Student Handbook, Semester 1, 2005:<br>Equal Opportunity Policy | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Student Handbook, Semester 1, 2005:<br>Equal Opportunity Policy

Responsible Officer: Vice-Chancellor

Council Approval: C03/7, 11 March 2003

Last Amended: -

Related Policies:

  • Code of Conduct
  • Discrimination and Harassment Policy
  • Enterprise Bargaining Agreement

1. Overview

The University of the Sunshine Coast Equal Opportunity Policy provides a statement of commitment to the principles of equal opportunity in employment (staff) and education (students), freedom from discrimination on the basis of attributes unrelated to the purpose of the University and from harassment of all forms.

2. Policy

2.1 The University of the Sunshine Coast Council and staff are committed to the elimination of discrimination on the basis of attributes which are not relevant to the proper conduct of University business including; sex, race, colour, national or ethnic origin, marital status, pregnancy, parental status, breastfeeding, disability, religion, political belief or activity, sexual preference and lawful sexual activity; age; trade union activity, physical appearance (body shape and size), medical record or association with or relation to, someone with these attributes, in all University activities and practices.

2.2 The University will take all reasonable steps to actively promote an environment in which there is equality of opportunity, freedom from discrimination on the basis of attributes listed in 2.1 and from all forms of harassment in employment and education for all staff, students and visitors to the campus.

2.3 The University will put in place specific policies and procedures aimed at promoting equal opportunity and eliminating discriminatory and harassing practices and providing a means of redress where discrimination or harassment have occurred.

2.4 The University will take steps to actively promote equality of opportunity and elimination of discrimination and harassment by:

  • addressing past and current disadvantage
  • education of the University community
  • integration of equity considerations into all University wide, Faculty and area plans
  • providing adequate funding for equal opportunity measures
  • reviewing University policy, rules and procedures to eliminate any direct, indirect or systemic discriminatory provisions or practices.

2.5 The University Council may determine that particular groups or attributes in addition to those named in state and federal legislation, will be included as identified equity groups or attributes for the purposes of University equity plans and equal opportunity, discrimination and harassment policies.

2.6 The University will promote social and cultural cohesion by respecting and valuing the diversity of staff and student backgrounds and cultures through teaching and management practices and in the provision of administrative and other services on campus.

2.7 Equal Opportunity policies will include special measures (additional services or special conditions which are only available to identified equity groups or persons with particular attributes as defined in this policy) where there is justification for doing so on the basis of past or current disadvantage and inequity.

2.8 Equal opportunity in employment shall be encouraged and addressed in conditions of service including appointment, progression, classification (equal pay for equal work) and access to staff development for all targeted equity groups and Indigenous people. Selection and progression of staff shall be based on the merit principle.

2.9 Equal opportunity in educational access, participation and success of students shall be encouraged and addressed through programs contained in an Equity Plan, an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Strategy and a Disability Action Plan.

3. Definitions

3.1 'Merit principle': (in employment) the extent to which a person has the relevant abilities, aptitude, skills, qualifications, knowledge, experience and achievements (including community experience), characteristics and personal qualities; and where applicable, the manner in which the person carried out the duties or functions of any previous position or previous educational or other learning experiences; and the extent to which a person has the potential for development.