Recommended enrolment pattern for students commencing Semester 2, 2010
Full-time students
Semester 2, 2010
EDU305 Social Work and Human Services Practice
EDU610 Social Research(30 days Workplace Learning)
EDU340 Understanding Society: An Introduction to Social Theory
EDU641 Social Justice, Welfare and the State
Semester 1, 2011
EDU600 Working Effectively with Aboriginal People
EDU612 Understanding Cultural Diversity(30 days Workplace Learning)
EDU652 Mental Health and Social Work
EDU343 Working With Children, Youth and Families
Part-time students
Semester 2, 2010
EDU305 Ethical Practice in the Helping Professions
EDU641 Health & Mental Health in Australia
Semester 1, 2011
EDU600 Social Work Field Education 1
EDU610 Community Development and Social Action(30 days Workplace Learning)
Semester 2, 2011
EDU340 Complexity and Social Work: Group-Based Approaches
EDU344 Critical Social Policy Analysis
Semester 1, 2012
EDU612 Organisational Contexts for Social Work Practice(30 days Workplace Learning)
EDU652 Social Work Field Education 2