Student Handbook, Semester 1, 2010: Academic Dress - Institutional Operating Policy | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Student Handbook, Semester 1, 2010: Academic Dress - Institutional Operating Policy

Responsible officer: Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Designated officer:
Approving authority:
Vice-Chancellor (authorised by Council C09/9, 24 February 2009)
Approval: C99/16, 2 February 1999
Last amended: Council C09/7, 24 February 2009
Effective Starting Date: 25 February 2009
Any policies replaced by this policy:
Policy number: O13
Related Policies:
Due date for next review: 28 August 2012

1. Academic Dress for Council Members and Officers of the University

1.1 Chancellor

Black pure wool gown with appropriate gold trimmings and a black velvet bonnet with gold cord tassel.

1.2 Vice-Chancellor

Black pure wool gown with appropriate silver trimmings and a black velvet bonnet with silver cord tassel.

1.3 Council Members

The academic dress appropriate to her or his degree or a black cloth gown in the style of the master’s gown of the University of Cambridge with facings in Rifle Green (B.C.C. 27) and a black velvet bonnet with a cord tassel in Rifle Green (B.C.C. 27).

1.4 Yeoman Bedell

A black cloth gown in the style of the master’s gown of the University of Cambridge with appropriate black ornaments and with facings in Rifle Green (B.C.C. 27) and a black cloth trencher cap with black tassel.

2. Academic Dress for Honorary Awards

2.1 Doctor of the University

A silk gown in Rifle Green (B.C.C. 27) in the style of the doctor’s gown of the University of Cambridge, a black velvet bonnet with a cord tassel in Rifle Green (B.C.C. 27) and a cloth Cambridge hood in Rifle Green (B.C.C. 27) fully-lined with silk.

2.2 Doctorate in a Discipline of a Faculty

A silk gown in Rifle Green (B.C.C. 27) in the style of the doctor’s gown of the University of Cambridge, a black velvet bonnet with a cord tassel in the colour of the Faculty and a black Cambridge hood fully-lined with silk in the colour of the Faculty.

2.3 Senior Fellow of the University

A black cloth gown in the style of the bachelor’s gown of the University of Cambridge, a black cloth trencher cap and a full-length silk stole in Rifle Green (B.C.C. 27).

2.4 Other Awards Made Eundem Gradum or Honoris Causa

The academic dress normally associated with the academic award.

3. Academic Dress for Academic Awards

3.1 Faculty Colours

For the purposes of academic dress the Faculty colours will be:

Arts and Social Sciences - Royal Blue (B.C.C. 197)
Business - Academic Green (B.C.C. 203)
Science - New Gold (B.C.C. 53)

With the exception of combined Bachelor degrees and the Doctor of Philosophy, each academic award will be assigned to a single faculty for the purposes of this policy.

3.2 Associate Degrees

A black cloth gown in the style of the bachelor's gown of the University of Cambridge, a black cloth trencher cap and a full-length black cloth stole.

3.3 Bachelor Degrees

A black cloth gown in the style of the bachelor’s gown of the University of Cambridge, a black cloth trencher cap and a black cloth Oxford burgon-style hood lined with silk to a depth of 15 centimetres in the colour of the Faculty.

3.4 Combined Bachelor Degrees

A black cloth gown in the style of the bachelor’s gown of the University of Cambridge, a black cloth trencher cap and a black cloth Oxford burgon-style hood lined with silk to a depth of 15 centimetres on the right side in the colour of the first-named Faculty and lined with silk to a depth of 15 centimetres on the left side in the colour of the second-named Faculty.

3.5 Bachelor (Honours) Degrees

A black cloth gown in the style of the bachelor’s gown of the University of Cambridge, a black cloth trencher cap and a black cloth Oxford burgon-style hood lined with silk to a depth of 15 centimetres in the colour of the Faculty with a 2 centimetre strip in Black (B.C.C. 220) commencing 3 centimetres from the edge.

3.6 Graduate Certificates

A black cloth gown in the style of the bachelor's gown of the University of Cambridge, a black cloth trencher cap and a full-length black cloth stole edged to a depth of 2.5 centimetres in the colour of the Faculty.

3.7 Graduate Diplomas

A black cloth gown in the style of the bachelor's gown of the University of Cambridge, a black cloth trencher cap and a full-length black cloth stole fully-lined in the colour of the Faculty.

3.8 Master Degrees (Coursework Awards)

A black cloth gown in the style of the master’s gown of the University of Cambridge, a black cloth trencher cap and a black cloth Oxford burgon-style hood fully-lined with silk in the colour of the Faculty with a 2-centimetre strip in Black (B.C.C. 220) commencing 3 centimetres from the edge.

3.9 Master Degrees (Research Awards)

A black cloth gown in the style of the master’s gown of the University of Cambridge, a black cloth trencher cap and a black cloth Oxford burgon-style hood fully-lined with silk in the colour of the Faculty.

3.10 Doctoral Degrees of a Faculty

A black cloth gown in the style of the doctor's gown of the University of Cambridge, facings and sleeve linings in the colour of the Faculty, a black velvet bonnet with a black cord tassel and a black cloth Cambridge hood fully-lined with silk in the colour of the Faculty.

3.11 Doctor of Philosophy

A black cloth gown in the style of the doctor’s gown of the University of Cambridge, facings and sleeve linings in New Red (B.C.C. 38), a black velvet bonnet with a red cord tassel and a black cloth Cambridge hood fully-lined with silk in New Red (B.C.C. 38).