Student Handbook, Semester 1, 2007: Rules Governing Undergraduate Honours Degrees | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Student Handbook, Semester 1, 2007: Rules Governing Undergraduate Honours Degrees

Part A: Preliminary

Purpose of the Rules

1. These Rules are intended to state the common requirements and provisions that apply to all Bachelor Honours programs of the University of the Sunshine Coast.

Structure and application of the Rules

2. These Rules are in three parts:

(1) Part A – preliminary rules.

(2) Part B applies only to the Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Bachelor of Business (Honours), Bachelor of Science (Honours) and the Bachelor of Social Science (Honours).

(3) Part C applies only to the Bachelor of Animal, Plant and Marine Biotechnology (Honours).

(4) These Rules do not apply to degrees conferred honoris causa or ad eundum gradum.


3. In these rules, unless the context or subject matter otherwise indicates or requires:

Dean means the Dean of the faculty in which the student is carrying out the program of study and research

Degree means the undergraduate Bachelor Honours degree for which a person is, or proposes to be, a student

Director, Student Affairs means the Director, Student Affairs of the University and includes a person acting, for the time being, in the position

Faculty means the Faculty in which a student is carrying out the program of study and research

Course means any part of the program for which a result may be recorded, other than a thesis

Supervisor means the person appointed by the Dean, or where more than one such person is appointed, the person to whom is assigned the responsibility as principal supervisor.

Part B: Rules governing the Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Bachelor of Business (Honours), Bachelor of Science (Honours) and the Bachelor of Social Science (Honours)

The degree

4. (1) The Bachelor Honours degree shall be a graded degree awarded for a significant contribution achieved through a program of advanced study and research to any branch of learning of concern to the Faculty in which the student is enrolled.

(2) The grades of the degree shall be: Class 1; Class 2, Division 1; Class 2, Division 2; and Class 3.

(3) Class 1 will correspond to a High Distinction grade; Class 2, Division 1 will correspond to a Distinction grade; Class 2, Division 2 will correspond to a Credit grade; and Class 3 will correspond to a Pass grade.

(4) To qualify for admission to the degree a student shall enrol and satisfy the requirements prescribed in these Rules.

Admission to candidature

5. (1) An applicant for admission to candidature for the degree shall:

(a) have satisfied all of the requirements for admission to the degree of Bachelor in this University or other recognised institution or its equivalent; and

(b) have demonstrated a high level of achievement in the intended area of study.

(2) An applicant shall not be admitted to candidature unless adequate supervision and resources are available. Whether these are available shall be determined by the Dean.


6. (1) A person shall be deemed to be an enrolled student following:

(a) an offer of admission

(b) completion of appropriate enrolment documentation

(c) payment of all appropriate fees and charges

(2) The Dean shall determine the enrolment of a student as either full-time or part-time.

Concurrent enrolment

7. Except with the permission of the Dean, a student for the degree shall not be concurrently enrolled as a student for any other degree or award, whether of this or another tertiary institution.

Program of study and research

8. (1) A student shall enrol and complete to the satisfaction of the Academic Board a program of advanced study and research (“the program”). The research shall be embodied in a thesis; but such other work as may be approved by the Dean may also be submitted and considered in conjunction with this thesis.

(2) The program shall be carried out under the direction of a supervisor or supervisors appointed by the Dean.

(3) A student shall be required to carry out the program in the University, except as otherwise permitted by the Dean.

(4) The Dean may approve variation of a program equal to no more than 12 units in courses required to be undertaken by a student in a Bachelor Honours program.

(5) A Dean must report the details of any approved variation of an individual student’s program at the ensuing meeting of the Academic Board.

Thesis topic

9. A student shall submit the topic of the thesis for approval by the Dean not later than six (6) months after admission to candidature. After the thesis topic has been approved it may be changed only with the further approval of the Dean.


10. A thesis submitted for a degree shall embody the result of an investigation or design or other research undertaken by the student, and shall comply with the following requirements, namely:

(1) A thesis:

(a) shall be written in English or in another language approved by the Dean at the time of admission to candidature

(b) shall be accompanied by an abstract of approximately 300 words describing its content, and

(c) shall be typed, bound or presented in the manner prescribed by the Dean and, for the copy lodged under Rule 14(2), by the Executive Director, Information Services

(2) A thesis:

(a) must consist of a student’s own account of the research undertaken by the student the greater part of which must have been completed subsequent to admission to candidature for the degree. Work done conjointly with other persons may be accepted provided the Dean is satisfied on the student’s part in the joint research, and

(b) must not contain as its main content any work or material which has previously been submitted for a University degree or other similar qualification unless the Dean otherwise permits


11. (1) The student and the supervisor shall normally submit progress reports each semester to the Dean for presentation to the Board of Examiners.

(2) For the purpose of assessing a student’s progress, the supervisor may submit reports to the Dean at any time on the student’s progress.

(3) The Dean, after considering any reports and other evidence of unsatisfactory progress may recommend the termination or the placing of conditions on the continuation of the candidature.

(4) Before exercising the power referred to in sub-Clause (3), the Dean shall give the student an opportunity to make representations orally or in writing and shall take such representations into account before reaching a decision.

Submission of thesis for examination

12. (1) A student shall submit to the Director, Student Affairs four copies of the thesis together with:

(a) a certificate signed by the student that the thesis complies with Rule 9(2), and

(b) if the student so desires, any documents or work published by the student bearing on the subject of the thesis.

(2) The supervisor shall provide a report advising that the student has completed the program in the University, under the direction of the supervisor.


13. (1) The Dean shall appoint a minimum of two examiners of whom at least one must be external.

(2) The Dean shall consider the reports of examiners and any other recommendations and shall:

(a) recommend to the Board of Examiners that the student be admitted to the degree subject to any condition that the Dean may impose, or

(b) recommend to the Board of Examiners that the student not be admitted to the degree, and that the candidature be terminated, or

(c) such other action as is deemed appropriate

(3) To be awarded the degree students must successfully complete all components of the program.

Availability of thesis

14. (1) The University shall be entitled to retain the submitted copies of the thesis.

(2) An electronic copy of the thesis of a student satisfying the requirements for the degree shall be deposited in the University Library. The electronic form of the thesis shall conform to electronic publishing standards and formats specified by the Executive Director, Information Services.

(3) The copy of the thesis deposited in the University Library may be made available for loan.

(4) The Library may supply in any medium, a copy of the thesis upon request to any person or library in accordance with the Copyright Act.

Leave of absence

15. (1) Upon request in writing by a student the Dean may grant to that student leave of absence from the program. Such leave shall be taken into account in calculating the period for completion.

(2) On return from leave of absence, the student must enrol prior to submission of the thesis.


16. A student may withdraw from the program of study by informing the Director, Student Affairs in writing and the withdrawal shall take effect from the date of receipt of such notification.

Relaxing provision

17. In order to provide for exceptional circumstances arising in a particular case, the Academic Board, on the recommendation of the Dean, may relax any provision of these Rules.

Part C: Rules Governing the Bachelor of Animal, Plant and Marine Biotechnology (Honours)

The degree

18. (1) The degree shall be a graded degree awarded for a significant contribution achieved through a program of undergraduate study, advanced study and research undertaken in the Bachelor of Animal, Plant and marine Biotechnology (Honours).

(2) The grades of the degree shall be: Class 1; Class 2, Division 1; Class 2, Division 2; and Class 3.

(3) Class 1 will correspond to a High Distinction grade; Class 2, Division 1 will correspond to a Distinction grade; Class 2, Division 2 will correspond to a Credit grade; and Class 3 will correspond to a Pass grade.

(4) To qualify for admission to the degree a student shall enrol and satisfy the requirements prescribed in these Rules.

Admission to the program for the degree

19. A person may be admitted to enrolment in the program:

(1) in accordance with the undergraduate admission rules of the Academic Rules; or

(2) in the case of a person who is enrolled in and who has completed at least 192 units in the program for the pass degree of Bachelor of Animal, Plant and Marine Biotechnology, at the invitation of the Dean, provided that the person has achieved an assessment grade of Credit or higher in a majority of courses undertaken within any Major for that program.

Admission with advanced standing

20. Admission with advanced standing may be granted in recognition of prior academic work or other work identified as being of equal depth and academic rigour.

21. Application for advanced standing should be made to the Director, Student Affairs prior to enrolment but applications at other times may be considered.

22. Credit may be granted to a maximum of 288 of the total units required for completion of the program but credit may not be granted in lieu of the Honours research project or Honours industry placement or Honours thesis required for completion of the program.

23. As a general rule advanced standing will not be given for studies completed more than ten years prior to an application for advanced standing. However, where the relevant Dean judges that studies completed more than ten years prior to an application for advanced standing are still relevant to the program, then the Dean may waive the general rule.

24. The amount of prior advanced standing accepted must be confirmed by the student no later than the census date of the student’s second semester of full-time enrolment or its equivalent for part-time students.


25. The Rules governing enrolment in the program are as given in the Enrolment rules of the Academic Rules.

Concurrent enrolment

26. Except with the permission of the Dean, a student for the degree shall not be concurrently enrolled as a student for any other degree or award, whether of this or another tertiary institution.

Program of study and research

27. (1) A student shall enrol in, and complete to the satisfaction of the Academic Board, the undergraduate courses required for the program and, after award of 288 units, undertake advanced Honours studies, an Honours industry placement, an Honours research project and the writing of an Honours thesis that embodies the Honours research.

(2) The advanced Honours studies, Honours industry placement, Honours research project and the writing of an Honours thesis shall be carried out under the direction of a supervisor or supervisors appointed by the Dean.

(3) A student shall be required to carry out the program in the University, except as otherwise permitted by the Dean.

Thesis topic

28. A student shall submit the topic of the thesis for approval by the Dean not later than six (6) months after accumulating 288 units in the program. After the thesis topic has been approved it may be changed only with the further approval of the Dean.


29. The thesis submitted for the degree shall embody the result of an investigation or design or other research undertaken by the student, and shall comply with the following requirements, namely:

(1) A thesis:

(a) shall be written in English

(b) shall be accompanied by an abstract of approximately 300 words describing its content, and

(c) shall be typed, bound or presented in the manner prescribed by the Dean and, for the copy lodged under Rule 14(2), by the University Librarian

(2) A thesis:

(a) must consist of a student’s own account of the research undertaken by the student the greater part of which must have been completed subsequent to accumulating 288 units in the program. Work done conjointly with other persons may be accepted provided the Dean is satisfied on the student’s part in the joint research, and

(b) must not contain as its main content any work or material which has previously been submitted for a University degree or other similar qualification unless the Dean otherwise permits


30. Assessment in courses other than any course for the advanced Honours studies, Honours industry placement, Honours research project and the writing of an Honours thesis will be in accordance with the Assessment Rules of the Academic Rules.

Submission of thesis for examination

31. (1) A student shall submit to the Director, Student Affairs four copies of the thesis together with -

(a) a certificate signed by the student that the thesis complies with Rule 9(2), and

(b) if the student so desires, any documents or work published by the student bearing on the subject of the thesis

(2) The supervisor shall provide a report advising that the student has completed the program in the University, under the direction of the supervisor.


32. (1) The Dean shall appoint a minimum of two examiners of whom at least one must be external.

(2) The Dean shall consider the reports of examiners and any other recommendations and shall:

(a) recommend to the Board of Examiners that the student be admitted to the degree subject to any condition that the Dean may impose, or

(b) recommend to the Board of Examiners that the student not be admitted to the degree, and that the candidature be terminated, or

(c) such other action as is deemed appropriate

(3) To be awarded the degree students must successfully complete all components of the program.


33. Until a student has accumulated 288 units in the program, the Progression Rules of the Academic Rules will apply to the student.

34. The following progression rules apply to a student who has accumulated 288 units or more in the program:

35. (1) The student and the supervisor shall normally submit progress reports each semester to the Dean for presentation to the Board of Examiners.

(2) For the purpose of assessing a student’s progress, the supervisor may submit reports to the Dean at any time on the student’s progress.

Unsatisfactory academic performance and exclusion

36. Until a student has accumulated 288 units in the program, the Unsatisfactory Academic Performance and Exclusion Rules of the Academic Rules will apply to the student.

37. On accumulation of 288 units in the program the following rules will apply to a student enrolled in the program:

(1) The Dean, after considering any reports and other evidence of unsatisfactory progress may recommend to the Board of Examiners that:

(a) the student not be permitted to continue enrolment and be awarded the pass degree of Bachelor of Animal, Plant and Marine Biotechnology, or

(b) conditions be placed on the student’s continued enrolment in the program, or

(c) the student’s enrolment be terminated.

(2) Before exercising the powers referred to in sub-Clause (3), the Board of Examiners shall give the student an opportunity to make representations orally or in writing and shall take such representations into account before reaching a decision.

Availability of thesis

38. (1) The University shall be entitled to retain the submitted copies of the thesis.

(2) An electronic copy of the thesis of a student satisfying the requirements for the degree shall be deposited in the University Library. The electronic form of the thesis shall conform to electronic publishing standards and formats specified by the University Librarian.

(3) The copy of the thesis deposited in the University Library may be made available for loan.

(4) The Library may supply in any medium, a copy of the thesis upon request to any person or library in accordance with the Copyright Act.

Relaxing provision

39. In order to provide for exceptional circumstances arising in a particular case, the Academic Board, on the recommendation of the Dean, may relax any provision of these Rules.

Approved: Council Resolution C05/89, November 2005
Last revised: Council C06/132, 5 December 2006