While you are studying | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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While you are studying

At UniSC we are committed to helping you succeed in your journey. UniSC provides a range of services to help you throughout your studies as an international student, as well as information to ensure you understand any unique requirements if you are a Student visa holder.

As an international student, studying in an unfamiliar environment can be a daunting experience. You can access a variety of resources and support services to assist you through your studies at UniSC. We have provided a summary here but there's also comprehensive information and support for international students.

International Office

The International Office can provide assistance relating to your Student visa and conditions, your Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE), Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC), and any future studies at UniSC.

Student Central

Student Central offices are located at each UniSC campus and are your first point of contact for anything student related. Staff at Student Central can offer help and advice about most facilities, services and procedures, or put you in touch with the relevant service.

Services include:

• enrolment advice
• program advice
• student finance
• scholarships
• student leadership opportunities
• academic skills support
• progression
• exams

Search the FAQs for answers to common questions you may have. If your question is not answered, contact Student Central for assistance.

Support services

UniSC provides a range of free support services to all students from academic, careers and AccessAbility support to counselling, health, IT and financial assistance.

UniSC also offers services and activities specifically for international students to make sure they feel supported and succeed in their studies. Find out more about the assistance available for international students.

Course information

Detailed course information, including course descriptions, schedules, learning and assessment tasks and due dates can be found on Blackboard. Find out more about where you can review your course information and access other study materials to assist you with your studies.

USC Central

USC Central is the online system UniSC uses to manage your enrolment and personal details. From here you can complete your compulsory task items, plan your timetable, enrol in courses and classes, update your personal details, generate your unofficial transcript, and view your financial details, exam timetable and grades.

Student Charter and important policies

UniSC is committed to excellence in teaching, research and engagement.

The Student Charter sets out what students can expect from the University and what, in turn, is expected of students to achieve these outcomes. It also includes links to important policies and procedures.

You should also make sure you are familiar with the following policies and procedures:

• The Student Complaints Resolution - Procedures outline the processes for receiving and resolving complaints from students and the process to review and appeal a University decision. Student complaints may involve academic decisions, administrative decisions or general complaints relating to the student experience for which the student is seeking resolution.

• The Student Fees, Charges and Refunds - Procedures outline refunds payable in the case of both student and provider default, amounts that may or may not be repaid, cancellation charges and the processes for claiming refunds.

• The Information and Records Management - Procedures provide guidance on how UniSC collects, stores and uses personal information. Information is also collected in order to meet our obligations under the ESOS Act and the National Code of Practice 2018. This ensures student compliance with the conditions of their visas and obligations under Australian immigration laws. This information can be provided, without your consent, in certain circumstances authorised or required by law, to the Australian Government and designated authorities approved by the Government.

Official communication

UniSC uses email to officially communicate with students and communications will be sent to your UniSC student email address. It is your responsibility to check your student email account on a regular basis. Failure to read email advice is not considered sufficient excuse for missing an obligation or deadline.

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)

OSHC is a health insurance for Student visa holders. UniSC can accept payment and arrange visa-length Comprensive OSHC on your behalf with our preferred provider Medibank.

Find out more about OSHC.

Note, this information is for coursework students only. Students enrolled in a Higher Degree by Research should refer to HDR candidature information.

As a UniSC student, the University monitors your academic performance to ensure you are moving toward successful completion of your program requirements.

If you are an international student on a Student visa you must maintain satisfactory course progress and complete your program within the standard duration. There may be serious consequences for your Student visa if you do not meet minimum academic requirements and make satisfactory progress.

What is satisfactory academic progress?

All students are required to maintain satisfactory progress in each study period. If you fail a course/courses, you may be at risk of not meeting the minimum standards required for satisfactory academic progress.

It is essential that you are familiar with the University’s Monitoring Academic Progress and Exclusion - Academic Policy and Procedures.

Satisfactory academic progress means a student is progressing through their study such that they have maintained a Cumulative GPA above 3.0; they have not failed the same course three or more times; and they have not failed or received a withdrawn final notation for the same workplace integrated learning (WIL) placement course two or more times.

Unsatisfactory Academic progress means a student:

1. has a Grade Point Average of 3.0 or less over two consecutive study periods; and/or

2. the student has failed the same course three or more times (other than a workplace integrated learning (WIL) placement course); and/or

3. the student has failed or received a withdrawn final notation for the same workplace integrated learning (WIL) placement course two or more times.

Students should also be familiar with the three stages of monitoring:

  • MAP Stage 1 – Early Intervention
  • MAP Stage 2 – Monitored Enrolment
  • MAP Stage 3 – Consideration for Exclusion

For more information about these stages of monitoring and the support options available to you, please visit the Academic progress page.

What should I do if I think I am not making satisfactory progress?

If you are having difficulties, it is important to seek help as soon as you feel your studies are being affected. There are a number of services available to assist you.

In the first instance, you should contact your lecturer, tutor or course coordinator. The qualified staff at Academic Skills and/or Student Wellbeing are also able to provide you with assistance to help ensure that you are able to make satisfactory progress.

Remember, the earlier you seek help, the easier it will be for you to make satisfactory academic progress and avoid the consequences of failing.

What happens if I fail?

If the course you fail is a requirement for your program, you will have to successfully complete it before you can become eligible to graduate. To find out when it is possible to repeat your failed course, refer to the 'Study Plan' tab on your program page to view the usual teaching session of offer.

If the course you fail is an elective and you do not want to repeat it, you can choose a different course.

Failing a course is likely to extend the duration of your study. This may have Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) and visa implications if you are no longer able to complete your studies by the end date listed on your CoE.

In order to support student success, the University reviews the academic progress at the end of each study period. A student making unsatisfactory academic progress will be placed on 'monitored enrolment'. If your academic progress continues to be unsatisfactory, you may be excluded from studies at UniSC.

UniSC will not report you to the Department of Home Affairs (DOHA) unless you have been excluded and have had the opportunity to access the University's complaints and appeals processes as set out in the Student Complaints Resolution - Procedures.

However, even if you are not excluded or reported to DOHA, it is important to understand that this will have an impact on your study plan, as you may be required to take the failed courses again in order to complete your program. This may affect your ability to finish your program within the required time (see ‘Completing within the standard duration’) and attract additional fees.

What happens if I am identified for monitored enrolment?

UniSC monitors student progress at the end of each study period and will advise students who are identified for monitored enrolment (MAP Stage 2) using the criteria set out in the Monitoring Academic Progress - Procedures. This will generally be if you have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 or less, fail the same course for a second time or have failed a Work Integrated Learning (WIL) placement course.

Students on monitored enrolment will receive communication from Student Central and will be expected to develop an Academic Improvement Plan to assist with their academic achievement. They are also strongly encouraged to seek support and assistance from Academic Skills and/or Student Wellbeing services.

At the end of the period of monitored enrolment, academic performance is re-assessed. If the student has met satisfactory academic performance requirements, the monitored enrolment period ends. If there is not sufficient improvement in their results, they may be excluded from studies at UniSC.

What happens if I am excluded?

If your performance does not improve during a period of monitored enrolment, or if you meet other MAP Stage 3 criteria relating to your unsatisfactory academic progress, you may be considered for exclusion from the University.

You have the right to ‘show cause’ against exclusion, to make a case why you should not be excluded.

As part of the show cause process, you will receive a ‘Notice of Intention to Report’ advising you that UniSC will need to report your unsatisfactory academic progress to the Department of Home Affairs (DOHA) and the validity of your Student visa may be affected. You will also be advised that before the University reports you, that you have 20 business days in which to access the University’s ‘review and appeals process’. In this case, responding to the show cause is considered to be equivalent to seeking a review of the decision to exclude you, as per Pathway 2 of the Student Complaints Resolution - Procedures. During the 20 working days, and if you submit a response to Show Cause until you are advised of the outcome, your enrolment at UniSC will not be affected.

Once you have been reported to DOHA, you must contact a DOHA office within 28 days of receiving advice that you have been reported.

Completing within the standard course duration

It is another condition of your Student visa that you complete your program within the standard CRICOS registered duration. This means that you must finish your program by the end date listed on your Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE). Generally, a full-time enrolment of four courses per semester/trimester will allow you to complete your program at UniSC within the standard duration. If you have received academic credit this may allow for a different enrolment pattern.

If you fail a course/courses, you are at risk of not being able to complete your program within the standard duration, unless you are able to take this course again (or an alternative course) in a future study period.

If you fail a course, it is important that you discuss your study plan with Student Central.

Can I change my study load if I am not coping with full time studies?

As a condition of your Student visa, you are required to complete your program within the standard duration, or by the end date listed on your CoE.

If you enrol in less than the courses listed on your study plan in any semester or trimester, you must make up this course in a non-compulsory study period (e.g. Summer Session).

However, in certain limited circumstances you may be able to reduce your study load. You must discuss this with Student Central and Student Wellbeing (if applicable) to ensure that this is an option for you. A change to your study plan/study load may only be approved if you can demonstrate compassionate or compelling circumstances. If this is approved, you will be able to apply for an extension to your Student visa in order to complete your studies.

What should I do to make sure I meet the conditions of my Student visa?

It is important that you are aware of any conditions attached to your Student visa. For a full explanation of the conditions, visit the Department of Home Affairs (DOHA) website.

In order to meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress and Completion within the Standard Duration conditions, you must ensure that you:

  • Are aware of UniSC’s policies and procedures and the requirements of your program
  • Are aware of your responsibilities and consequences of not making satisfactory academic progress
  • Seek help as soon as possible if you are experiencing difficulties with your studies
  • Make all attempts to achieve satisfactory academic progress – this should include visiting the Student Counsellors, attending Academic Skills workshops, and speaking with your tutors and teaching staff
  • Are aware of your study plan and ensure you are correctly enrolled each semester/trimester
  • Discuss your enrolment with Student Wellbeing, your School and the International Office if you fail a course/courses, to ensure that you are still able to complete your studies within the standard duration
  • Discuss your situation with the Student Counsellors if you feel compassionate or compelling circumstances are affecting your ability to study successfully

The Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act protects the rights of Student visa holders studying in Australia, including:

  • Your right to receive, before enrolling, current and accurate information about the programs, fees, modes of study, and other information from your institution and your institution’s agent.
  • Your right to enter into a written agreement with your institution before paying fees, setting out the services to be provided, fees payable, and information about refunds of program money. Your letter of offer is the written agreement between you and UniSC once accepting your offer.
  • The Tuition Protection Service (TPS) is a placement and refund service for international students, which is activated in the event that your institution is unable to teach your program.

As a Student visa holder, it is important to be aware of your obligations and important Student visa conditions. In addition to the requirement of maintaining satisfactory academic progress (see 'Academic progress' tab), please ensure you are familiar with the conditions that relate to your study. An overview of these conditions and obligations is provided below, however you are able to review all conditions attached to your visa by using the Visa Entitlement Verification Online system (VEVO).

Contact the Department of Home Affairs if you have any questions regarding your visa conditions.

Maintain enrolment

You are required to enrol in such a way that allows you to complete your program by the finish date of your CoE. For most students this will require you to enrol as per the full-time study sequence for your program.

There may be instances where you cannot enrol into a full-time study load, e.g. if you have received credit for prior learning or course availability. To satisfy your visa condition of maintaining enrolment in a registered program, you must enrol in at least one course per compulsory study period.

If you fail to enrol and do not have an approved Suspension of Studies, UniSC will determine that you have voluntarily discontinued your studies at UniSC and your enrolment will be cancelled. UniSC will report this change in enrolment against your Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE). This will result in your CoE being cancelled.

Maintain adequate health insurance – OSHC

As a Student visa holder, it is a condition of your visa to maintain adequate health insurance for the duration of your stay in Australia. This means you need to purchase Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) and keep your policy up to date whilst you are in Australia on a Student visa.

The Australian government provides information on OSHC and the OSHC Deed, which details the minimum policy requirements for all OSHC insurers.

UniSC can accept payment and arrange visa-length Comprensive OSHC on your behalf with our preferred provider Medibank.

  • If you hold a Comprehensive OSHC policy and want to make changes to your policy, you are able to do this directly with Medibank, either in person or online.
  • If you want to extend your stay in Australia, you will need to purchase another OSHC policy for the extension period. You will need to purchase visa length cover, which you can discuss directly with Medibank.

If you hold OSHC with a different provider, you should contact the provider directly to discuss amendments or extensions to your policy.

Contact details

To ensure you receive important information from the Department of Home Affairs (DOHA) and to satisfy your student visa conditions, you must notify the University within 7 days:

  • of your new address when you first arrive in Australia
  • if you change your address at any time
  • of any new contact details, including phone number, email address and emergency contacts details

Your contact details must be recorded on USC Central and must always be kept current.

Online and external study

You can study one-third of your program by online or distance learning provided that in each compulsory study period you enrol in at least one internal (face to face) course (unless it is your final course which is only available via distance/online mode).

If you exceed one-third external enrolment in your program or do not enrol in at least one internal course per compulsory study period (unless it is your final course which is only available via distance/online mode) you will be in breach of your Student visa conditions.

Work restrictions

Student visa holders, who are not studying a Higher Degree by Research (HDR), can work 48 hours per fortnight in Australia when their program is in session and unlimited hours during scheduled breaks.

If your employer requires confirmation of your scheduled break, you can request a Holiday Letter.

HDR Student visa holders can work unlimited hours once their program has commenced. However, the University's Research Degrees Committee recommends that full-time research degree students undertake paid employment for no more than 8 hours per week or for a total of the equivalent of 8 hours per week over a twelve-month period. The hours of employment include marking and preparation associated with part-time teaching duties.

Your workplace rights in Australia

Australia has strict workplace laws. The Fair Work Ombudsman it there to provide you with information on your workplace rights, obligations and entitlements, and assist you when there is a problem.

Any student who is unsure of their pay and entitlements or believes they have been underpaid while working in Australian can contact the Fair Work Ombudsman, free of charge, for information and assistance recovering unpaid entitlements.

The Fair Work Infoline (13 13 94) has a translation and interpreter service available and their website has professionally translated materials to assist students.

Transferring to another provider

As a Student visa holder, you must remain enrolled at UniSC for the first six months of your principal program of study (the main course of study being undertaken) or for the duration of your program if it is less than six months.

Once you have completed six months in your principle program at UniSC you can transfer to another provider. It is important that you remain compliant with your Student visa conditions and you should contact the Department of Home Affairs to discuss your study intentions.

If you wish to be released from your studies at UniSC prior to completing six months, you can submit an ‘Application for release’. All requests for release will be considered in accordance with the Transfer of Student Visa Students between Registered Providers - Operational Policy and Procedures.

You will be informed of the outcome of your application within 10 working days of submitting a complete application. If you wish to transfer after receiving your release, you will need to also formally withdraw from UniSC.

Detailed instructions on how to apply for release are outlined on the 'Application for release' form, which can be found under Program, enrolment and progression section.

Obligations for school-aged children

If you are bringing children aged between five and 18 years old with you to Australia under a dependent visa, as part of the condition of this visa, they will be required to attend school full-time.

You need to be aware of schooling obligations and options for school-aged children and understand that you will be required to pay full fees if they are enrolled in either a government or non-government school.

School-aged dependants of Student visa holders can attend any school that meets relevant requirements for domestic registration. They are not required to attend CRICOS-registered* schools because dependants are not Student visa holders.

You should contact your child's intended school to ensure you have all the information required to meet enrolment deadlines. The school will be able to provide you with information about the process for enrolling a school student, and the fees involved. Some schools may charge fees in addition to tuition fees such as application and enrolment fees.

Some sponsored students may be exempt from paying school fees for their dependants. You should contact the education authority in the state or territory where you will be living to get information specific to your situation.

Find out more about enrolling school students via Education Queensland International.

*CRICOS is the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students. All Australian education providers offering courses to people studying in Australia on Student visas are required to be registered on CRICOS.

A Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) is an official document issued by UniSC to international students who intend to study on a Student visa.

You supply the CoE to the Department of Home Affairs (DOHA) during the Student visa application process as evidence of your intended enrolment at UniSC. While you are studying, the CoE provides various Government Departments (such as the Department of Home Affairs) with important information about your enrolment status. Any changes to your enrolment at UniSC will be reported against your CoE.

The CoE contains your UniSC enrolment information, including:

  • Program of study
  • Program duration
  • Program start and finish dates
  • Estimated program costs

You are expected to complete your program within the duration specified in the CoE. Usually, unless you have been awarded credit transfer from previous studies, this will be the full-time study duration for the program you are enrolled in.

Why do I need a CoE?

International students who intend to study in Australia on a Student visa require a CoE. You must have a valid CoE at all times while you are studying on a Student visa - even if your visa is still valid.

It is your responsibility to ensure you hold a valid CoE and meet the conditions of your Student visa.

Higher Degree by Research students

Higher Degree by Research students who have formally submitted their thesis for examination through the Graduate Research School do not require a CoE. Therefore, once your thesis has been submitted, we will notify DOHA of this and complete your CoE.

Your Student visa was issued with additional time to allow for thesis marking, and will remain valid while you await the outcome. During this time, the Graduate Research School can provide you with a letter confirming that your thesis is undergoing examination.

Should you require re-enrolment to make changes to your thesis, UniSC will issue a new CoE for you once the Graduate Research School advises us of your re-enrolment.

Can I extend my CoE?

As per the National Code 2018, Student visa holders are expected to complete their program within the duration specified on their CoE.

UniSC can only approve an extension to a Student visa holder’s program of study because of:

  • Compassionate or compelling circumstances;
  • An implemented intervention strategy for students who are at risk of unsatisfactory academic progress; or
  • An approved deferment or Suspension of Studies has been granted.

Examples of compassionate and compelling circumstances include (but are not limited to):

  • A medical issue evidenced by a medical certificate
  • Receiving fail grades, which meant you were unable to follow your recommended study sequence

You must contact Student Central as soon as you become aware of a problem which may impact on your ability to finish your studies on time. Together with Student Central, you should investigate a study plan option (e.g. taking courses in non-compulsory study periods), which will ensure you complete your program on time.

If, after consultation with Student Central, you are unable to produce a study plan that allows you to finish your studies on time, you should contact the International Office prior to your CoE end date for information regarding how to apply for an extension to your CoE.

If you have deliberately under-enrolled without prior approval and you are unable to finish your studies on time as a result, you may not receive an extension to your CoE and may not be able to complete your UniSC studies in Australia.

CoE extensions are assessed on a case by case basis and you may be asked to provide documentary evidence to support your application for a CoE extension.

Note, a new CoE does not mean an extension of your Student visa. After receiving your new CoE, you will need to lodge an application for a new Student visa with the Department of Home Affairs.

When would my CoE not be extended?

CoE extensions can only be approved if they meet the criteria listed in the National Code 2018. Circumstances where a CoE extension application may not meet these criteria and therefore may not be approved include (but are not limited to):

  • Where the student took a reduced study load (under enrolled) in a teaching period for reasons other than compassionate and compelling circumstances, such as:
    • Financial hardship
    • Not liking the courses on offer
    • Work commitments
    • Improving grades where this is not approved by UniSC as part of an Academic Improvement Plan
  • The student failed courses and did not seek progression advice to determine if it was possible to complete on time.
  • The student has Fail Absent grades and cannot sufficiently evidence that these were due to compassionate or compelling circumstances.
  • The student has an overdue tuition fee balance on their USC Central account.

CoE extensions are assessed on a case by case basis. Students may be asked to provide documentary evidence to support their application for a CoE extension.

When can I extend my CoE?

We recommend that you apply for a CoE extension after your results are released for the last teaching period you are enrolled in before your CoE finishes. If you apply before results are released, are issued a CoE and subsequently fail a course, you may not be able to complete your program by the end date listed on your new CoE. This may mean that you would need to apply for another CoE extension at a later date, and if you have used the CoE to apply for a Student visa, that you may be required to lodge a further visa application.

If your Student visa finishes prior to your current CoE end date, and you believe that you cannot complete your program by the end date of your current CoE, you should apply for a CoE extension.

Note, you must use your CoE to apply for your new visa within 45 days of the date the CoE is issued, otherwise it will expire.

How can I extend my OSHC policy?

If you have received a CoE extension, you may be required to purchase additional OSHC cover to ensure you have visa length cover. You should reach out to your preferred OSHC provider to discuss your OSHC policy needs.

What changes to my enrolment may result in my CoE being cancelled?

UniSC will report changes to your enrolment against your CoE, which will notify the Department of Home Affairs and other applicable government departments.

Some changes may result in your CoE being cancelled. Changes to your enrolment which will cancel your CoE occur when:

  • You formally withdraw from UniSC
  • You fail to enrol in courses in a compulsory study period and have no Suspension of Studies approved
  • You have an approved change of program (in that case a new CoE will be issued for the new program)
  • Your enrolment is cancelled by UniSC* due to:
    • Non-payment of fees
    • Academic or general misconduct resulting in expulsion
    • Unsatisfactory academic progress

* In this instance, you will receive a notice of intention to report, and be advised that you have 20 business days to access UniSC's internal appeals process to appeal the decision. If you are not happy with the outcome of the internal appeal, you can submit an external appeal. Refer to the Student Complaints Resolution - Procedures. Your enrolment will be maintained until after the 20-day period, or where you have submitted an internal appeal until the appeal process is completed. In the case of unsatisfactory academic progress, your enrolment will not be suspended or cancelled until the internal and external appeals process is completed.

You will be advised by email once the CoE cancellation has taken place. You will have 28 calendar days from the date of the CoE cancellation to either leave Australia, obtain a new CoE, or apply for a new visa.

At times, you may need to make changes to your enrolment at UniSC. The information below gives you an overview of your options as an international student.

Note, if you have questions regarding course enrolment or your study sequence you should contact Student Central.

Changing your program

You can apply for a change of program once you have completed at least one semester of study in a UniSC award program prior to the study period in which the change of program will become effective. The admission criteria in place for new students will also apply for all students wanting to change program. Not all programs are available to be commenced in each semester and you should check the relevant program page prior to submitting an application.

Changing study programs may result in changes to your study end date.

If you wish to apply for a change of program to a new undergraduate program, you should discuss your intentions with Student Central.

If you wish to apply for a change of program to a new postgraduate program, you need to submit a new application via the International Application Portal.

Student visa holders who are considering a program change that impacts on their overall duration of study are advised to discuss their program change intentions with the Department of Home Affairs to identify potential impacts on their Student visa.

  • If the duration of your new program is LONGER than the duration of your previous program, you may need to apply for a new Student visa.
  • If the duration of your new program is SHORTER than the duration of your previous program, this may affect the validity of your Student visa. If you have changed courses since being granted your Student visa and your new Confirmation of Enrolment for your principal course has a shorter end date, you must depart Australia or apply for a new visa within 28 days of completing your principal course, or your visa may be considered for cancellation.

UniSC will issue a new Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) to reflect the change of your program once it becomes effective. Your CoE for your previous program will be cancelled.

Changing your study load

If you are an international student on a Student visa, you are expected to complete your course within the duration indicated on your Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE). In most instances, this requires you to enrol in a full-time study load (four courses/48 units per Study Period).

You should check your program page and study sequence to ensure you understand what courses you are required to enrol in for each teaching period to complete your program on time.

For assistance on planning your studies, refer to Managing your progression or contact Student Central for help.

If you are not studying a full-time load in a Study Period, you will be contacted by Student Central by email. They will advise the circumstances in which it is permitted to take a reduced study load. This may include:

  • Course availability due to failing prerequisite courses
  • Course availability due to being awarded credit transfer (where you have received credit transfer for courses in your study sequence, and no other courses are available to study)
  • Where a reduced study load has been approved as part of a UniSC approved Academic Improvement Plan (refer to Academic Progress)
  • Where you have compassionate and compelling circumstances (in this instance, you should contact Student Central to ensure that your circumstances would be considered as compassionate or compelling. You may be asked to supply documentary evidence.)

If you are unsure if you meet the circumstances advised in the email, you should seek Student Central’s advice regarding your study plan and receive confirmation that you are enrolled correctly.

Note, CoE extensions will not be approved where students are deemed to have deliberately under enrolled.

If you are considering enrolling in more than 48 units (4 courses) in a Study Period, you will need to contact Student Central to request approval for an enrolment overload.

Suspending your studies

In certain circumstances international students may need to take a break from their studies.

Student visa holders who require a break from their studies may be granted a Suspension of Studies for up to two compulsory study periods under the following circumstances:

  • Severe medical reasons (evidenced by a registered medical practitioner)
  • Exceptional compassionate circumstances beyond the student's control

If exceptional circumstances exist, you should meet with counselling staff at Student Wellbeing to discuss whether a Suspension of Studies is an appropriate course of action in your situation. Student Wellbeing can work with you to investigate alternative options which may allow you to continue your studies without requiring a break.

An approved Suspension of Studies will be reported to the Department of Home Affairs (DOHA) against your Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE).

You can remain in Australia or travel overseas if you have deferred your course for compassionate and compelling reasons. You may wish to discuss your situation with DOHA prior to lodging an application for a Suspension of Studies or refer to your study situation has changed section on the DOHA website.

You may also need to apply for a CoE extension later if, due to the Suspension of Studies, you are not able to complete your remaining study by your CoE end date. You should discuss any questions regarding a CoE extension with the International Office.

Non-student visa holders wanting to take a break can apply for a Suspension of Studies in any circumstance.

For further information on applying for a Suspension of Studies, contact Student Central.

Cancelling your studies

Prior to considering withdrawal from UniSC, it is strongly recommended you consult with Student Wellbeing and Student Central to discuss your options. Often, alternative arrangements can be made which will allow you to continue your studies at UniSC.

Withdrawal from courses after certain dates within a study period may incur financial or academic penalty. You may also have cancellation charges applied to your USC Central account. You are required to check important dates on the academic calendar and refer to the Student Fees, Charges and Refunds - Procedures prior to submitting your withdrawal request.

To submit a withdrawal request, you need to complete the "Withdrawal from program – international student" form, which can be found under the Program, enrolment and progression section.

If you are a Student visa holder, UniSC will notify the Department of Home Affairs (DOHA) by reporting your change of enrolment against your Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE). This will result in your CoE being cancelled.

You must notify UniSC if you withdraw due to changing education provider within 7 days of receiving a CoE from your new provider or evidence you have been enrolled by your new education provider, in line with your Student visa conditions.

Early completion

If you are a Student visa holder and complete your program earlier than the finish date specified on your Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE), UniSC will report your early completion against your CoE and the Department of Home Affairs (DOHA) will be notified. This may affect the validity of your Student visa and you should contact DOHA for further advice. You can also review DOHA information regarding Changes in your situation.

University initiated suspensions and exclusions

UniSC may initiate a suspension or exclusion for the following reasons:

  • Unsatisfactory academic progress
  • Non-payment of fees
  • Academic or general misconduct

In the event UniSC intends to suspend or cancel your enrolment, where the suspension or cancellation is not initiated by the student, UniSC will notify you of the suspension or exclusion and advise that you have 20 business days to access UniSC's internal appeals process to appeal the decision. If you are not happy with the outcome of the internal appeal, you can submit an external appeal. Refer to the Student Complaints Resolution - Procedures.

Your enrolment will be maintained until after the 20-day period, or where you have submitted an internal appeal until the appeal process is completed. In the case of unsatisfactory academic progress, your enrolment will not be suspended or cancelled until the internal and external appeals process is completed.

If you are a Student visa holder, UniSC will notify the Department of Home Affairs (DOHA) by reporting your change of enrolment against your Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE). This will result in your CoE being cancelled.

As an international student you are required to hold a visa that has appropriate study rights, as per the Enrolments and Graduations - Procedures.

UniSC runs regular checks to ensure that we have students’ current visa details on file. You may receive an email requesting evidence of the visa you currently hold to demonstrate that you have appropriate study rights.

To check the study entitlements attached to your visa, you can use the Visa Entitlement Verification Online service.

If you change visa type and your study entitlements are affected, you must contact the International Office immediately.

If you enter Australia on a Working Holiday or Work and Holiday visa and intend to study for longer than four months, you will need to apply for a Student visa.

Changing to a Student visa

If you intend to apply for a Student visa, you will need to request a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) from UniSC. You should email askusci@usc.edu.au at least three weeks before your current visa expires.