description Measures Target Responsibility
Graduate satisfaction with educational experience as measured through Australian Graduate Survey (AGS) Annual performance rating in the three core scales of the AGS Maintain rating in each scale DVC, PVC,
Deans, HoSs, Program Leaders
Directors of Information Services, Information Technology Services, Student Administration, Student Services, Teaching and Research Services,
All staff
Annual ranking in each DEEWR LTPF discipline grouping in the three core scales of the AGS Ranking in top quintile of Higher Education Providers in each discipline group

Strategic Plan Key Performance Indicator 2.2

Description Measures Target Responsibility
Student feedback on courses (SFC) and teaching (SFT) Aggregated semester data for SFC item: “Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this course” Achieve overall average score of at least 4.0 on a 5.0 point scale DVC , Deans, HoSs, Program Leaders
Directors of TARS, Information Services, Information Technology Services, Student Administration, Student Services
All staff
Aggregated semester data for SFT item: “Overall, how would you rate the teaching of the lecturer/tutor in this course” Achieve overall average score of at least 4.0 on a 5.0 point scale

Learning & Teaching Plan Key Performance Indicator 1.1
Description Measures Target Responsibility
Consistent and equitable maintenance of USC academic standards Degree of consistent and full implementation of all learning and teaching related rules, policies and procedures that set and maintain USC academic standards All identified rules, policies and procedural elements to be assessed as fully implemented each year DVC, PVC, Deans, HoSs, Program Leaders, LTMC, Learning and Teaching Coordinators,
All staff

Other indicators of success
  • Documentary evidence of completion of learning and teaching policy framework
  • Documentary evidence of improvements as a result of responding to student and other feedback

Objective 2 Provide a supportive teaching environment that promotes
excellence in teaching


2.1 Complete and implement a learning and teaching policy framework that facilitates best practice in teaching - framework to be completed by end 2009, implementation and review ongoing.

2.2 Ensure timely and appropriate administrative, technical and other support to enable teaching staff to focus on their core roles. Faculties and other cost centres to evaluate and, as required, revise current processes by mid-2010.

2.3 Consolidate an incentive scheme for staff to undertake professional development in relation to teaching, including undertaking formal qualifications in teaching - development by end 2009; and ongoing.

2.4 Further develop and deliver professional development programs and support for continuing, contract and sessional staff that include (but are not limited to) e-learning, blended delivery and the teaching-research nexus; are responsive to staff, student and institutional needs; and are positively evaluated by staff – development by end 2009; and ongoing

2.5 Further develop the recognition, reward and celebration of outstanding teaching practices.

This will be measured by:

Learning and Teaching Plan Key Performance Indicator 2.1

Description Measures Target Responsibility
Consistent and equitable maintenance of USC academic standards Degree of consistent and full implementation of all learning and teaching related rules, policies and procedures that set and maintain USC academic standards All identified rules, policies and procedural elements to be assessed as fully implemented each year DVC, PVC, Deans, HoSs, Program Leaders
LTMC, Learning and Teaching Coordinators,
All staff

Learning and Teaching Plan Key Performance Indicator 2.2

Description Measures Target Responsibility
T&R staff participate in professional development, including
in e- and blended learning delivery pedagogy
Number and proportion of T&R staff (continuing, contract and sessional) who have participated in professional development Incremental increase each year
Annual targets to be set once baseline data is established
DVC , Deans, HoSs, Learning and Teaching Coordinators,
T&R staff

Learning and Teaching Plan Key Performance Indicator 2.3
Description Measures Target Responsibility
Staff with formal qualifications in higher education teaching Number of T&R staff (continuing, contract and sessional) with qualifications

Incremental increase each year

Annual targets to be set once baseline data is established, including benchmarking with other universities
DVC, Deans, HoSs, T&R staff
Other indicators of success
  • Documentary evidence of timely and appropriate administrative and technical support for academic staff
  • Documentary evidence, including feedback, on provision and extent of professional development
  • Documentary evidence of staff satisfaction with professional development
  • Documentary evidence of recognition, reward and celebration of outstanding teaching practices

Objective 3 Improve students’ learning outcomes during their program


3.1 Improve student retention rates through developing and implementing early intervention programs for ‘at risk’ students across all faculties, that align with Student Services’ Student Retention Plan – Pilot programs to be run in 2009; ongoing programs from 2010

3.2 Evaluate and, as required, improve and extend the Tertiary Preparation Pathway so that it is relevant to the program offerings of all faculties – during 2009 current offerings to be evaluated; improved as required, ongoing

3.3 Improve and, as required, extend enabling courses so that courses are and remain relevant to the program offerings of all faculties – during 2009 current offerings to be evaluated; improved as required, ongoing

See also strategies for Objectives 1, 4 and the Student Support Plan 2009-2011.

This will be measured by:

Strategic Plan Key Performance Indicator 6.3

Description Measures Target Responsibility
Undergraduate student progress and retention rates Annual undergraduate student progress rates Improve annual undergraduate student progress rates DVC, Deans, HoSs, Director of Student Services,
Program Leaders, Faculty First Year Experience Coordinators, Student Services staff, All staff
Ranking relative to other Higher Education Providers for undergraduate student progress rates for each DEEWR Learning and Teaching Performance Fund (LTPF) grouping Improve annual ranking relative to other Higher Education Providers for undergraduate student progress rates for each DEEWR LTPF grouping
Annual undergraduate attrition (inverse retention) rates Improve annual undergraduate attrition (inverse retention) rates
Ranking relative to other Higher Education Providers for retention of commencing students for each DEEWR LTPF grouping Improve annual ranking relative to other Higher Education Providers for retention of commencing students for each DEEWR LTPF grouping

Strategic Plan Key Performance Indicator 2.4

Description Measures Target Responsibility
Uptake of transition programs by students Number of new enrolments in Tertiary Preparation Pathway (TPP) Maintain number of new enrolments in TPP DVC, Deans, Staff engaged in TPP

Learning and Teaching Plan Key Performance Indicator 3.1

Description Measures Target Responsibility
Participation in enabling courses by students Number of new enrolments in enabling courses Targets to be set once baseline data established DVC, Deans, Staff engaged in enabling courses

Other indicators of success
  • Documentary evidence of student satisfaction with TPP and enabling courses
  • Documentary evidence of positive links between TPP, enabling courses and undergraduate student success at USC
  • Documentary evidence of range and quality of support services

Objective 4 Maximise students’ opportunities for success after graduation


4.1 Develop and promote pathways for progression from TAFE/VET to USC programs and options for dual TAFE/VET-USC award programs. Development of pathways and options to be developed in 2009 and 2010; promotion of pathways and options ongoing.

4.2 By mid 2010 embed opportunities within every undergraduate program for students to undertake work integrated learning and/or the Global Opportunities program and/or community service.

4.3 By mid 2009, revise graduate attributes and develop review and feedback processes.

4.4 By end 2010, revise all course and program outlines to map new graduate attributes and implement review and feedback processes.

4.5 Develop and implement the internationalisation of the curriculum project - development to be completed by end 2009; initial implementation to be completed by end 2010

This will be measured by:

Learning and Teaching Plan Key Performance Indicator 4.1

Description Measures Target Responsibility
Graduate outcomes as measured through the Australian Graduate Survey (AGS) Annual employment rate of graduates according to annual AGS data Improved rate each year DVC, PVC, Deans, HoSs, Director of Student Services, Honours and Research Coordinators
Annual ranking for employment of graduates in each DEEWR LTPF discipline grouping according to annual AGS data Improve ranking relative to other Higher Education Providers in each discipline group
Annual rates for further study by graduates according to annual AGS data Improved rate each year
Annual ranking for further study by graduates in each DEEWR LTPF discipline grouping according to annual AGS data Improve position relative to other Higher Education Providers

Strategic Plan Key Performance Indicator 5.2

Description Measures Target Responsibility
Number and proportion of eligible students undertaking part of their undergraduate program overseas Number of students undertaking part of their undergraduate program overseas Annual increase in number of students undertaking part of their undergraduate program overseas PVC, Deans, HoSs, Program Leaders, USC International staff, Program advisers
Proportion (%) of eligible Bachelor graduates to have undertaken part of their program overseas By 2010, 10% of eligible Bachelor graduates to have undertaken part of their program overseas

Strategic Plan Key Performance Indicator 2.3

Description Measures Target Responsibility
Number and proportion of students undertaking work integrated learning (WIL) Number of eligible students undertaking WIL Annual increase in number of eligible students undertaking WIL DVC, Deans, HoSs, Director of Student Services ,
Program Leaders, staff involved in curriculum development, staff involved in WIL
Percentage (%) of eligible Bachelor graduates, having undertaken WIL Annual increase in proportion (%) of eligible Bachelor graduates having undertaken WIL
Benchmarking against other universities

Learning and Teaching Plan Key Performance Indicator 4.2

Description Measures Target Responsibility
Graduate attributes for undergraduate and postgraduate programs and courses Findings from annual feedback and self-assessment surveys of sample of graduates and from employer surveys on extent to which USC graduates evidence the attributes Each year all survey respondents indicate graduates’ achievement of each attribute DVC, Deans, HoSs, Program Leaders,
Teaching staff,

Learning and Teaching Plan Key Performance Indicator 4.3
Description Measures Target Responsibility
Internationalisation of the curriculum Proportion of programs assessed as meeting internationalisation criteria All programs assessed as meeting internationalisation criteria by end 2011 DVC, PVC, Deans, HoSs, Program Leaders, Learning and Teaching Coordinators, staff involved in curriculum development

Other indicators of success
  • Documentary evidence of ease of enrolments for students from VET to USC

Objective 5 Strongly contribute to the sustainability of the University as a
higher education institution of significance, particularly for the Sunshine Coast region


5.1 By end 2009, develop definitions, selection processes and outcomes for sustainable and flagship program areas.

5.2 Consolidate existing offerings and increase the number of sustainable undergraduate and postgraduate coursework programs - ongoing

5.3 Promote and facilitate multidisciplinary and cross-faculty coursework programs, including programs that align with USC’s priorities of regional engagement and sustainability - Offerings from all faculties under the banners of engagement and sustainability by start 2010; and ongoing

5.4 Define, develop and embed the University’s approach to blended delivery, e-learning and flexible offerings – approach to be defined by end 2009; development and embedding to be ongoing

5.5 Maximise the flexibility of offerings within resource constraints to best meet the needs of students (for example intensive, summer semester, blended delivery) - Subject to timeline for Strategy 4; then implementation ongoing

5.6 Define and promote the teaching-research nexus - University statement on the teaching-research nexus by July 2009; and ongoing

5.7 Expand the Headstart and/or school liaison programs - Review of current programs and development of plan for expansion by end 2009; implementation ongoing

This will be measured by:

Strategic Plan Key Performance Indicator 1.2

Description Measures Target Responsibility
Achieving DEEWR-funded load Actual DEEWR-funded EFTSL each year Meet DEEWR-funded load target for each year VC, DVC, Deans

Learning and Teaching Plan Key Performance Indicator 5.1
Description Measures Target Responsibility
Number of sustainable programs, including multi-disciplinary and cross-faculty Annual number of sustainable individual programs offered in each broad FOE grouping at Bachelor and Graduate Coursework levels Targets to be set from 2010 once action 1 is achieved and baseline data is established DVC, PVC, Deans, HoSs, Academic Board, LTMC, Learning and Teaching Coordinators,
Program Leaders

Learning and Teaching Plan Key Performance Indicator 5.2

Description Measures Target Responsibility
Flexibility of offerings Number of courses with non-traditional delivery and number of students enrolled in those courses Targets to be set after action 4 is met and baseline data is established DVC, Deans, HoSs, Program Leaders, staff involved in curriculum development
Other indicators of success
  • Comprehensive USC statement on e- and blended learning and flexible delivery
  • USC statement on the teaching-research nexus
  • Documentary evidence of student and staff satisfaction with flexibility of offerings
  • Documentary evidence of schools’, students’ and parents’ satisfaction with Headstart and school liaison programs

Objective 6 Develop the university’s capacity to demonstrate international standards in teaching and in the scholarship of teaching

6.1 Scholarship of teaching projects underway in all faculties (may include cross-faculty projects) with refereed publication outputs – ongoing

6.2 Engagement with the schemes and resources of the Australian Learning and Teaching Council - ongoing

6.3 By end 2009 enhance the Teaching Research Development Grants scheme.

6.4 By mid 2011 develop and annually administer exit survey for international students and analyse findings.

6.5 By mid 2010 develop and implement plan for targeted benchmarking for selected elements of teaching.

This will be measured by:

Learning and Teaching Plan Key Performance Indicator 6.1

Description Measures Target Responsibility
ALTC award and grant applications Number of staff applying for awards and grants Incremental improvement DVC, Deans, HoSs, Director of TARS, Learning and Teaching Coordinators,
Academic, APT and OLT staff
Number of staff receiving awards and grants Incremental improvement and benchmarking USC’s success against other universities

Learning and Teaching Plan Key Performance Indicator 6.2

Description Measures Target Responsibility
Feedback from Study Abroad and Inbound Exchange students from partner universities Exit survey Aggregated data indicating quality of learning and teaching at the University is at least at the same level as at partner institutions DVC, PVC, Deans,
Staff who teach international students

Learning and Teaching Plan Key Performance Indicator KPI 6.3
Description Measures Target Responsibility
International Student Satisfaction CEQ responses Better than the sectoral average for all international students on each of the CEQ three core elements, annually DVC, PVC, Deans, staff who teach international students

Other indicators of success
  • TRDG grants equivalent to URG grants
  • Learning and teaching benchmarking exercises having positive effects at USC


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