The Graduate Outcomes Survey (GOS) is a national survey of students who have recently completed the requirements of a higher education accredited qualification.
The survey is an Australian Department of Education initiative which is carried out by the Social Research Centre, forming part of the suite of higher education surveys under the Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT).
The GOS collects information from graduates about their study experience and the type of work or further study being undertaken after completing a qualification. UniSC will use the results to further develop its courses and programs, maximise students’ study experiences and to provide informed advice to students about career opportunities. GOS results will also inform higher education policy development and will be reported by media and publishers.
Invitations to complete the GOS online are emailed from the Social Research Centre (Email: in February (graduates from August-October of the prior year), May (graduates from November of the prior year to February of the current year) and November (graduates from March-July of the current year).
As part of the GOS, employed graduates will be asked to provide their supervisor's contact details so that they have the opportunity to participate in the Employer Satisfaction Survey (ESS). Three years on from graduation, graduates who participated in the GOS will also be invited to respond to the Graduate Outcomes Survey - Longitudinal (GOS-L).
Graduate Outcomes Survey (GOS)
Students who completed an award at UniSC between November 2024 and February 2025 will be emailed details of the GOS survey during May 2025. The email will include a direct link to the online survey which can be completed immediately and typically takes under 15 minutes. Invitation emails will come from the Social Research Centre (
The earlier you complete the survey, the more chances you have to be in the national draw to win great prizes (see Prize terms and conditions of entry). For more information visit Graduate Outcomes Survey.
GOS prior year findings:
Over 109,000 graduates completed the 2023 GOS nationally. Results from previous years' surveys are published on the national Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching website (
In 2023:
- 95% of domestic UniSC graduates were in employment within four months of completing postgraduate study.
- 91% of domestic UniSC graduates were in employment within four months of completing undergraduate study.
Access previous year’s National GOS reports
Employer Satisfaction Survey (ESS)
As part of the GOS, employed graduates are invited to volunteer their supervisor's contact details to participate in the Employer Satisfaction Survey (ESS). The ESS enables employers to provide their perception of UniSC and higher education in general; employers are not asked to provide an assessment of individual graduates.
The results of the ESS inform government and higher education providers about current and emerging skills needed for the workforce and how well higher education institutions are responding to industry needs. For more information visit: Employer Satisfaction Survey.
ESS findings
Over 6,600 employers completed the ESS nationally between 2021 and 2023. Employers rated their overall satisfaction with UniSC graduates 4 percentage points higher (88%) than the national average (84%). All results are published on the national Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT) website (
From 2021 to 2023:
- 90% of employers were satisfied with UniSC graduates’ foundation skills – general literacy, numeracy and communication skills.
- 91% of employers were satisfied with UniSC graduates’ collaborative skills – teamwork and interpersonal skills.
- 93% of employers were satisfied with UniSC graduates’ technical skills – application of professional and technical knowledge and standards.
Access previous year’s ESS reports.
Graduate Outcomes Survey-Longitudinal (GOS-L)
The GOS-L is a longitudinal study that connects with university graduates around three years after program completion. Information on graduates’ labour market outcomes are collected using methodology consistent with the GOS.
The next GOS-L will be conducted during February - March 2025. Students who completed an award at UniSC in 2022 will receive an email invitation from the Social Research Centre (
For more information visit: Graduate Outcomes Survey - Longitudinal.
GOS-L prior year findings:
More than 40,000 graduates completed the 2023 GOS-L nationally. Results from previous years' surveys are published on the national Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT) website (
In 2023:
- 95% of UniSC undergraduates were in full-time employment three years after completing their study, a substantial increase from the 60% reported following completion of their degree in 2020.
- 97% of UniSC postgraduates were in full-time employment three years after completing their study, a strong increase from the 85% reported following completion of their degree in 2020.
Access previous years' GOS-L reports.
Stay connected - update your details
To ensure you receive a copy of the survey and ongoing updates from the University, including news specifically for graduates, be sure to update your contact details whenever they change.
Career services
UniSC graduates can access ongoing assistance with employment job searching through Careers and Employability.
For more information, contact:
The Social Research Centre
From within Australia: 1800 055 818
From outside Australia: +61 3 8327 1951
Insights and Analytics Unit
Tel: +61 7 5456 5465