Student Handbook, Semester 1, 2010: Award of Dean's Commendation - Institutional Operating Policy | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Student Handbook, Semester 1, 2010: Award of Dean's Commendation - Institutional Operating Policy

Responsible officer: Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Designated officer: Director, Student Administration
Approval authority: Academic Board
Approval: 19 August 2008 (Council C08/58, 59, 60)
Last amended:
Effective starting date: 20 August 2008
Any policies replaced by this policy:  Policy for the Award of Dean’s Commendation
Policy number: AB4.
Related policies:

  • Award of a Distinguished Academic Record – Institutional Operating Policy
  • Award of Faculty Medals – Institutional Operating Policy
  • Award of the University Medal – Institutional Operating Policy

Related procedure:
Due date for next review:
19 August 2013


1. A Dean's Commendation may be awarded to any graduating student in an undergraduate award program (other than a one year Honours program) or a Masters degree by coursework program in recognition of academic excellence.

2. For the purposes of the award of a Dean's Commendation, "academic excellence" means the achievement of a Grade Point Average of 6.0 or more and less than 6.5 (refer to Calculation of Grade Point Average – Institutional Operating Policy).

3. To be eligible for consideration the student must have undertaken at least one half of their program of study at the University.

4. For those students who have been granted advanced standing on the basis of previous studies, their performance in those previous studies will not be taken into account in determining the award of a Dean's Commendation.

5. The award of a Dean's Commendation will be made by the relevant Dean in accordance with this Policy and will be advised to the Director, Student Administration.

6. A notation stating the award of a Dean's Commendation will be included on the recipient's statement of academic record.

7. The award of a Dean's Commendation will be notified to the Academic Board as soon as is practicable.

8. A Dean's Commendation will be acknowledged at a Graduation Ceremony.