Office of Research | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Office of Research

The Office of Research provides leadership, support and advice for the USC research community. It aims to facilitate and promote the advancement of the University’s research and research training profile, performance and culture. Led by the Director, Office of Research, staff support the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) in the overall management and administration of research related activities at USC.
Strategic advice and communication
Strategic advice and communication
  • provide advice regarding UniSC’s strategic planning in the areas of research and research training and contribute to the development and implementation of the University’s Strategic Plan
  • provide support to, and contribute to the work of, the Research Committee and Research Degrees Committee regarding quality assurance and improvements in research and research training and the development and implementation of relevant policies and procedures
  • maintain effective working relationships with government departments and other agencies, including other universities, and contribute to submissions and responses to government departments and other agencies
  • communication about research and research training matters to staff and the broader community, including regular staff updates and the development and maintenance of the UniSC Research web pages and MyUniSC research resources (login required)
  • provide advice and support for professional development programs in research and research training
Research development and funding
Research funding

The Research Funding Team supports and stimulates the development of UniSC's research profile.

To guarantee the professional and efficient administration of research grant activity within the University, all applications for funding are administered through this office. To support researchers at UniSC the Team provides:

  • strategic advice on funding research projects and major research funding initiatives
  • expert advice and assistance on grant related matters, including assistance in identifying external grant opportunities using Research Professional, UniSC’s funding opportunities database, and training in its use
  • assistance with the initiation and development of research collaborations with external partners (university, research organisation, government, community or industry)
  • coordination, review and submission of grant applications
  • the development and maintenance of effective relationships with research partners and granting agencies
  • review, advice, and assistance with negotiation of contracts and agreements for successful grants
  • professional development through the provision of staff training on research related topics (intellectual property, grant writing, rejoinder writing etc)
Intellectual property
Intellectual property

UniSC's Intellectual Property - Governing Policy provides a framework for dealing with intellectual property generated at the University, and is applicable to both staff and students.

Enquiries concerning these or related matters, including guidance on intellectual property clauses in any research contract or confidentiality in the context of protection and commercialisation of intellectual property, should be directed to the Director, Office of Research Michelle Searle.

Research performance information
Research performance information

The Research Performance Information and Systems Team collects, manages, analyses and reports on targeted research performance data.

Its vision is 'To build research capacity through the astute application of performance data and analysis to inform an innovative research strategy.’

The work of the Research Performance Information Team includes:

  • collection, management, analysis and reporting of research performance information that enables effective reporting and informed policy decision making
  • management and development of the UniSC Research Information Management System (RIMS) to meet the University's strategic and operational requirements
  • coordination of the University's mandatory external research reports including government compliance requirements related to research and research training
  • management and reporting of USC research performance information to the Higher Education Research Data Collection (HERDC), the Australian Research Council’s Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) evaluation framework and the Australian Bureau of Statistics
  • coordination of the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Ranking data submission and analysis

More information on Research Performance Information at UniSC.

Research ethics and integrity
Research ethics and integrity

UniSC’s Responsible Research Conduct – Governing Policy, which is based on the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, provides a framework expected standards of research practices that underpin high-quality research. The research ethics and integrity team support this framework and offer guidance and support to researchers. The team’s responsibilities include:

  • provide support and guidance to researchers on human and animal ethics and offer guidance on responsible research practices
  • provide support and feedback for ethics applications, amendments, and reports
  • manage the operations of USC’s Animal Ethics Committee (AEC) and Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) in accordance with relevant codes and legislation, and oversee the ongoing development of efficient and effective practices for the committees
  • manage complaints and concerns about research conduct and ensure the proper handling of assessments and investigations of poor research practices
  • lead the development of new policies, and the review of existing policies, practices and processes, to support research ethics and integrity at USC and ensure consistency with legislative requirements and contemporary practice
  • provide training to the UniSC community on ethics and integrity policies, processes and practices
  • provide reports to UniSC committees and external bodies, such as the National Health and Medical Council (NHMRC) and the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF)
  • maintain effective working relationships with government departments and other relevant agencies, including universities and contribute to submissions, working groups, and ethics and integrity networks
  • manage the research integrity advisor network
  • administer defence trade controls.
  • More information on Research ethics and integrity

Contact the Office of Research