Student Handbook, Semester 1, 2010: Enrolments - Institutional Operating Policy | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Student Handbook, Semester 1, 2010: Enrolments - Institutional Operating Policy

Responsible officer: Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Designated officer: Director, Student Administration
Approving authority: Academic Board
Approval: 3 September 2009
Last amended: 3 September 2009
Effective starting date: 14 September 2009
Any rules/policies replaced Academic Rules by this policy:
Policy number: AB12
Related policies:

  • Academic Progress and Exclusion – Institutional Operating Policy
  • Admissions – Institutional Operating Policy
  • Credit Transfer - Institutional Operating Policy
  • Grading Scale and Grade Point Average – Institutional Operating Policy
  • Graduation - Institutional Operating Policy
  • Recognition of Prior Learning for Program Credit - Institutional Operating Policy
  • Structure and Requirements of Degrees Awarded by the University – Institutional Operating Policy
  • Student Grievances and Appeals - Governing Policy

Due date for next review: 3 September, 2014

Part A: Preliminary

1. Purpose of policy

This policy is intended to provide a broad framework, set of principles and minimal requirements for determining enrolment in coursework programs of the University.

2. Application of policy

This policy applies to all staff, decision-making bodies, students enrolled in coursework programs of the University, and agents and partners of the University. The policy does not apply to applicants or candidates for bachelor honours degrees and higher degrees by research.

3. Definitions

In this policy the following definitions apply:

“Academic Record” means the official University printed document that provides an accurate statement of the official information held by the University and which satisfies the University's responsibilities to the student and other third parties (including other universities) for adequate and appropriate representation of relevant information about a student's academic and academic related activities at the University

“Census date” means the effective enrolment date and charges liability date for the course (see section 9.2)

“Course” means a unit of academic work, normally undertaken over a single teaching session, in which the student enrols, and on completion of which the student is awarded a grade, such grades appearing on a student's academic record.

“Course Coordinator” means the academic staff member who is responsible for the course.

“Program” means a set of coherently scoped, sequenced and structured studies or courses undertaken by a student in order to meet the requirements for award of a qualification, other than a higher degree by research, that is conferred by the Council of the University of the Sunshine Coast

“Units” defines the weighting assigned to a program and course. This term is used to:

(a) provide students with a guide to the amount of work a program and course may entail;
indicate a student's enrolment load;

(b) define the requirements for an award of the University;

(c) quantify the amount of credit transfer given in recognition of relevant studies completed in another program or prior learning; and

(d) indicate the amount of work a student has successfully completed towards an award of the University.

Units are assigned to courses such that the courses which comprise one year of full-time study add to 96 units. As a general guide, 12 units is equivalent to approximately 10 hours of work per week over a semester of 13 weeks, including all forms of teaching contact and private study, for an ‘average’ student.

“Program Leader” means the academic staff member who is responsible for the program. In the case of combined degrees, joint Program Leaders may be appointed.

“Study Period” - see section 5.0 Academic Calendar

“Teaching Session” - see section 5.0 Academic Calendar

“Semester” - see section 5.0 Academic Calendar

“Student Learning Entitlement (SLE)” means an Australian Government scheme that provides eligible students access to seven years equivalent full time study load (EFTSL) as a Commonwealth supported student.

“USCCentral” means the web site provided for students to enrol and conduct other student business transactions with the University.

Part B: Policy

4. Context for enrolment

4.0.1 Enrolments to the University’s programs will be consistent with requirements and guidelines contained within the current versions of the:

  • Principles for the Provision of Education by Australian Universities (Universities Australia)
  • Provision of Education to International Students, Code of Practice and Guidelines for Australian Universities (Universities Australia)
  • National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students.
5. Academic calendar

5.0.1 The University publishes an official Academic Calendar.

5.0.2 The academic year is organised into two study periods, each spanning half a calendar year.
Study Period 1 covers the period January 1 – June 30
Study Period 2 covers the period July 1 – December 31

5.0.3 The University defines a set of teaching sessions within a Study period. A teaching session is the period within which courses are delivered and has a “start of teaching” date, an “end of teaching date” and a defined length, in weeks. A teaching session may also have a study break period and / or an examination period specified, but this is not a requirement.

5.0.4 Semester 1 and Semester 2 are named teaching sessions within Study Period 1 and 2 respectively, consisting of 13 weeks of teaching, a study break period and an examination period.

5.0.5 Other teaching sessions may be given specific names, or may be referred to as “Session 1”, “Session 2”, and so on.

5.0.6 Each teaching session has a defined census date (see section 9.2). Each teaching session is linked uniquely to Study Period 1 or Study Period 2 according to in which study period the census date falls.

5.0.7 The Academic Calendar specifies the dates of teaching sessions, as well as examination periods, vacation periods and critical administrative dates, including census dates, dates for application for admission, enrolment and withdrawal.

5.0.8 The Academic Calendar is approved by the Deputy Vice Chancellor on the advice of the Director, Student Administration and published on the University's web site.

6. Current enrolment status

6.01 A student is a person who has current enrolment status in a program of the University. To have current enrolment status, the student shall have:

(a) accepted an offer of admission to a program and shall have completed the enrolment procedures prescribed by the University;

(b) enrolled in a set of courses (see section 7.0) that are consistent with the program requirements, and consistent with the specific conditions of the student’s admission including, where specified, location of study, attendance type, attendance mode, and major area of study;

(c) paid such fees and charges as the University may require to be paid as a condition of enrolment, by the time the University requires such fees and charges to be paid;

(d) fulfilled the conditions prescribed for Commonwealth supported students, in the case of a student admitted to a program as a Commonwealth supported student;

(e) completed any other procedures which may be required as a condition of enrolment.

6.1 Due date for enrolment

6.1.1 Students are required to enrol by the due date as specified in the offer of admission or readmission or as specified in the academic calendar as the due date for enrolment for the teaching session.

6.1.2 Students who enrol after the due date may be charged a late enrolment fee.

6.1.3 The University reserves the right to refuse an enrolment request after the due date.

6.2 Continuity of enrolment

6.2.1 Once the student has completed the enrolment requirements for a teaching session, the student is deemed to be currently enrolled until one of the following events occurs:

(a) the student notifies the University that he/she is discontinuing enrolment in the program;

(b) the student has no valid course enrolment in two successive study periods, in which case the student’s enrolment is deemed to have been discontinued;

(c) the University terminates the student's enrolment or excludes the student in accordance with the provisions of this or other policies of the University; and

(d) the student has completed all requirements of a program and is eligible to graduate.

6.3 Communication between the student and the University – mailing address, email communication

6.3.1 A student is required to provide reliable contact details for correspondence with the University. As a minimum, the student is required to provide a reliable mailing address and to maintain effective email communication.

(a) Mailing address

A student is required to provide a reliable mailing address for correspondence with the University. Students are responsible for ensuring that the mailing address held in the University's Student System is the correct and current mailing address for them.

Students may check and update their mailing address using USCCentral. The facility is available for students to update their mailing address for short periods of time to provide, for example, reliable communication during vacation periods.

A notice mailed by the University to the mailing address last advised by the student shall be deemed to have been received by the student.

(b) Email Communication

The University uses email to communicate officially to students. The University issues students with a University email address. Students are responsible for checking their University email address regularly and to forward messages from their university email address to a private email address if they wish.

A notice sent to the student’s University email address shall be deemed to have been received by the student.

7. Enrolment in courses

7.0.1 A student must enrol in each course they intend to undertake in the teaching session. The set of courses in which the student is enrolled must conform to the requirements of the program to which the student has been admitted.

7.0.2 A student is not permitted to attend classes, access teaching materials or engage in the teaching activities of the course unless enrolled in that course.

7.03 It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they are correctly enrolled in terms of their program. It is the student's responsibility to check that they are enrolled in each course that they are undertaking.

7.0.4 Where a course is offered at more than one location or by more than one mode of study (for example, external mode, off-shore mode), the student must ensure that they are enrolled in the correct course offering. Students are able to check the courses in which they are enrolled, and also add and drop courses and select the appropriate course offering by means of USCCentral.

7.0.5 A student's attempt to add a course may be rejected where:

(a) the last date for adding courses for that teaching session has passed;

(b) the course is not scheduled in the nominated teaching session;

(c) the course is not a valid course in terms of the program structure;

(d) the student does not satisfy the requisite conditions for the course (see section 8.0);

(e) the student is attempting to enrol in courses totalling more than 48 units in the study period, (that is, all teaching sessions in a study period)

7.0.6 When the student's attempt to add a course is rejected, permission to add the course may be granted in exceptional circumstances. The Course Coordinator may approve enrolment in a course when the requirements of this section would prevent such enrolment, subject to the time limit in section 9.1.

7.1 Variation to program requirements

7.1.1 On the recommendation of the Program Leader, the Dean of the Faculty may approve a variation to the standard requirements for the program for an individual student. (See Graduation - Institutional Operating Policy)

7.2 Attendance type (full-time/part-time)

7.2.1 A student's attendance type is determined by the total units in which the student is enrolled each study period (that is, all teaching sessions in a study period).

7.2.2 A full-time student normally enrols in 48 units (normally four 12 unit courses) in the study period. To be full-time, the student must be enrolled in at least 36 units (normally three 12 unit courses) in the study period.

7.2.3 To be part-time, the student must be enrolled in fewer than 36 units (normally three 12 unit courses) in the study period.

7.2.4 A student may not enrol in more than 48 units (normally four 12 unit courses) in any study period, except for those programs which specify otherwise or with the approval of the Program Leader.

7.3 Attendance mode (internal/ external)

7.3.1 Courses may be offered in external mode such that the student is not required to attend any teaching or assessment activities on-campus. Where a student is undertaking all courses in external mode in a study period, the student is an external student for that study period.

7.4 Course location

7.4.1 Except if a student is admitted as an external student, the student is admitted to a program offered at a particular location. A student normally enrols in courses conducted at that location. A student may be permitted to enrol in a course at a different location provided places are available in the course at the alternate location.

7.5 Adjustment to a student’s course enrolment

7.5.1 On the advice of the relevant Program Leader, the Director, Student Administration may require a student to alter the courses in which they are enrolled, or may change the courses in which the student is enrolled, in the following circumstances :

(a) the student has not complied with program requirements; or

(b) the student has not complied with any conditions of enrolment imposed under the Academic Progress and Exclusion Policy; or

(c) the student has not complied with a provision of this Enrolments – Institutional Operating Policy.

(d) the student is subject to requirements of the Inability to Complete a Placement Policy (proposed).

8. Requisites - pre-requisites, co-requisites and anti-requisites

8.0.1 A pre-requisite course is a course that must be completed, and for which a specified minimum grade must be obtained, before another specified course may be commenced.

8.0.2 A co-requisite course is a course that must be studied before, or at the same time as, another specified course.

8.0.3 An anti-requisite course is a course where there is sufficient overlap with the content of another course that the student is not permitted to undertake or receive credit for both courses.

8.0.4 Students are responsible for planning their enrolment such that they satisfy all pre-requisite, co-requisite and anti-requisite conditions as they proceed through their program.

8.0.5 A course enrolment may be rejected if pre-requisite, co-requisite and anti-requisite conditions are not met.

8.0.6 In exceptional circumstances, the Course Coordinator may waive a pre-requisite or co-requisite condition on application from a student.

8.1 Minimum grade to satisfy pre-requisite condition

8.1.1 Unless otherwise specified the minimum grade which must be obtained to satisfy a pre-requisite condition is a Pass.

9. Change of enrolment
9.1 Adding and changing courses

9.1.1 A student may add a course to the set of courses in which they are enrolled up to the last date for adding courses. The last date for adding courses is as set out in Schedule 1 and published in the Academic Calendar.

9.1.2 Changing from one course to another involves dropping a course and adding the replacement course and is subject to the same deadline.

9.1.3 A student may be given permission by the Course Coordinator to enrol in a course after the last date for adding courses, providing that not more than one week has elapsed from the last date for adding courses.

9.1.4 Approval may be given by the Director, Student Administration or nominee for a student to enrol in a course after the last date for adding courses up to the census date. Approval is only given in exceptional circumstances where the failure to be enrolled in the course was due to circumstances beyond the student’s control, and where the student has been attending the course on the understanding that they were enrolled.

9.1.5 Enrolling in a course after the census date is not permitted.

9.2 Census date and effective enrolment date

9.2.1 Each course has a designated census date which is the effective enrolment date. A student who is enrolled in a course on the census date is deemed to be effectively enrolled and is liable for the tuition fee or the student contribution or any other fee or charge which is applicable to the student under the Student Fees Policy. If the student is a Commonwealth supported student in relation to the course and is enrolled in the course on the census date, the student’s Student Learning Entitlement (SLE) is reduced by the amount equal to the EFTSL value of the course.

9.2.2 Census dates are specified in Schedule 1 and published in the Academic Calendar.

9.3 Withdrawal from courses

9.3.1 A student may withdraw from a course at any time. The effect of such withdrawal on the student's academic record depends on the time within the teaching session that the withdrawal is effected.

(a) Up to the census date: the record of the student's enrolment in the course is dropped from their academic record.

(b) After the census date and up to the final date for withdrawal without academic penalty as specified in Schedule 1: the course is included on the student's academic record annotated as "Withdraw without Penalty (WN)";

(c) After the final date for withdrawal without academic penalty and up to the last day of teaching as published in the Academic Calendar: the course is included on the student's academic record with a grade of "Withdrawn - Fail (WF)".

9.3.2 A student may not withdraw from a course after the last day of the teaching for the course, except upon application and satisfaction of 9.4 and 9.5 below.

9.3.3 Students who withdraw from a course, where they have failed elements of the course due to academic misconduct or for professional reasons, in accordance with the provisions of this or other policies of the University may have the withdrawal amended to a fail on their student Academic Record

9.4 Special circumstances accompanying withdrawal from a course

9.4.1 When a student withdraws from a course due to special circumstances, the student may request certain concessions depending on the date of withdrawal.

(a) When the withdrawal is after the census date, the student may request recrediting of Student Learning Entitlement (SLE) and / or refund of the student contribution or tuition fee, where applicable (refer to Student Fees Policy)

(b) When the withdrawal is after the final date for withdrawal without academic penalty, the student may request withdrawal without academic penalty, that is, no fail grade.

9.4.2 Special circumstances* are defined as circumstances applying to the student that:

(a) are beyond the student’s control; and

(b) do not make their full impact on the student until on or after the census date for the course; and

(c) make it impracticable for the student to complete the requirements for the course during the period in which the student undertook or was to undertake the course.

*The special circumstances under which concessions to the student may be approved are consistent with the requirements of the Commonwealth Government Requirements for recrediting of Student Learning Entitlement and remission of the student contribution

9.5 Process for withdrawal from a course due to special circumstances

9.5.1 The request for withdrawal due to special circumstances must be accompanied by appropriate documentary evidence and must be lodged at Student Administration within one year of the date the course was dropped or, if the course was not dropped, then within one year of the last day of teaching for the course.

9.5.2 Requests for withdrawal without academic penalty, recrediting of SLE, refund of student contribution or tuition fee are decided by the Director, Student Administration who applies the criteria set out in section 9.4.

9.5.3 Students will be notified of the outcome of their request for withdrawal due to special circumstances within four weeks of lodging the request, provided appropriate documentary evidence accompanies the request. Where the request is refused, the student will be given the reason.

9.5.4 The Director, Student Administration may also consider requests for withdrawal due to special circumstances which are lodged after the due date specified above, where the student presents a reasonable case why the request was not lodged by the due date. Lack of awareness of the provisions of this policy does not constitute a reasonable case.

9.6 Review of decision in response to request for withdrawal due to special circumstances

9.6.1 A student whose request for withdrawal without academic penalty, and/or recrediting of SLE, and/or refund of student contribution or tuition fee is refused may request a review of the decision. The review request must be in writing, must be received no later than four weeks from the notification of the outcome of their request and must address the reason given for the refusal.

9.6.2 The Director, Student Services reviews the original decision, taking account of the information provided by the student in the request for a review, together with all other relevant information.

9.6.3 The Director, Student Services is the designated review officer for the purpose of reviewing decisions made relating to the Higher Education Support Act (2003).

9.7 Repeat requests for withdrawal due to special circumstances

9.7.1 At the discretion of the Director, Student Administration, where a student makes a second request for withdrawal due to special circumstances on medical grounds, the student may be prevented from subsequent enrolment, unless the student is able to present a medical certificate supporting their fitness for study.

9.8 Late fees

9.8.1 The University may impose a late fee for conducting a course or program transaction after a published due date.

10. Program level transactions - change of program, withdrawal, interruption of studies, and readmission
10.1 Change of program and program transfer

10.1.1 A student is entitled to undertake only the program for which he/she received an offer of admission.

10.1.2 A student who is currently enrolled in a program of the University may apply to change / transfer to another program, under certain conditions, as specified in the Admission - Institutional Operating Policy (Section 10).

10.2 Discontinuation, withdrawal from program

10.2.1 A student may discontinue their enrolment in their program at any time. In withdrawing from the program, the student is automatically withdrawn from each course in the current teaching session, as well as courses enrolled for in future teaching sessions, where relevant. The provisions of Section 9.3 relating to withdrawal of courses apply to the courses in which the student is enrolled. A student who has discontinued enrolment may be excluded under the provisions of the Academic Progress and Exclusion - Institutional Operating Policy.

10.2.2 On the advice of the relevant Program Leader, the Director, Student Administration may require a student to alter the program in which they are enrolled, or may change the program in which the student is enrolled, under the following circumstances:

(a) the student has not complied with program requirements; or

(b) the student has not complied with any conditions of enrolment imposed under the Academic Progress and Exclusion Policy; or

(c) the student has not complied with a provision of this Enrolments Policy.

(d) the student has not complied with a provision of the Inability to Complete Placement Policy (proposed)

10.3 Interruption of studies

10.3.1 A student who wishes to have a period during which they discontinue their studies and then resume in a future study period (an interruption of studies) may do so.

10.3.2 The student must withdraw from their program, as provided for in section 10.2 and then, prior to the teaching session in which they wish to resume their studies, apply for readmission as provided for in section 10.4.

10.4 Readmission

10.4.1 A student who has discontinued enrolment in a program may be automatically readmitted to the same program except in the following cases:

(a) The student has been excluded from the program (refer to Academic Progress and Exclusion – Institutional Operating Policy);

(b) The student is not able to complete the program within the maximum period for completing the program (refer section 11.0);

(c) The program is no longer offered or is being phased out such that the courses the student needs to take to complete the program requirements are no longer available.

(d) The student was subject to the Inability to Complete Placement Policy (proposed)

10.4.2 An application for readmission must be received by the date specified in the Academic Calendar.

10.4.3 A student readmitted to a program may, at the discretion of the Program Leader, be required to repeat courses or parts of courses which had been completed prior to the interruption of the program, and/or to undertake additional work in order to demonstrate current competencies or to comply with current program requirements.

11. Maximum time for completing program

11.0.1 The maximum period for satisfying the requirements for completion of a program is set out in Schedule 2. The period refers to elapsed calendar years starting from the year in which credit was first achieved in the program and is inclusive of periods of interruption, discontinuation or exclusion.

11.0.2 A student who has reached the maximum time for completing the program and has not met the requirements for graduation may have their enrolment terminated, or may be given an extension of time to complete the program.

11.1 Extension

11.1.1 On application from the student, the Program Leader may grant an extension of the maximum period for completing the program where the Program Leader is satisfied that exceptional circumstances affected the student's progress in the program and that the student has an expectation of completing the program within a reasonable period.

11.1.2 In order to ensure that the student’s knowledge and skills are up to date and comparable to other graduates, the Program Leader may revoke credit for courses and require the student to repeat courses or substitute courses.

11.1.3 When approving an extension, the Program Leader must specify the study program the student is required to complete and the period of extension.

12. Cross institution study

12.0.1 Cross-institution study is available under certain conditions to current students of the University of the Sunshine Coast who wish to undertake one or more courses of study at another institution towards their University degree.

12.0.2 For cross-institution study to be approved, the following conditions must be satisfied:

(a) the course(s) selected at the other institution must be of equivalent standing and weight to the course(s) being substituted;

(b) the course(s) must provide a reasonable fit with the University program requirements;

(c) approval will not normally be granted to substitute cross-institution course(s) for University core course(s), except where the student is required through employment or personal circumstances to move to a location which prevents the student from continuing study at University, or where the student is participating in the Global Opportunities Program.

12.0.3 The maximum amount of cross-institutional study which may be undertaken for credit towards a University degree is prescribed by the maximum amount of credit transfer specified in the Credit Transfer Policy.

12.1 Applications and approval

12.1.1 Students seeking to undertake cross-institutional study must apply by lodging an application at the University’s Student Administration at least two weeks prior to the application closing date of the other institution (the host institution). The application must be accompanied by the cross-institution admission form from the host institution and full details of the courses for which approval is sought. Applications require the approval of the Program Leader.

12.1.2 Approval to undertake cross-institution study applies only to the specific course(s) and institution indicated in the notification. The student may not substitute other courses without obtaining approval.

12.1.3 Where a student receives approval to undertake cross-institution study, the student is responsible for applying to the other institution for admission and for providing to the institution the evidence of the University’s approval for the cross-institution study. The other institution is not obligated to admit the student. The host institution will advise the cross-institution student of the requirements for fees and charges where applicable.

12.1.4 International students seeking cross-institution enrolment are required to consult with the USC International Relations Office to ensure that they comply with student visa regulations.

12.1.5 On completion of each course undertaken by cross-institution study, the student is responsible for providing an official transcript of results together with a Credit Transfer Application to the University’s Student Administration. On receipt of the official transcript of results, the student's academic record will be updated to grant the student credit for the cross-institutional study.

13. Responsibilities
13.1 Academic calendar

13.1.1 The Deputy Vice-Chancellor has authority to determine the University’s academic calendar.

13.2 Waiving pre-requisites and co-requisites

13.2.1 The relevant Course Coordinator has authority to waive, for individual students, the pre-requisites or co-requisites for a course for which they have responsibility.

13.3 Late addition of courses

13.3.1 The relevant Course Coordinator has authority to allow a student to enrol late in the course for which they have responsibility within the limitation identified in 9.1.3.

13.4 Readmission

13.4.1 With the exception of readmission cases identified in 10.4.1 (a) to (c), the Director, Student Administration or delegate has the authority to approve a student’s readmission to a program.

13.5 Extension to maximum time for completing program

13.5.1 The relevant Program Leader has authority to extend a student’s maximum time for completing a program beyond the time period identified in Schedule 2 of this policy.

13.6 Cross-institutional Study

13.6.1 For domestic students, the relevant Program Leader has authority to approve a request for a student to undertake cross-institutional studies elsewhere; international students require the additional approval of USC International.

Schedule 1: Critical Dates for Adding Courses and Withdrawing from Courses During a Teaching Session *

(* Cut off time for transactions is always 12 midnight of the day indicated in the schedule)

Teaching Session Last Day to Add Courses Census Date Last Day to Withdraw from Courses Without Academic Penalty
Semester 1
Semester 2
Friday, second week of teaching session Friday, fifth week of teaching session Friday, ninth week of teaching session
Teaching sessions12 to 14 weeks duration  Friday, second week of teaching session Friday, fifth week of teaching session Friday, ninth week of teaching session
Teaching sessions 9 to 11 weeks duration Friday, second week of teaching session Friday, fourth week of teaching session Friday, sixth week of teaching session
Teaching sessions 7 to 8 weeks duration Friday, second week of teaching session Friday, fourth week of teaching session Friday, fifth week of teaching session
Teaching sessions 5 to 6 weeks duration   Friday, first week of teaching session Friday, second week of teaching session Friday, third week of teaching session          
Teaching sessions 4 weeks or less in duration First day of teaching session Friday, first week of teaching session Friday, second week of teaching session
Schedule 2: Maximum period for completing a program

Program Level Maximum Time
Coursework Masters, Graduate Diplomas comprising two years full-time study or equivalent  6 years
Coursework Masters, Graduate Diplomas comprising one and a half years of full-time study or equivalent 5 years
Coursework Masters, Graduate Diplomas comprising one year of full-time study or equivalent 4 years
Graduate Certificates 2 years
Bachelor Honours degrees 3 years
Bachelors degree programs 10 years
Combined degree programs 11 years
Associate degrees and Associate Diplomas 7 years
Advanced Certificates  2 years