Course offerings are subject to change.
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
AUS140 The Administration of Justice: Issues in Policing
AUS225 Criminal Law: An Introduction
AUS234 Family Law: Legal Frameworks and Issues
AUS236 Green Justice: Environment and Social Issues
AUS290 Communication and Thought
CMN102 Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship
CMN116 Environment, Technology and Sustainability
CMN120 Business Law and Ethics
CMN213 An Introduction to Australian Politics: The Makings of a Republic?
CMN226 Justice and the Australian Legal System
CMN229 Foundations of Criminology
CMN235 Introduction to Sociology: Society, Culture and Change
CMN237 Editing for the Communications Professional
CMN238 Policies of Crime Prevention
CMN246 International Justice and Human Rights
CMN248 Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice
CMN256 The Administration of Justice: Issues in Policing
CMN266 Green Justice: Environment and Social Issues
COR109 Global Citizens
DES101 Life and Death in the City: Settlement to Federation
DES102 Australian Internship A
DES103 Australian Internship B
DES211 Upfront: History of Film in Australia
DES221 Communication Theory and Practice
DES231 Introduction to Creative Writing
EGL120 Public Relations Strategies and Tactics
EGL201 Editing for the Communications Professional
ENP100 Advertising: Copy and Image
ENP211 Media and Promotion: Tourism and Hospitality
ENP311 News Writing: Print and Broadcast
ENP255 Online Journalism
ENP336 Creative Writing D: Paperback Hero
ENP411 Creative Writing for Children and Young Adults
ENP455 Creative Advertising
INT110 Research into Journalism
INT120 Creativity and Literature: Chaucer to Romantics
INT130 Communication and Thought
INT140 Visual Literacy: Design Principles and Practice
INT210 Ways of Seeing: Understanding Images
INT212 Digital Photographic Practice
INT220 Graphic Design A
INT222 e-Media A
INT230 3D Design A
INT231 The Text Files: An Introduction to Literary Studies
INT233 Reality Bites: An Exploration of Non-Fiction
INT235 Environmental and Planning Studies
INT250 Planning and Environmental Law
JST101 Planning Theory
JST201 Urbanism and Urban Design
JST203 Regional Infrastructure Planning
JST205 Professional Planning Practice
PSY100 Community Planning Studio
PSY200 Indonesian A
PSY202 Japanese A
PSY203 Italian A
SCS130 An Introduction to Australian Politics: The Makings of a Republic?
SCS180 Indonesian C
SCS201 Indonesian E
SCS210 Japanese C
SCS230 Japanese E
SCS266 Making Public Policy in a Global Era
SCS277 Italian C
SCS278 Italian E
SWK401 International Relations: Theory and Practice
Faculty of Business
ACC106 Forces of Change in International Politics
ACC210 Justice and the Australian Legal System
ACC211 Policies of Crime Prevention
ACC310 Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice
BUS102 The Administration of Justice: Issues in Policing
BUS103 Introduction to Psychology A
BUS104 Research Methods in Psychology A
BUS105 Physiological Psychology
BUS108 Introduction to Human Development
BUS211 Introduction to Indigenous Australia
COR110 Counselling for the Human Services Professional
ENT211 International Community Development and Global Justice
FIN210 Indigenous Australia and the State
HRM210 Understanding Society: An Introduction to Social Theory
HRM211 Trauma, Bereavement and Crisis Counselling
HRM311 Working With Families
HRM312 Ethics and Professional Practice
IBS210 Critical Social Policy Analysis
IBS310 Accounting Principles
ICT210 Financial Accounting
ICT211 Business Finance
ICT310 Management Accounting
ICT311 Economics for Business
MGT210 Business Law and Ethics
MGT310 Management and Organisational Behaviour
MKG210 Marketing Theory and Practice
MKG211 Introduction to Informatics
MKG301 Strategic Management
PAM210 Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship
PAM211 New Venture Development
PAM310 Introduction to Financial Planning
PAM311 Managing Human Resources
PAM312 Staffing and Remuneration
PAM313 Leadership and Team Dynamics
TSM102 Training and Development
TSM211 Principles of International Business
TSM312 International Marketing
TSM313 Analysis and Project Management
Faculty of Science, Health and Education
BIM331 Immunology
BIM341 Biochemical Pharmacology
COR111 Environment, Technology and Sustainability
EDU100 Becoming a Teacher #
EDU101 Learning about Learning #
EDU201 Language and Literacies in Education #
EDU340 Teaching Reading and Writing in the Early Years #
EDU341 Mathematics Education for Early Learners #
EDU343 The Diverse Learner across Early Childhood Contexts #
ENG101 Engineering Professional Practice
ENS221 Australian Vegetation
ENS253 An Introduction to Geographical Information Systems
ENS254 Satellite Image Analysis and Surveying
ENS321 Restoration Ecology and Genetics
ENS351 Integrated Environmental Management
ENS371 Aquaculture
LFS100 Cell Biology
LFS103 Introductory Bioscience
LFS201 Systemic Physiology I
LFS251 Biochemistry
LFS261 Microbiology
LFS303 Pathophysiology
MBT301 Food Microbiology and Fermentation
MBT361 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
MTH101 Introduction to Mathematics
NUT201 Principles of Food Preservation
NUT212 Principles of Nutrition
NUT311 Food Chemistry and Analysis
NUT351 Nutrition Therapy for Chronic Diseases
OCC101 Concepts in Human Occupation
OCC201 Occupational Therapy Theory
OCC301 Enabling Occupation: The Child and Adolescent
OCC311 Enabling Occupation: The Adult
OCC321 Psychosocial Aspects of Occupational Therapy
PHY311 Optics and Modern Physics
PUB252 Health Promotion Needs Assessment and Planning
PUB271 Health Promotion Principles
PUB352 Public Health Project
PUB361 Epidemiology and Biostatistics
SCI105 Chemistry
SCI110 Science Research Methods
SCI202 Advanced Research Methods and Statistics
SPX201 Functional Anatomy
SPX221 Introduction to Sports Medicine
SPX231 Motor Control and Learning
SPX322 Biomechanics II
SPX331 Exercise Physiology II
SPX371 Advanced Coaching Science
SUS101 Foundations of Sustainability
SUS201 Empowering Individuals for Sustainability
# For students enrolled in an Education program or an Education Major at their home institution.
Please note: Some courses may also include a compulsory field trip, requiring payment of an additional fee, and may be held outside of the regular teaching week, ie on weekends or during semester break.
For more information, contact USC International.