Student Handbook, Semester 1, 2007: Bachelor of Coastal Studies (Honours) | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Student Handbook, Semester 1, 2007: Bachelor of Coastal Studies (Honours)

Program summary
Program overview
Career opportunities
Advanced standing, recognition of prior learning, credit and articulation
Program structure
Program requirements and notes
Recommended enrolment patterns

Program summary

QTAC code: to be advised
OP/Rank for 2007 entry: OP-3 / Rank-96
Award abbreviation: BCoastStud(Hons)
Duration: 4 year full-time or equivalent part-time
Total units: 384 units
Fee type: Commonwealth supported places, domestic fee-paying places
Recommended prior study: English, Maths and at least one of the Sciences
Commence: Semester 1 or Semester 2
CRICOS code: to be advised

Program overview

The degree is structured in two parts:

a) the pass degree, Bachelor of Coastal Studies, in which the student must complete as a requirement either the Workplace Learning course or a special research project and allied courses, determined in consultation with the student’s supervisor and the Associate Dean Faculty of Science Health and Education, and

b) the Honours component subject to the same academic rules as those governing all Honours degrees.

Coastal studies aims to combine elements of science (ecology, land systems, landscapes), economics, the social sciences and management. By linking the social and natural sciences three key themes emerge:

  • coastal processes, ecology and conservation,
  • developing natural resource management (government, community) and strategic and statutory land-use planning capacity, and
  • sustainable coastal environments, societies and economies.

The degree examines key coastal processes; interactions between environmental and human processes, the impacts of human activities, and strategies and tools for their management. In addition, this degree will examine the types of impacts that human activities may have on coastal ecosystems, and the different key elements of how these impacts may need to be managed in order to ensure sustainable resource use and ecosystem function. Effective management of coastal resources requires an understanding of the ecological processes that influence coastal ecosystems as well as an understanding of the policy framework and political pressures that influence development and human activity in coastal environments. The dimensions of management encompass the coastal environmental systems and the institutional systems aimed at delivering effective integrated coastal zone management (ICZM).

Professional membership

Graduates may become members/associate members of the following professional bodies depending on their study specialisations:

  • Environmental Institute of Australia

Career  opportunities

If you choose to enter the workforce rather than proceed to graduate studies opportunities may include biodiversity officer, coastal reserve wardens, coastcare coordinator, environmental officer (planning), land and water management plan officer, monitoring coordinator, pest plant and animal community support officer, policy officer (water quality), project officer (stormwater), project officer (coastal, environmental), scientific and community development officer, technical officer, watershed protection officer, waterwatch regional coordinator, and waterways project officer.

Program structure

Core courses

Select 2 courses from:

COR109 Communication and Thought
COR110 Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship
COR111 Environment, Technology and Sustainability

Introductory courses

SCI102 Biodiversity and Environment
SCI105 Chemistry
SCI109 Environment and Health
SCI110 Science Research Methods
Plus select 2 courses from:
SCS100 Knowledge, Power and Society
ENP100 Introduction to Environmental Studies
MTH101 Introduction to Mathematics
SCS110 Society, Culture and Social Change
SCI107 Physics
SCI103 Cell Biology

Advanced courses

9 required courses:

ENP211 Planning and Environmental Law
ENS261 Aquatic Geochemistry
ENS251 Environmental Monitoring
ENS351 Integrated Catchment Management
ENS262 Hydrology and Geomorphology
ENS271 Marine Dynamics
ENS272 Marine Ecology
ENS242 Introduction to Weather and Climate **
ENS341 Estuarine Systems
Plus select 1 course from:
WPL310 Workplace Learning I
WPL320 Workplace Learning II or
 a course approved by the program coordinator

Elective courses

Select up to 6 advanced courses from those listed in the recommended enrolment pattern or as approved by the program coordinator

Plus the equivalent of 96 units which fall under the proposed academic rules relating to the Bachelor of Coastal Studies (Honours). Students will be required to undertake advanced Honours studies, an Honours industry placement, an Honours research project and the writing of an Honours thesis that embodies the Honours project

Program requirements and notes

  1. Refer to the Academic Rules.
  2. Refer to explanation of terms.
  3. Refer to the recommended enrolment pattern


Faculty of Science, Health and Education
Tel: +61 7 5430 2869

** Not offered in 2007