Student Handbook, Semester 1, 2008: Bachelor of Regional and Urban Planning - commencing Semester 1 | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Student Handbook, Semester 1, 2008: Bachelor of Regional and Urban Planning - commencing Semester 1

Recommended enrolment pattern for students commencing Semester 1, 2008

  • This full-time enrolment pattern is designed to comply with program requirements. Variations are possible but should only be considered in consultation with the program adviser.
  • Students with advanced standing from prior tertiary study should consult their program adviser for recommended enrolment.
  • For detailed program information, please refer to the program structure.
  • Course offerings may change without notice. Consult the course schedule to confirm when courses are offered.
Semester 1, 2008

ENP100 Introduction to Environmental Studies
INT140 An Introduction to Australian Politics: The Makings of a Republic?
Plus select 1 course from:
COR109 Communication and Thought
COR110 Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship
COR111 Environment, Technology and Sustainability
Plus select 1 course from:
DES101 Visual Literacy: Design Principles and Practice
SCI110 Science Research Methods
BUS102 Economics for Business

Semester 2, 2008

ENP101 Planning Principles, Theories and Ethics
ENP236 Rural and Regional Sustainability
Plus select 1 course from:
COR109 Communication and Thought
COR110 Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship
COR111 Environment, Technology and Sustainability
Plus select 1 course from:
SCI102 Biodiversity and Environment
SCI109 Environment and Health

Semester 1, 2009

ENP211 Planning and Environmental Law
ENP255 Urbanism and Urban Design
INT230 Making Public Policy in a Global Era
ENS253 Introduction to Geographical Information Systems

Semester 2, 2009

ENP245 Cultural Geography and Demography
SCS130 Introduction to Indigenous Australia both semesters
Plus select 1 course from:
ENP240 Interpretation: Environment, Heritage and Tourism
ENS232 Ecological Principles of Land and Water Management
ENS352 Environmental Management Strategies
PUB262 Environmental Health: Risk Management

Semester 1, 2010

ENP260 Advanced Professional Planning
ENP270 Regional Infrastructure Planning
ENS351 Integrated Catchment Management
Plus select 1 course from:
AUS265 Walking Sites: Cultural Heritage Tours
ENS251 Environmental Monitoring
ENS254 Satellite Image Analysis and Surveying
SCI202 Advanced Research Methods and Statistics

Semester 2, 2010

ENP265 Participation, Conflict and Mediation in the Planning Context
ENP275 Planning Design Studio
ENS353 Applied Spatial Analysis and Geoprocessing
Plus select 1 course from:
ENP240 Interpretation: Environment, Heritage and Tourism
ENS232 Ecological Principles of Land and Water Management
ENS352 Environmental Management Strategies
PUB262 Environmental Health Risk Management
SCS225 Social Research

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