Student Handbook, Semester 1, 2009: Language courses | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Student Handbook, Semester 1, 2009: Language courses

During Semester 1 and Semester 2 2008, Interact language courses will be offered for:

  • French
  • German
  • Indonesian
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Mandarin
  • Spanish

Time: 6.30–8.30pm
Duration: 10 weeks (one night per week)
Cost: A$300 (including booklet and handouts)
Venue: International Relations, 1st Floor, ICT Centre, University of the Sunshine Coast
Registration form: Send an email to Gaby Ziegann.


Semester 1

Classes will commence either Tuesday 11 or Wednesday 12 March and will run for 10 weeks until 20–21 May. The night will depend on which language and which level you take. Beginner's classes are usually held on Tuesday nights and other levels on Wednesday nights but changes may occur. No classes will be held 7–13 April 2008 due to the Easter break.

Semester 2 (Confirmed dates)

Classes will run from 5 August to 22 October. No classes will be held 22 September–5 October 2008 due to the University's intra-semester break.


The unique Interact teaching method divides the classes into teaching and native speaker nights. The teaching nights are weeks 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 where the focus is on teaching grammar, sentence structure and vocabulary building.

The native speaker nights are the following alternate weeks where listening and speaking skills are the focus. On these nights, students work with native speakers of their target language doing activities based around the language they have learned on the teaching night. The ratio of 1 native speaker to 5 students ensures that students have the opportunity to fast track their audio and pronunciation skills.

More information

Gaby Ziegann
Interact and School Languages
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Tel: +61 7 5459 4851