Study Abroad courses | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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This page was archived on 29 February 2008 and is no longer updated.

Study Abroad courses

Semester 1, 2008
Semester 2, 2008

Please note that the Study Abroad program is available to international students only.

Semester 1, 2008 (February-June)

Course offerings are subject to change.

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

ADN214 Computer-Based Art and Design: Graphics/Imaging D (Visual Identity and Exhibition Design)
ADN216 Computer-Based Art and Design: Electronic Media B (Multimedia Architecture and Navigation)
ADN218 Computer-Based Art and Design: Electronic Media D (Digital Video and Sound)
ADN270 Industry Research Project
AUS140 Global Citizens: A History of Humanity
AUS225 Life and Death in the City: From Settlement to Federation
AUS234 Australian Internship A
CMN102 Communication Theory and Practice
CMN110 Australian Media Industries: Introduction to Communication Studies
CMN116 Introduction for Creative
CMN120 Introduction to Public Relations
CMN213 Editing for the Communications Professional
CMN214 Computer-Assisted Reporting
CMN216 Crisis and Issues Management
CMN226 Advertising: Copy and Image
CMN227 News Rounds
CMN229 Media and Promotion: Tourism and Hospitality
CMN235 News Writing: Print and Broadcast
CMN237 Writing for the Web
CMN238 Creative Writing D: Paperback Hero
CMN246 Creative Writing for Children and Young Adults
CMN248 Creative Advertising
CMN256 Research into Australian Journalism
CMN266 Creativity and Literature: Chaucer to Romantics
COR109 Communication and Thought
DES101 Visual Literacy: Design Principles and Practice
DES102 Ways of Seeing: Understanding Images
DES103 Digital Photographic Practice
ENP100 Introduction to Environmental Studies
ENP211 Planning and Environmental Law
ENP260 Advanced Professional Planning
ENP270 Regional Infrastructure Planning
INT110 Indonesian A
INT120 Japanese A
INT130 Italian A
INT140 An Introduction to Australian Politics: The Makings of a Republic?
INT210 Indonesian C
INT212 Indonesian E
INT220 Japanese C
INT222 Japanese E
INT231 Italian C
INT233 Italian E
INT235 International Relations: Theory and Practice
INT250 Forces of Change in International Politics
INT270 Politics and the Media
JST101 Justice and the Australian Legal System
JST203 Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice
PSY100 Introduction to Pscyhology A *
SCS100 Introduction to Social Sciences: Knowledge, Power and Society
SCS130 Introduction to Indigenous Australia
SCS180 Counselling for the Human Services Professional
SCS222 Motivation and Development
SCS223 Cognitive and Experimental Psychology
SCS230 Understanding Society: An Introduction to Social Theory
SCS260 Community Work
SCS266 Trauma, Bereavement and Crisis Counselling
SCS270 Applications in Social and Community Work
SCS277 Working with Families
SCS278 Ethics and Professional Practice

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Faculty of Business

ACC210 Financial Accounting
ACC211 Business Finance
ACC310 Management Accounting
ACC311 Taxation Law and Practice
BUS102 Economics for Business
BUS103 Business Law and Ethics
BUS104 Managing the Organisation
COR110 Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship
FIN210 Introduction to Financial Planning
FIN220 Retirement and Superannuation
FIN310 Personal Investment Management
HRM210 Managing Human Resources
HRM211 Staffing and Remuneration
HRM311 Leadership and Team Dynamics
HRM312 Training and Development
IBS210 Principles of International Business
IBS310 International Marketing
ICT210 Analysis and Project Management
ICT211 Database Design
ICT310 Object-oriented Analysis and Design
ICT311 Java Programming 2
MGT210 Project and Event Management
MGT310 Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship
MKG210 Consumer Behaviour
MKG211 Services Marketing
MKG301 Advanced Research Methods (Marketing) 
PAM210 Property Economics
PAM211 Property Concepts and Introductory Valuation
TSM210 Tourism Management
TSM211 Tourist Behaviour and Special Interests
TSM312 Sustainable Tourism
TSM313 Tourism, Technology, and Innovation
TSM323 Practicum in Tourism

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Faculty of Science, Health and Education - Science courses

BIM341 Biochemical Pharmacology
BIM351 Nutrition Therapy for Chronic Diseases
COR111 Environment, Technology and Sustainability
ENG101 Engineering Professional Practice
ENS221 Australian Vegetation
ENS253 An Introduction to Geographical Information Systems
ENS254 Landscape Analysis
ENS261 Aquatic Geochemistry
ENS321 Population Ecology, Genetics and Conservation
ENS351 Integrated Catchment Management
ENS371 Aquaculture
ENS381 Environmental Modelling
FSN201 Principles of Food Preservation
FSN212 Principles of Nutrition
FSN302 Food Chemistry and Analysis
LFS201 Systemic Physiology I
LFS303 Pathophysiology
MBT251 Biochemistry
MBT263 Microbiology
MBT301 Food Microbiology and Fermentation
MBT354 Immunology
MBT361 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
MTH101 Introduction to Mathematics
NUR101 Introductory Bioscience
PHY311 Electromagnetism and Modern Physics
PUB252 Health Promotion Needs Assessment and Planning
PUB271 Health Promotion Principles
PUB352 Public Health Project
PUB361 Epidemiology and Biostatistics
SCI103 Cell Biology
SCI105 Chemistry
SCI110 Science Research Methods
SCI202 Advanced Research Methods and Statistics
SPX201 Functional Anatomy
SPX221 Introduction to Sports Medicine
SPX231 Motor Control and Learning
SPX302 Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
SPX322 Biomechanics II
SPX331 Exercise Physiology II
SUS101 Foundations of Sustainability
SUS201 Empowering Individuals for Sustainability

# Not offered in 2008

Please note: Some courses may also include a compulsory field trip, requiring payment of an additional fee, and may be held outside of the regular teaching week ie. on weekends or during semester break.

For more information, contact USC International.

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Faculty of Science, Health and Education - Education courses

EDU100 Becoming a Teacher
EDU101 Learning about Learning
EDU201 Language and Literacies in Education
EDU310 Workplace Learning:Learning Engagement ***
EDU301 Vocational and enterprise Education ***
EDU311 Workplace Learning: Inclusivity and Diversity *** (from 2008)
EDU312 Workplace Learning: Curriculum Differentiation *** (from 2008)
EDU330 Senior Phase Curriculum *** ##

# Information taught in this course is relevant to Years 4 to 10 Syllabus documents for Queensland Education.
## Information taught in this course is relevant to Years 11 and 12 Syllabus documents for Queensland Education
*** Study Abroad and Exchange students must be enrolled in an Education Program at their home institution to be eligible to enrol in this course.

Semester 2, 2008 (July-November)

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

ADN211 Computer-Based Art and Design: Graphics/Imaging A (Design and Process)
ADN213 Computer-Based Art and Design: Graphics/Imaging C (Corporate Identity and Project Management)
ADN215 Computer-Based Art and Design: Electronic Media A (Interface Design)
ADN217 Computer-Based Art and Design: Electronic Media C (Interactive Media Design)
ADN219 Computer-Based Art and Design: Electronic Media E (Professional Project)
ADN270 Industry Research Project
ADN273 Computer-Based Art and Design: Electronic Media F (Vector Based Web Animation)
AUS100 History of Australian Popular Culture: The Twentieth Century and Beyond
AUS211 Eve of Destruction: War Propaganda of the Twentieth Century
AUS230 Talking History: Memory and the Past
AUS234 Australian Internship A
CMN102 Communication Theory and Practice
CMN116 Introduction to Creative Writing
CMN211 Small Screen, Big Business: The Television Industry
CMN213 Editing for the Communications Professional
CMN224 Advertising Campaigns
CMN228 The Writer and the Law
CMN231 Communication Campaign Planning
CMN237 Writing for the Web
CMN240 Digital Photojournalism and Feature Writing
CMN247 Creative Writing for the Illustrated Book
CMN249 Advanced News Reporting
CMN251 International Communication
CMN260 Creative Writing B: Novel Ideas
CMN267 Creativity and Literature: Victorians to Moderns
COR109 Communication and Thought
DES104 Visual Worlds: An Introduction to Art and Design
DES105 Introduction to Design
DES106 Typography
ENP101 Planning Principles, Theories and Ethics
ENP236 Rural and Regional Sustainability
ENP265 Participation, Conflict and Mediation in the Planning Context
ENP275 Planning Design Studio
INT100 International Politics: An Australian Perspective
INT111 Indonesian B
INT121 Japanese B
INT131 Italian B
INT211 Indonesian D
INT213 Indonesian F
INT221 Japanese D
INT223 Japanese F
INT232 Italian D
INT234 Italian F
INT256 Indonesia: Society, Culture and Politics
INT257 Issues in Pacific Security: Terrorism, Low Intensity Warfare and Western Responses
JST102 Foundations of Criminology
LGL201 Criminal Law: An Introduction
PSY101 Introduction to Psychology B *
SCS110 Introduction to Sociology: Society, Culture and Change
SCS130 Introduction to Indigenous Australia
SCS225 Social Research
SCS235 Providing for the People: Social Justice, Welfare and the State
SCS265 Counselling Theory and Practice
SCS272 Human Services Theory and Practice
SCS276 Groupwork
SCS281 Developmental and Family Counselling
SCS285 Health, Society and Culture
SCS290 Understanding Cultural Diversity

* Subject to final approval.

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Faculty of Business

ACC220 Law of Business Associations
ACC221 Company Accounting
ACC320 Contemporary Accounting Issues
ACC321 Auditing and Professional Practice
BUS101 Applied Research Methods
BUS105 Marketing Theory and Practice
BUS106 Introductory Accounting
BUS108 Introduction to ICT
COR110 Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship
FIN221 Insurance and Risk Management
FIN320 Tax and Estate Planning
FIN321 Financial Plan Construction
HRM220 Workplace Relations
HRM221 Employment and Industrial Law
HRM321 Managing Organisational Change
IBS220 Cross-Cultural Management
IBS221 Trade and Finance in a Global Economy
IBS320 Export Management
IBS321 International E-Business Marketing Strategy
ICT220 Telecommunications and Networks
ICT221 Java Programming 1
ICT320 Database Programming
ICT321 Architecture and Systems Integration
MGT320 Management Strategy
MKG220 Promotions Management
MKG221 Sport and Event Marketing
MKG321 Marketing Research Project
TSM221 Tourism Policy, Planning and Development
TSM222 Ecotourism: a Sustainable Option?
TSM323 Practicum in Tourism

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Faculty of Science, Health and Education - Science courses

BIM212 Nutritional Biochemistry
BIM263 Introduction to Pharmacology
CHM202 Organic Chemistry
CHM212 Inorganic and Physical Chemistry
COR111 Environment, Technology and Sustainability
ENS222 Australian Wildlife
ENS232 Ecological Principles of Land and Water Management
ENS262 Hydrology and Geomorphology
ENS272 Marine Ecology
ENS332 Production Systems Research
ENS353 Applied Spatial Analysis and Geoprocessing
ENS372 Integrated Marine Systems
FSN211 Food in Society
FSN311 Food Laws, Regulations and Quality Assurance
LFS112 Human Physiology
LFS122 Human Anatomy
LFS202 Systemic Physiology II
MBT252 Molecular Biology
MBT253 Medical Microbiology
MBT352 Molecular Biotechnology
MBT353 Microbial Pathogenesis
MTH202 Calculus and Algebra
MTH212 Discrete Mathematics
MTH302 Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
MTH312 Numerical Analysis
PHY201 Waves, Fluids and Optics
PHY202 Thermodynamics and Electricity
PPM302 Principles of Individual and Group Management
PUB262 Environmental Health Risk Management
PUB272 Health Promotion Settings
PUB351 Health Promotion Implementation and Evaluation
SCI102 Biodiversity and the Environment
SCI107 Physics
SCI109 Environment and Health
SCI111 Public Health Foundations
SCI302 Advanced Instrumental Techniques
SPX102 Introduction to Coaching Science
SPX202 Biomechanics I
SPX211 Exercise Physiology I
SPX212 Exercise Prescription and Programming
SPX222 Sports Psychology
SPX301 Cardiorespiratory Health and Rehabilitation
SPX312 Performance Enhancement
SPX352 Sports Nutrition
SUS202 Reorienting Society Towards Sustainability
SUS302 Sustainable Futures

Please note: Some courses may also include a compulsory field trip, requiring payment of an additional fee, and may be held outside of the regular teaching week ie. on weekends or during semester break.

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Faculty of Science, Health and Education - Education courses

EDU100 Becoming a Teacher
EDU101 Learning about Learning
EDU201 Language and Literacies in Education
EDU202 Dimensions of Learner Engagement *** (also subject to final approval)
EDU210 Workplace Learning: Professional Practice ***
EDU220 Pedagogies for Engagement #
EDU221 Assessment for Learning *** #
EDU305 Human Development and Early Learning ***
EDU311 Workplace Learning: Inclusivity and Diversity *** (from 2008)
EDU312 Workplace Learning: Curriculum Differentiation *** (from 2008)

# Information taught in this course is relevant to Years 4 to 10 Syllabus documents for Queensland Education.
## Information taught in this course is relevant to Years 11 and 12 Syllabus documents for Queensland Education
*** Study Abroad and Exchange students must be enrolled in an Education Program at their home institution to be eligible to enrol in this course.

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