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ACPIR core researchers and Pacific Islands related publications

Braglia, L., Thomson, L., Cheek, M., Mabberley, D., and Butaud, JF. (2024) Pacific Species of Hibiscus sect. Lilibiscus (Malvaceae). 4. The Origin of Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis: A 300-Year-Old Mystery Solved, Pacific Science 77(4), 395-415.DOI: 10.2984/77.4.3
Brown, K.T., Southgate, P.C., Loganimoce, E., Kaure, T., Stockwell, B., Lal, M., (2024) Sandfish generations: Loss of genetic diversity due to hatchery practices in the sea cucumber Holothuria (Metriatyla) scabra, Aquaculture, 578, 740048, 1-11.
Davila, F., Burkhart, S., O’Connell, T. (2024). State of Food and Nutrition Security in the Pacific. In: Dansie, A., Alleway, H.K., Böer, B. (eds) The Water, Energy, and Food Security Nexus in Asia and the Pacific. Water Security in a New World. Springer, Cham. DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-25463-5_4
Duy, N.D.Q., Thuy, M., Lal, M., Southgate, P.C., (2024) Assessing potential to improve sandfish (Holothuria scabra) culture in Vietnam using supplemental seaweed feeding, Aquaculture Reports, 35, 101945, 1-11.
Gorospe, J.R.C., Southgate, P.C. 2024. First assessment of sea cucumber (Holothuria scabra) culture as a supplemental activity for small-scale grouper farmers in the Philippines. Journal of Shellfish Research 43, 291-298.
Hair, C., Mercier, A., Foale, S., Hamel, JF., Kinch, J., Suhrbier, A., Daniels, N., Pearce, C.M., Minimulu, P., Southgate, P.C., (2024), Chapter 51 - Future prospects for sea cucumber mariculture in Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands, The World of Sea Cucumbers, 801-817.
Horoszowski-Fridman Y., Izhaki I., Katz S.M., Barkan, R., Rinkevich, B., (2024), Shifting reef restoration focus from coral survivorship to biodiversity using Reef Carpets. Communications Biology, 7(1): 141.
Lal, M.M., Macahig, D.A.S., Juinio-Meñez, M.A., Altamirano, J.P., Noran-Baylon, R., Torre-de la Cruz, M., Villamor, J.L., Gacura, J.R., Uy, W.H., Mira-Honghong, H., Southgate, P.C., Ravago-Gotanco, R. 2024. Complex patterns of genetic structure in the sea cucumber Holothuria (Metriatyla) scabra from the Philippines: implications for aquaculture and fishery management. Frontiers in Marine Science 11, 1396016.
Lykins, A.D., Nunn, P., Kumar, R., Sundaraja, C., Cosh, S., (2024), “Na Neitou Qele Ga Qo” (“This Is Our Only Land”): Adaptation to the Effects of Climate Change in Rural Indigenous Fijians, Global Environmental Psychology, 2, e11239, 1-30.
McGowan, L., Ellison, E., & Lastella, M. (2023). Beach Soccer Histories (1st ed.). Routledge. DOI:10.4324/9781003288541 
McGowan, L., Symons, K., & Kanemasu, Y. (2023). Women’s Football in Oceania (1st ed.). Routledge. DOI:10.4324/9781003300083 
Medina Hidalgo, D., Mallette, A., Nadir, S., and Kumar, S. 2024. The future of the sugarcane industry in Fiji: climatic, non-climatic stressors, and opportunities for transformation. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 8.

Militz, T.A., Simard, N.S.M., Kinch, J., Southgate, P.C. 2024. Human dimensions in shellcraft: tool ownership differentiates taxa utilised and products produced. Frontiers in Marine Science 11, 1354163.

Nelson, C., Hallett, J., Romero Montoya, A., Andrade, A., Besacier, C., Boerger, V., Bouazza, K., Chazdon, R., Cohen-Shacham, E., Danano, D., Diederichsen, A., Fernandez, Y., Gann, G.D., Gonzales, E.K., Gruca, M., Guariguata, M.R., Gutierrez, V., Hancock, B., Innecken, P., Katz, S.M., et. al (2024). Standards of practice to guide ecosystem restoration. A contribution to the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021–2030. FAO, SER, IUCN.
Nunn, P.D., Kumar, R., Barrowman, H.B., Chambers, L., Fifita, L., Gegeo, D., Gomese, C., McGree, S., Rarai, A., Cheer, K., Esau, D., Fa’anunu, ‘O., Fong, T., Fong-Lomavatu, M., Geraghty, P., Heorake, T., Kekeubata, E., Korovulavula, I., Kubunavanua, E., Lui, S., MacLaren, D., Malsale, P., Nemani, S., Plotz, R.D., Puairana, G., Rantes, J., Singh-Peterson, L. and Waiwai, M. (2024), Traditional Knowledge for Climate Resilience in the Pacific Islands. WIREs-Climate Change.
Rashni, B., Brown, K., McLenachan, P., Lockhart, P., Southgate, P.C., Lal, M., (2024), Leech breach: a first record of the invasive freshwater leech Helobdella europaea (Hirudinea: Glossiphoniidae) in Fiji, Pacific Conservation Biology, 30, 1, PC23017, 1-13.

Sankar, K.S., Rico, C., Militz, T.A., Southgate, P.C., Kishore, P. (2024), Is there a case to reduce the duration of spat collector deployment for black-lip (Pinctada margaritifera) and winged (Pteria penguin) pearl oysters in the Fiji Islands? Aquaculture Reports 38, 102360.

Sankar, K.S., Rico, C., Kishore, P., Militz, T.A., Simard, N.S.M., Lal, M., Southgate, P.C. (2024), Bycatch of tropical rock oysters from spat collection activities targeting pearl oysters in Fiji. Journal of Shellfish Research 43, 245-251.
Simard, N.S.M., Militz, T.A., Kinch, J., Nunn, P.D., Southgate, P.C. 2024. Social-ecological factors, stock status, and governance relating to a shellcraft fishery in the Indo-Pacific region. Journal of Ethnobiology 44, 320-337.
Tarlton, C., James, S., Dixson, B., & Craft, J. (2024), Travel health practices, behaviours and experiences of people living with type 1 diabetes, Journal of Travel Medicine, Article in press.
Thuy, M.N., Phuong, Q.D.T., Duy, N.D.Q, Lal, M., Southgate, P.C., (2024), Integrated aquaculture of sandfish (Holothuria scabra) with snubnose pompano (Trachinotus blochii) for increased production and nutrient recycling, Aquaculture Reports, 34, 101880, 1-11.


Adams, F., Zimmerman, P., Sparke, V. and Mason, M. Towards a framework for a collaborative support model to assist infection prevention and control programmes in low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review, International Journal of Infection Control, 19, 21851, pp. 1-9. DOI: 10.3396/ijic.v19.21851
Anderson, C., Tiitii, U., Madar, L., Tanielu, E., Larson, S. and Swanepoel, L. 2023. Unpacking gendered roles across the seaweed value chain in Samoa using photo elicitation methods, Ocean & Coastal Management, 232, 106420, 1-10
Almeida Passos, A., Fiedler, A., Sauvage, J., Mackenzie, K., Whiley, T., Kanemasu, Y., Symons, K., and McGowan, L. 2023. Creative writers working on a women’s football project: an examination of the collaborative practices of differing communities on a project for the women’s game in Fiji, Samoa, and Solomon Islands, Fu Li A / UFMG, 8(2), pp. 155-184. DOI: 10.35699/2526-4494.2023.45348
Burkhart, S., Hayman, A., Lam, F., Jones, B., Horsey, B., Craven, D., and Underhill, S. 2023. School food programs in the Pacific Islands: Exploring opportunities and challenges for creating healthier school food environments, Public Health Nutrition, 26(2), pp.455-466. DOI: 10.1017/S1368980022001951
de Klerk, S., Miles, M.P. and Bliemel, M., 2023. A life cycle perspective of startup accelerators. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, pp.1-17.
de Klerk, S., Scheepers, M.D.V., McIntyre, K. and Lawley, M., 2023. Collective entrepreneurship and sustainable innovation: case studies of regional Australian agribusinesses. Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, pp.1-25.
Foley, A., Brinklow, L., Corbett, J., Kelman, I., Klöck, C., Moncada, S., Mycoo, M. Nunn, P., Pugh, J., Robinson, S...(12 authors). 2023. Understanding "Islandness", Annals of the American Association of Geographers, Article in press.
Fraser, B., Sharman, R., Nunn, P. 2023 Associations of locus of control, information processing style and anti-reflexivity with climate change scepticism in an Australian sample, Public Understanding of Science, 32, 3, 322-339. Doi: 10.1177/09636625221116502
Foley, A., Brinklow, L., Corbett, J., Kelman, I. Klöck, C., Moncada, S., Mycoo, M., Nunn, P., Pugh, J. and Robinson, S. 2023. Tandrayen-Ragoobur, Verena; Walshe, Rory, Understanding "Islandness", Annals of the American Association of Geographers, Article in press
Genodepa, J., Zeng, C., Militz, T.A. and Southgate, P.C. 2023 Influence of Moult Cycles on Digestive Enzyme Activities during Early Larval Stages of Panulirus ornatus, Aquaculture Research, 2023, 9956046, 1-4. Doi: 10.1155/2023/9956046
Genodepa, J., Zeng, C., Militz, T.A. and Southgate, P.C., Responses of digestive enzyme profiles in newly-hatched (Zoea I) larvae of the mud crab Scylla serrata to intermittent food availability and food deprivation, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 269, 110906, pp.1-8. DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpb.2023.110906
Gorospe, J.R., Rescordado, R.R., Juinio-Menez, M.A.,  dela Torre-dela Cruz, M. and Southgate. P.C. 2023. Census of potential predators and competitors of sandfish, Holothuria scabra, juveniles during floating hapa ocean nursery culture, Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries, Article in press.
Grant, E., Macdonell, P., Tungon, J., Tabi, M., David, M., Kaku, S. and Page, T. 2023. Geographical variation in Canarium indicum (Burseraceae) nut characteristics across Vanuatu, Research Square, 21, April.
Higgins, M., Strother, H., Burkhart, S., Carlsson, L., Meyer, N., Spiker, M., and Wegener, J. 2023. Sustainable Food Systems and Diets in Dietetic Training Standards: An International Content Analysis, Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 36(3), pp. 957-966. DOI: 10.1111/jhn.13122
Lal, M., Brown, K.T., Chand, P. and Pickering, T.D. 2023. An assessment of the aquaculture potential of indigenous freshwater food fish of Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Samoa and Tonga as alternatives to farming of tilapia, Reviews in Aquaculture, 15(2), pp.625-644.  
Lancini, L., Nunn, Patrick; Nanuku, M., Tavola, K., Bolea, T., Geraghty, P. and Compatangelo-Soussignan, R. 2023. Driva Qele / Stealing Earth: Oral Accounts of the Volcanic Eruption of Nabukelevu (Mt. Washington), Kadavu Island (Fiji), ~2,500 Years Ago, Oral Tradition, 36(1), pp. 63-90.
Larson, S., Anderson, C., Tiitii, U., Madar, L., Tanielu, E., Paul, N. and Swanepoel, L. 2023 Barriers and enablers for engagement in a new aquaculture activity: An example from seaweed initiatives in Samoa, Aquaculture, 571, 739328, 1-12. Doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2023.739328
Loganimoce, E.M., Brown, K.T., Savou, R., Kitolelei, J.V., Tukana, M., Southgate. P.C. and Lal,M.M 2023. Octopuses in the south-west Pacific region: a review of fisheries, ecology, cultural importance and management, Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, Article in press.
Luetz, J.M., Nichols, E., du Plessis, K. and Nunn, P.D. 2023. Spirituality and Sustainable Development: A Systematic Word Frequency Analysis and an Agenda for Research in Pacific Island Countries, Sustainability, 15(3), pp.1-14.
Lykins, A.D., Cosh, Suzanne; Nunn, P.D., Kumar, R. and Sundaraja, C. 2023. “Io, keimami leqataka vakalevu na vei gauna mai muri” (“We are worried about the future generation”): Experiences of eco-grief in rural indigenous Fijians, Global Environmental Psychology, 1, e11447, pp.1-28. DOI: 10.5964/gep.11447
Makandwa, G. and de Klerk, S. 2023. Impact of family moral support on female entrepreneurs involved in craft tourism, Journal of Tourism & Cultural Change, Article in press
Makandwa, G., de Klerk, S., and Saayman, A. 2023. Culturally-based community tourism ventures in Southern Africa and rural women entrepreneurs' skills, Current Issues in Tourism, 26(8), pp. 1268-1281.

McGowan, L., Ellison, L., & Lastella, M. 2023. Beach Soccer Histories. Routledge

McGowan, L., Symons, K., & Kanemasu, Y. 2023. Women’s Football in Oceania. Routledge

Nowland, S.J. and Roberts, B.H., 2023. Assessment of blacklip rock oyster, Saccostrea lineage J, spat growth and survival in recirculating upweller and downweller nursery systems, Molluscan Research, 43(2), pp. 101-108.
Lancini, L., Nunn, P.D., Nanuku, M., Tavola, K., Bolea, T., Geraghty, P. and Compatangelo-Soussignan, R. 2023. Driva Qele / Stealing Earth: Oral Accounts of the Volcanic Eruption of Nabukelevu (Mt Washington), Kadavu Island (Fiji) ~2500 Years Ago. Oral Tradition, 36(1), 63-90.
Luetz, J.M., Nichols, E., du Plessis, K. and Nunn, P.D. 2023. Spirituality and sustainable development: a systematic word frequency analysis and an agenda for research in Pacific Island Countries. Sustainability, 15: 2201. DOI: 10.3390/su15032201. [2023 Impact Factor 3.889]
Lykins, A., Cosh, S., Nunn, P.D., Kumar, R. and Sundaraja, C. 2023. “Io, keimami leqataka vakalevu na vei gauna mai muri” (“we are worried about the future generation”): experiences of eco-grief in rural indigenous Fijians. Global Environmental Psychology, 1: e11447. DOI: 10.5964/gep.11447.
Nunn, P.D. 2023. A dramatic volcano eruption changed lives in Fiji 2,500 years ago. 100 generations have kept the story alive. The Conversation, 17th August 2023. Republished slightly altered on LiveScience, 1st September 2023.
Nunn, P.D. 2023. Memories within myth , Aeon, 6, April.

Nunn, P.D. 2023. A dramatic volcano eruption changed lives in Fiji 2,500 years ago. 100 generations have kept the story alive. The Conversation, 17th August 2023. Republished slightly altered on LiveScience, 1st September 2023.

Nunn, P. and Kumar, R. 2023. No Problems: Community Fieldwork in Fiji. Blog, SUNRISE Project, University of London, 24 March 2023, link here.

Nunn, P.D. and Luetz, J.M. 2023. Harnessing traditional knowledge for climate resilience in the Pacific. East Asia Forum, 12 June 2023.

Petzold, J., Joe, E.T., Kelman, I., Magnan, A.K., Mirbach, C., Nagle Alverio, G. and Nunn, P.D.; Ratter, Beate M. W., Between tinkering and transformation: A contemporary appraisal of climate change adaptation research on the world's islands, Frontiers in Climate, 4, 107223, 1-16
Rashni, B., Brown, K.T., McLenachan, P., Lockhart, P., Southgate, P.C. and Lal, M.. 2023. Leech breach: a first record of the invasive freshwater leech Helobdella europaea (Hirudinea: Glossiphoniidae) in Fiji, Pacific Conservation Biology, Article in press
Saucedo, P.E., McLaurin, D., Lodeiros, C., Freites, L., Leon, L., Caceres-Puig, J.I., Albuquerque, M.C.P., Southgate, P.C. and Acosta-Salmón, H. 2023. Progress towards reestablishing Latin America as a major pearl producing region: A review, Reviews in Aquaculture, 15(1), pp.242-260.
Southgate, P.C. and Militz,. T. 2023. A multivariate approach to morphological study of shell form in cowries (Gastropoda, Cypraeidae): a case study with Umbilia armeniaca (Verco, 1912), ZooKeys, 1158, pp.69-89.
Southgate, P.C. and Militz, T. 2023. A new species of Umbilia Jousseaume, 1884 (Mollusca, Cypraeidae) from the Pliocene fauna of the Roe Plains, Western Australia, ZooKeys, 1169, pp. 1-13.
Underhill, S., Kumar, S., Joshua, L., Patolo, S., Molimau-Samasoni, S. and Burkhart, S. 2023 Postharvest handling practice in the South pacific and its implications on local food systems, Acta Horticulturae, 1364, 271-279. Doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1364.36
Underhill, S., Patolo, S., Molimau-Samasoni, S., Kumar, S. and Burkhart, S. 2023. Open Access Farmer and market vendor perceptions of COVID-19 impacts on horticultural fresh food systems in Tonga, Fiji, and Samoa, Agriculture and Food Security, 12, pp.1-18.
Wong, H.Y., Jaunay, W.L, Lau, W.C.D., Peake, B., Ram, R., Southgate, P. and Deo, P. 2023. Holothuria scabra Jaegar 1833 (Sandfish) extracts and collagens modulate protein-bound Nε-carboxymethyllysine, Nε-carboxyethyllysine and methylglyoxal-derived hydroimidazolone-1 levels, International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 58(4), pp.1962-1969.
Yu, J., de Klerk, S. and Hess, M. 2023. The influence of cronyism on entrepreneurial resource acquisition, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 40, pp. 121-150.
Anderson, C., Swanepoel, L. 2022. Rethinking Australia’s role in international co-operation for the Sustainable Development Goals: Towards transformative horizontal partnerships through triangular co-operation, World Nutrition, 13(4), pp.46-53. DOI:  
Brown, K.T., Southgate, P.C., Hewavitharane, C.A., and Lal, M. 2022. Saving the sea cucumbers: using population genomic tools to inform fishery and conservation management of the Fijian sandfish Holothuria (Metriatyla) scabra. PL o S One, 17, 9, e0274245, pp. 1-21. DOI: 10.1371/journal. pone.0274245  
Burkhart, S., Underhill, S. and Raneri, J. 2022. Realizing the potential of neglected and underutilized bananas in improving diets for nutrition and health outcomes in the Pacific Islands. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6, 805776, pp. 1-8. DOI: 10.3389/fsufs.2022.805776  
Campbell, N., Verdonck, M., Swanepoel, L., Chilman, L., 2022. The Lived Experiences of Fathers in Mealtimes: A Thematic Synthesis of Qualitative Literature, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 1008, pp. 1-17.  
Compatangelo-Soussignan, R., Nunn, P., and Lancini, L. 2022. Lessons from catastrophe: risk management in oral societies [Les leçons de la catastrophe: la gestion du risque dans les sociétés de culture orale]. In: Compatangelo-Soussignan, R., Diosono, F. and Le Blay, F. (eds). Living with Seismic Phenomena in the Mediterranean and Beyond between Antiquity and the Middle Ages: Proceedings of Cascia (25-26 October, 2019) and Le Mans (2-3 June, 2021) Conferences, pp. 83-92.  
Carson, M.T., Nunn, P., Nakoro, E., b, Nanuku, M. and Camailakeba, M. 2022 How island peoples adapt to climate change: insights from studies of Fiji's hillforts, in Palaeolandscapes in Archaeology, Routledge, pp. 313-339.  
Daniel, L.J., de Villiers Scheepers, M.J., Miles, M.P. and de Klerk, S. 2022. Understanding entrepreneurial ecosystems using complex adaptive systems theory: getting the big picture for economic development, practice, and policy. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, Article in press. DOI: 10.1080/08985626.2022.2083691  
de Klerk, S., Ghaffariyan, M.R., Miles, M. and Morgan, P. 2022. Leveraging the Entrepreneurial Method as a Tool for the Circular Economy: The Case of Wood Waste, Sustainability, 14(3) 1559, pp. 1-10. DOI:10.3390/su14031559  
Erasito, C., Prasad, R., Southgate, P.C. and Kishore, P. 2022. Optimizing community-based pearl oyster (Pinctada margaritifera) spat collection strategies in the Fiji Islands. Aquaculture Reports, 26, 101288, pp. 1-8. DOI: 10.1016/j.aqrep.2022.101288  
Filho, W.L. Totin, E., Franke, J.A., Andrew, S.M., Abubakar, I.R., Azadi, H., Nunn, P.D., Ouweneel, B., Williams, P.A., Simpson, N., Philip, N. 2022. Understanding responses to climate-related water scarcity in Africa, Science of the Total Environment, 806(1), 150420, pp. 1-18.  
Filho, W.L., Wolf, F., Moncada, S., Salvia, A.L., Balogun, A.B., Skanavis, C., Kounani, A. and Nunn, P.D. 2022. Transformative adaptation as a sustainable response to climate change: insights from large-scale case studies. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 27, 3, 20, pp. 1-26. DOI: 10.1007/s11027-022-09997-2  
Foley, A., Moncada, S., Mycoo, M., Nunn, P., Tandrayen-Ragoobur, V. and Evans, C. 2022. Small island developing states in a post-pandemic world: challenges and opportunities for climate action. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 13, 3, e769, pp. 1-11. DOI: 10.1002/wcc.769  

Genodepa, J., Zeng, C., Militz, T.A. and Southgate, P.C. 2022. Ontogenetic variation in digestive enzyme activities within embryos and newly-hatched larvae of the tropical spiny lobster, Panulirus ornatus. Aquaculture, 548, 737595, pp. 1-8. DOI: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2021.737595


Genodepa, J., Zeng, C., Militz, T., and Southgate, P.C. 2022. Responses of digestive enzyme profiles to various scenarios of food availability in newly-hatched Stage I phyllosoma larvae of the tropical spiny lobster Panulirus ornatus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part B: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 261, 110751, pp. 1-10. DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpb.2022.110751


Genodepa, J., Zeng, C., Militz, T.A., and Southgate, P.C. 2022. Influence of food density on digestive enzyme activities in newly-hatched larvae of the spiny lobster, Panulirus ornatus. Journal of Shellfish Research 41, 381-387.


Hair, C., Militz, T.A., Daniels, N. and Southgate, P.C. 2022. Performance of a trial sea ranch for the commercial sea cucumber, Holothuria scabra, in Papua New Guinea. Aquaculture, 547, 737500, pp. 1-11. DOI: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2021.737500

Higgins, M., Strother, H., Burkhart, S., Carlsson, L., Meyer, N., Spiker, M., and Wegener, J. 2022 Sustainable Food Systems and Diets in Dietetic Training Standards: An International Content Analysis, Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Article in press. DOI: 10.1111/jhn.13122



Horsey, B., Taylor, J., Hayman, A., Underhill, S. and Burkhart, S. 2022. Food literacy in Pacific Island countries: a scoping review protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 20, 6, pp. 1545-1552. DOI: 10.11124/JBIES-21-00237


Johnston, W., Gordon, S., Wingfield, M., Halafihi, T. and Southgate, P.C. 2022. Influence of production method on the profitability of mabé pearl farming using traditional and research-informed nucleus implanting practices with the winged pearl oyster, Pteria penguin. Aquaculture, 546, 737280, pp. 1-7. DOI: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2021.737280


Kishore, P., Wingfield, M., Militz, T., Aisea, T. and Southgate, P.C. 2022. Anaesthetic induced relaxation of the winged pearl oyster, Pteria penguin, varies with oyster size and anaesthetic concentration. Aquaculture Reports, 22, 100987, pp. 1-6. DOI: 10.1016/j.aqrep.2021.100987

Makandwa, G., de Klerk, S., and Saayman, A. 2022 Culturally-based community tourism ventures in Southern Africa and rural women entrepreneurs' skills, Current Issues in Tourism, Article in press  

Medina Hidalgo, D., Nunn, P.D., Beazley, H., Burkhart, S. and Rantes, J. 2022. Adaptation, sustainable food systems and healthy diets: an analysis of climate policy integration in Fiji and Vanuatu. Climate Policy, Article in press. DOI: 10.1080/14693062.2022.2095969


Nunn, P. and Cook, M. 2022. Island tales: culturally-filtered narratives about island creation through land submergence incorporate millennia-old memories of postglacial sea-level rise. World Archaeology, Article in press. DOI: 10.1080/00438243.2022.2077821


Nunn, P.D., Nakoro, E., Kumar, R., Nanuku, M. and Camailakeba, M. 2022. How island peoples adapt to climate change: insights from studies of Fiji's hillforts. In Carson, M.T. (ed). Palaeolandscapes in Archaeology, pp. 313-339. DOI: 10.4324/9781003139553-11


Nunn, P., Ward, I., Stéphan, P., McCallum, A., Gehrels, W.R., Carey, G., Clarke, A., Cook, M., Geraghty, P., Guilfoyle, D., McNeair, B., Miller, G., Nakoro, E., Reynolds, D. and Stewart, L. 2022. Human observations of late Quaternary coastal change: examples from Australia, Europe and the Pacific Islands. Quaternary International, Article in press. DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2022.06.016


Rantes, J., Nunn, P.D. and Addinsall, C. 2022. Sustainable development at the policy-practice nexus: insights from south West Bay, Malakula Island, Vanuatu. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 46, 2, pp. 234-250. DOI: 10.1080/21683565.2021.1979706

Simard, N.S.M., Militz, T., Kinch, J. and Southgate, P.C. 2022. Utilization of marine taxa within an artisanal shellcraft sector of the Indo-Pacific region. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9:1074996. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.1074996  

Simard, N.S.M., Militz, T., Kinch, J. and Southgate, P.C. 2022. Shocks within a Pacific island fishery: a historic study of events impacting the mother-of-pearl fishery in Papua New Guinea. Marine Policy, 143, 105173. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpol.2022.105173


Singh, S., Lal, M., Southgate, P.C., Wairiu, M. and Singh, A. 2022. Blue carbon storage in Fijian seagrass meadows: first insights into carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus content from a tropical southwest Pacific Island. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 176, 113432, pp. 1-10. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.113432


Southgate, P.C., and Militz, T.A. 2022. Improved ocean-based nursery culture of blacklip pearl oyster (Pinctada margaritifera) juveniles in mesh baskets using cyanoacrylate adhesive. Aquaculture Reports 27, 101355.


Teitelbaum, A., Militz, T.A. and Southgate, P.C. 2022. Cymatiid gastropod (Gutturnium muricinum) predation of the akoya pearl oyster (Pinctada fucata) in ocean culture. Journal of Shellfish Research, 40, 3, pp. 549-553. DOI: 10.2983/035.040.0311


Teitelbaum, A., Militz, T.A. and Southgate, P.C. 2022. Stomatopod (Gonodactylaceus falcatus) predation of the akoya pearl oyster (Pinctada fucata) in ocean culture. Journal of Shellfish Research, 41, 1, pp. 61-66. DOI: 10.2983/035.041.0102


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Dobson, G., Duy, N.D.Q. and Southgate, P.C. 2021. Preliminary assessment of large-scale co-culture of sandfish (Holothuria scabra) with the Babylon snail (Babylonia areolata) in earthen ponds and in raceways. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 52, pp. 138-154. DOI:10.1111/jwas.12758

Duvat, V.K E., Magnan, A.K, Perry, C.T., Spencer, T., Bell, J.D., Wabnitz, C., Webb, A.P., White, I., McInnes, K.L., Gattuso, J-P., Graham, Nicholas, A.J., Nunn, P. and Le Cozannet, G. 2021. Risks to future atoll habitability from climate-driven environmental changes. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, January.

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Hair, C., Foale, S., Daniels, N., Minimulu, P., Aini, J. and Southgate, P.C. 2020. Social and economic challenges to community-based sea cucumber mariculture development in new Ireland province, Papua New Guinea, Marine Policy, 117, July 103940.
Hair, C., Foale, S., Militz, T., Daniels, N. and Southgate, P.C. 2020. Comparison of survival, growth and burying behavior of cultured and wild sandfish (Holothuria scabra) juveniles: Implications for ocean mariculture. Aquaculture, 526, 735355.
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Gordon, S.E., Malimali, S., Wingfield, M., Kurtboke, D.I and Southgate, P.C. 2019. Effects of nucleus position, profile and arrangement on the quality of mabé pearls produced by the winged pearl oyster, Pteria penguin. Aquaculture,  488, pp.109-115.
Hair, C., Foale, S., Kinch, J., Frijlink, S., Lindsay, D. and Southgate, P.C. 2019. Socioeconomic impacts of a sea cucumber fishery in Papua New Guinea: Is there an opportunity for mariculture? Ocean and Coastal Management, 179, 104826.
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Johnston, B., Hine, D., Kishore, P. and Southgate, P.C. 2019. Cost-benefit analysis of two culture methods that influence pearl production from the black-lip pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 50(3), pp. 510-521.
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Korovulavula, I., Nunn, P.D., Kumar, R. and Fong, T. 2019. Peripherality as key to understanding opportunities and needs for effective and sustainable climate-change adaptation: a case study from Viti Levu Island, Fiji. Climate and Development, 12(10), pp. 888-898. DOI: 10.1080/17565529.2019.1701972.
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Militz, T.A., Leini, E. and Southgate, P.C. 2019. Evaluation of Hatchery Production from Captive and Wild-caught Sandfish (Holothuria scabra Jaeger, 1833) Broodstocks. Asian Fisheries Science, 32(2), pp. 64-71.
Nowland, S.J., Silva, C.N.S., Southgate, P.C. and Strugnell, J.M. 2019. Mitochondrial and nuclear genetic analyses of the tropical black-lip rock oyster (Saccostrea echinata) reveals population subdivision and informs sustainable aquaculture development. BMC Genomics, 20, p. 711. 
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Nunn, P.D. 2019. Rising seas swamp these idyllic isles. Daily Express (UK), 23 November 2019, page 12.
Nunn, P.D. and Kumar, R. 2019. Measuring peripherality as a proxy for autonomous community coping capacity: a case study from Bua Province, Fiji Islands, for improving climate change adaptation. Social Sciences, 8(8), 225. DOI:10.3390/socsci8080225 
Nunn, P.D. and Kumar, R. 2019. Cashless adaptation to climate change in developing countries: unwelcome yet unavoidable? One Earth, 1, pp. 31–34. DOI: 10.1016/j.oneear.2019.08.004.
Nunn, P.D. and McNamara, K.E. 2019. Failing adaptation in island contexts: the growing need for transformational change. In: Klöck, C. and Fink, M. (eds). Dealing with Climate Change on Small Islands: Towards Effective and Sustainable Adaptation? Göttingen: Göttingen University Press, pp. 19-44.
Nunn, P.D., Joseph, E., Korovulavula, I. and Kumar, R. 2019. Peripherality as key to understanding climate-associated risk and resilience for Pacific Island communities. APN Science Bulletin, 9(1). DOI: 10.30852/sb.2019.888
Nunn, P.D., McKeown, M., McCallum, A., Davies, P., John, E.H., Chandra, R., Thomas, F.R. and Raj, S.N. 2019. Origin, development and prospects of sand islands off the north coast of Viti Levu Island, Fiji, Southwest Pacific. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 23(6), pp. 1005-1018. DOI: 10.1007/s11852-019-00707-w 
Nunn, P.D., Nakoro, E., Tokainavatu, N., McKeown, M., Geraghty, P., Thomas, F.R., Martin, P., Hourigan, B. and Kumar, R. 2019. A Koronivalu kei Bua: Hillforts in Bua Province (Fiji), their chronology, associations and potential significance. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/15564894.2019.1582119 
Pearson, J., McNamara, K.E. and Nunn, P.D. 2019. Gender-specific perspectives of mangrove ecosystem services: case study from Bua Province, Fiji Islands. Ecosystem Services, 38. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoser.2019.100970 
Piggott-McKellar, A., McNamara, K.E. and Nunn, P.D. 2019. Climate change forced these Fijian communities to move – and with 80 more at risk, here’s what they learned. The Conversation, published online 30 April 2019 
Piggott-McKellar, A., McNamara, K.E., Nunn, P.D. and Sekinini, S. 2019. Moving people in a changing climate: lessons from two case studies in Fiji. Social Sciences, 8(5), 133. DOI:10.3390/socsci8050133 [2018 Cite Score 0.89] 
Piggott-McKellar, A., Pearson, J., McNamara, K.E. and Nunn, P.D. 2019. A livelihood analysis of resettlement outcomes: lessons for climate-induced relocations. Ambio, 49(9), pp. 1474-1489. DOI: 10.1007/s13280-019-01289-5 
Simard, N.S., Militz, T.A., Kinch, J. and Southgate, P.C. 2019. Artisanal, shell-based handicraft in Papua New Guinea: Challenges and opportunities for livelihoods development. Ambio, 48, pp. 374–384 .
Singh, S., Southgate, P.C. and Lal, M.M. 2019. Morphological plasticity in a Fijian Seagrass: Halophila ovalis subsp. Bullosa. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 32, 100809.
Underhill S.J.R., Sherzad S., Zhou Y., Molimau-Samasoni S., Tagoai S.M. (2019) Postharvest Loss in Fruit and Vegetable Markets in Samoa. In: Connell J., Lowitt K. (eds) Food Security in Small Island States. Springer, Singapore. pp 111-131.
Underhill, S.J.R., Joshua, L., and Zhou, Y. 2019. A preliminary assessment of horticultural postharvest market loss in the Solomon Islands. Horticulturae 5, 5. doi:10.3390/horticulturae5010005
Westoby, R., McNamara, K.E., Kumar, R. and Nunn, P.D. 2019. From community-based to locally-led adaptation: evidence from Vanuatu. Ambio, 49(9), pp. 1466-1473. DOI: 10.1007/s13280-019-01294-8.
Braley, R.D., Militz, T. and Southgate, P.C. 2018. Comparison of three hatchery culture methods for the giant clam Tridacna noae. Aquaculture, 495, pp. 881-887.
Gordon, S.E., Malimali, S., Akau'ola, A., Wingfield, M., Kishore, P. and Southgate, P.C. 2018. Using microradiography to assess nacre thickness of mabé pearls: Technique suitability and insights. Aquaculture, 492. DOI: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2018.04.016
Hair, C., Ram, R, and Southgate, P.C. 2018. Is there a difference between bêche-de-mer processed from ocean-cultured and wild-harvested sandfish (Holothuria scabra)? Aquaculture, 483. pp. 63-68. DOI: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2017.09.044
Johnston, B., Hine, D. and Southgate, P.C. 2018. Economic Modeling of Round Pearl Culture in Fiji and Assessment of Viable Farm Size. Journal of Shellfish Research, 37 (1), pp. 79-91.
Kishore, P., Vuibeqa, G.B. and Southgate, P.C. 2018. Developing a national spat collection program for pearl oysters in the Fiji Islands supporting pearl industry development and livelihoods. Aquaculture Reports, 9, pp. 46-52.
Kumar, L., Eliot, I., Nunn, P.D., Stul, T. and McLean, R.F. 2018. Developing a regional-scale index for the indicative susceptibility of Pacific Islands to climate change. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 9(1), pp. 691-702.
Lal, M.M., Southgate, P.C., Jerry, D.R. and Zenger, K.R. 2018. Genome-wide comparisons reveal evidence for a species complex in the black-lip pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera (Bivalvia: Pteriidae). Scientific Reports, 8, 191.
Martin, P.C.M., Nunn, P.D., Leon, J. and Tindale, N. 2018. Responding to multiple climate-linked stressors in a remote island context: the example of Yadua Island, Fiji. Climate Risk Management, 21, pp. 7-15. DOI:10.1016/j.crm.2018.04.003 
Militz, T.A, Foale, S., Kinch, J. and Southgate, P.C. 2018. Natural rarity places clownfish colour morphs at risk of targeted and opportunistic exploitation in a marine aquarium fishery. Aquatic Living Resources, 31, 18. DOI: 10.1051/alr/2018006
Militz, T.A., Kinch, J., Schoeman, D.S. and Southgate, P.C. 2018. Use of total allowable catch to regulate a selective marine aquarium fishery. Marine Policy. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpol.2017.12.017
Militz, T.A, Kinch, J. and Southgate, P.C. 2018. Aquarium Trade Supply-Chain Losses of Marine Invertebrates Originating from Papua New Guinea, Environmental Management 61, pp. 661–670.
Militz, T.A., Leini, E., Duy, N., Dinh Quang and Southgate, P.C. 2018. Successful large-scale hatchery culture of sandfish (Holothuria scabra) using micro-algae concentrates as a larval food source. Aquaculture Reports, 9, pp. 25-30.
Nowland, S.J., O'Connor, W.A. and Southgate, P.C. 2018. Embryonic, Larval, and Early Postlarval Development of the Tropical Black-Lip Rock Oyster Saccostrea echinata. Journal of Shellfish Research, 37(1), pp. 73-77.
Nunn, P.D. 2018. Comment on “Learning from paleo-landscapes: Defining the land-use systems of the ancient Malayo-Polynesian homeland” by M.T. Carson and H-c. Hung. Current Anthropology, 57(6), pp. 806-807 
Nunn, P.D. and Betzold, C. 2018. Geography of global climate change: Asia-Pacific human and state security. In: Wallace, D. and Silander, D. (eds). Climate Change, Policy and Security: State and Human Impacts. Oxford: Taylor and Francis, pp. 67-85.
Nunn, P.D. and Kumar, R. 2018. Understanding climate-human interactions in Small Island Developing States (SIDS): implications for future livelihood sustainability. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, 10(2), 245-271. DOI:10.1108/IJCCSM-01-2017-0012 
Nunn, P.D. and Kumar, R. 2018. Island origins and environments. In: Baldacchino, G. (ed.). The Routledge International Handbook of Island Studies: A World of Islands. London: Routledge, pp. 52-71.
Zhou, Y. and Underhill, S.J.R (2018) Plasma membrane H+-ATPase activity and graft success of breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) onto interspecific rootstocks of marang (A. odoratissimus) and pedalai (A. sericicarpus). Plant Biology. doi: 10.1111/plb.12879.
Dean, A.R., Green, D. and Nunn, P.D. 2017. Too much sail for a small craft? Donor requirements, scale, and capacity discourses in Kiribati. In: Stratford, E. (ed.). Island Geographies: Essays and Conversations. New York: Routledge, pp. 67-88.
Gordon, S.E., Ngaluafe, P., Wingfield, M. and Southgate, P.C. 2017. Morphometric Relationships and Shell Form of Cultured Winged Pearl Oysters (Pteria penguin) in Tonga. Journal of Shellfish Research, 36(3), pp. 677-682.
Lal, M.M., Southgate, P.C., Jerry, D.R., Bosserelle, C. and Zenger, K.R. 2017. Swept away: ocean currents and seascape features influence genetic structure across the 18,000 Km Indo-Pacific distribution of a marine invertebrate, the black-lip pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera. BMC Genomics, 18, 66.
Nowland, S.J., Southgate, P.C., Basiita, R.K and Jerry, D.R. 2017. Elucidation of fine-scale genetic structure of sandfish (Holothuria scabra) populations in Papua New Guinea and northern Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research, 68(10), pp. 1901-1911. DOI: 10.1071/MF16223
Nunn, P.D. 2017. Sidelining God: why secular climate projects in the Pacific Islands are failing. The Conversation, published online 17 May 2017. Republished by Climate Home as “Acts of God: why secular climate projects fail in the Pacific” on 17 May 2017.
Nunn, P.D. 2017. Islands lost to the waves: how rising seas washed away part of Micronesia’s 19th-century history. The Conversation, published online 9 November 2017.
Nunn, P.D., Kohler, A. and Kumar, R. 2017. Identifying and assessing evidence for recent shoreline change attributable to uncommonly rapid sea-level rise in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia, northwest Pacific Ocean. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 21(6), pp. 719-730. DOI: 10.1007/s11852-017-0531-7 
Nunn, P.D., Runman, J., Falanruw, M. and Kumar, R. 2017. Culturally grounded responses to coastal change on islands in the Federated States of Micronesia, northwest Pacific Ocean. Regional Environmental Change, 17(4), pp. 959-971. DOI:10.1007/s10113-016-0950-2 
Scott-Parker, B., Nunn, P.D., Mulgrew, K., Hine, D., Marks, A., Mahar, D. and Tiko, L. 2017. Pacific Islanders’ understanding of climate change: where do they source information and to what extent do they trust it?  Regional Environmental Change, 17(4), pp. 1005-1015. DOI:10.1007/s10113-016-1001-8 
Kumar, S., Underhill, S., & Kumar, S. 2017. Importance of historical review of horticulture in Fiji. Journal of South Pacific Agriculture. 19 (1&2), pp. 9-12.
Underhill, S.J.R and Kumar, S. 2017. Postharvest handling of tropical fruit in the South Pacific. Fiji Agricultural Journal. 57(1), pp. 19-26.
Underhill, S.J.R, Zhou, Y., Sherzad, S., Zhou, Y., Singh-Peterson, L, Tagoai, S.M. (2017)  Horticultural postharvest loss in municipal fruit and vegetable markets in Samoa. Food Security. 9(6), pp. 1373-1383. DOI: 10.1007/s12571-017-0734-7
Underhill, S.J.R and Singh-Peterson, L 2017. Improving non-communicable disease remediation outcomes in Tonga: the importance of domestic fruit production systems: an analysis. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics, 118 (1), pp. 91-103.
Underhill, S.J.R., Zhou, Y., and Kumar, S. 2017. Infrared Thermal Imaging: A Practical Educational Tool to Improve Smallholder Farmer Postharvest Practice in the Fiji. Journal of Agricultural & Food Information, 18 (2), pp. 75-78. DOI:10.1080/10496505.2016.1275647
Underhill, S.J.R. 2017. A practical guide to better postharvest handling for Samoan smallholder farmers. St Lucia: University of Queensland.
Goff, J. and Nunn, P.D. 2016. Rapid societal change as a proxy for regional environmental forcing: evidence and explanations for Pacific Island societies in the 14-15th centuries. Island Arc, 25, pp. 305-315. DOI:10.1111/iar.12117 
Hair, C., Foale, S., Kinch, J., Yaman, L. and Southgate, P.C. 2016. Beyond boom, bust and ban: The Sandfish (Holothuria scabra) fishery in the Tigak Islands, Papua New Guinea. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 5, pp. 69-79.
Hair, C., Mills, D., McIntyre, R. and  Southgate, P.C. 2016. Optimising methods for community-based sea cucumber ranching: Experimental releases of cultured juvenile Holothuria scabra into seagrass meadows in Papua New Guinea. Aquaculture Reports, 3, pp. 198-208.
Janif, S., Nunn, P.D., Geraghty, P., Aalbersberg, W., Thomas, F.R. and Camailakeba, M. 2016. Value of traditional oral narratives in building climate-change resilience: insights from rural communities in Fiji. Ecology and Society, 21(2), pp. 7. DOI: 10.5751/ES-08100-210207.
Kishore, P. and Southgate, P.C. 2016. The effect of different culture methods on the quality of round pearls produced by the black-lip pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera (Linnaeus, 1758). Aquaculture, 451(20), pp. 65-71. DOI: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2015.08.031
Kumar, S. and Underhill, S.J.R. 2016. A preliminary assessment of tomato fruit susceptibility to in-transit damage in Fiji. Acta Horticulturae. 1120, pp. 423-428 
Lal, M.M., Southgate, P.C., Jerry, D.R., Bosserelle, C. and Zenger, K.R. 2016. A Parallel Population Genomic and Hydrodynamic Approach to Fishery Management of Highly-Dispersive Marine Invertebrates: The Case of the Fijian Black-Lip Pearl Oyster Pinctada margaritifera. PLOS One, published online August.
Lal, M.M., Southgate, P.C., Jerry, D.R. and Zenger, K.R. 2016. Fishing for divergence in a sea of connectivity: The utility of ddRADseq genotyping in a marine invertebrate, the black-lip pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera. Marine Genomics, 25, pp. 57-68.
Militz, T.A., Kinch, J., Foale, S. and Southgate, P.C. 2016. Fish Rejections in the Marine Aquarium Trade: An Initial Case Study Raises Concern for Village-Based Fisheries. PLOS One, published online March.
Militz, T.A., McCormick, M.I., Schoeman, D.S., Kinch, J. and Southgate, P.C. 2016. Frequency and distribution of melanistic morphs in coexisting population of nine clownfish species in Papua New Guinea. Marine Biology, 163, 200.
Nunn, P.D. 2016. Rise and fall: social collapse linked to sea level in the Pacific. The Conversation, published online 16 March 2016 
Nunn, P.D. 2016. Climate Wars: On Fiji’s islands, shifting sea levels have left a tangled legacy of conflict and survival. SAPIENS (online journal of the Wenner-Gren Foundation), 15 June 2016. - article was republished in Slate, 21 June 2016.
Nunn, P.D., Kumar, L., Eliot, I. and McLean, R.F. 2016. Classifying Pacific islands. Geoscience Letters, 3(1), pp. 1-19. DOI:10.1186/s40562-016-0041-8.
Nunn, P.D., Mulgrew, K., Scott-Parker, B., Hine, D.W., Marks, A.D.G., Mahar, D. and Maebuta, J. 2016. Spirituality and attitudes towards Nature in the Pacific Islands: insights for enabling climate-change adaptation. Climatic Change, 136(3), pp. 477-493. DOI: 10.1007/s10584-016-1646-9.
Ram, R., Chand, R.V. and Southgate, P.C. 2016. An Overview of Sea Cucumber Fishery Management in the Fiji Islands. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science. 11(3), pp. 191-205. DOI: 10.3923/jfas.2016.191.205
Ram, R., Chand, R.V., Zeng, C. and Southgate, P.C. 2016. Recovery rates for eight commercial sea cucumber species from the Fiji Islands. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 8, Part 1, pp. 59-64.
Singh-Peterson, L. and Underhill, S.J.R. 2016. A multi-scalar, mixed methods framework for assessing rural communities' capacity for resilience, adaptation and transformation. Journal of the Community Development, 48(1), pp. 124-140.
Southgate, P.C., Beer, A.C. and Ngaluafe, P. 2016. Hatchery culture of the winged pearl oyster, Pteria penguin, without living micro-algae. Aquaculture, 451, pp. 21-124. DOI: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2015.09.007
Stantis, C., Buckley, H.R., Kinaston, R.L., Nunn, P.D., Jaouen, K. and Richards, M.P. 2016. Isotopic evidence of human mobility and diet in a prehistoric/protohistoric Fijian coastal environment (c. 750-150 BP). American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 159, pp. 478-495. DOI:10.1002/ajpa.22884.
Stantis, C., Tayles, N., Kinaston, R.L., Cameron, C., Nunn, P.D., Richards, M.P. and Buckley, H.R. 2016. Diet and subsistence in Remote Oceania: an analysis using oral indicators of diet. In: Oxenham, M. and Buckley, H. (eds). The Routledge Handbook of Bioarchaeology in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. Oxford: Routledge, pp. 569-598.
Underhill, S.J.R 2016. Using infrared thermal imaging to improve ambient postharvest temperature management in smallholder farms in the South Pacific. Acta Horticulturae, 1128, pp. 329-336   
Wassnig, M. and Southgate, P.C. 2016. The effects of stocking density and ration on survival and growth of winged pearl oyster (Pteria penguin) larvae fed commercially available micro-algae concentrates. Aquaculture Reports, 4, pp. 17-21.
Zhou, Y. and Underhill, S.J.R 2016. Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis): gibberellin 2-oxidase genes in stem elongation and abiotic stress response. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 98, pp.81-88.


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