Workplace Learning - Placement | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Workplace Learning - Placement

Employers are looking for graduates with work experience who can quickly play a significant role and help the organisation achieve its objectives. Undertaking a work placement component as part of your UniSC degree helps you prepare to meet these expectations.

Workplace Learning (WPL) is an elective course that provides a valuable transition from university to your professional life. WPL provides an opportunity for students in the final year of their program to obtain academic credit for a course at university at the same time as gaining valuable experience in the workplace. WPL provides the opportunity to put theory into practice, develop a range of essential skills sought by employers, establish a work history and create networking contacts.


Students undertake a diverse range of placements according to their program, career path and interests. Placements may be undertaken either locally, interstate or overseas according to your program and placement availability.

Placements are available in the following areas:

  • Science, Animal Ecology, Environmental Science and Environmental Management
  • Information Technology and Computer Science

Visit Managing your progression for instructions on how to check whether you have room in your program for a WPL course.

Science, Animal Ecology, Environmental Science and Environmental Management

A work placement presents a valuable opportunity to gain essential practical experience for your future career or further studies. This transformative workplace learning internship allows you to apply diverse knowledge and develop skills such as laboratory techniques, data analysis, fieldwork, and research design. Ultimately, it enhances your employability and paves the way for a successful career. Science placements are based upon your major, career path or interests. Animal ecology, environmental science, and environmental management placements can range from regional and state government departments, community groups, mining companies, and consultancies to animal rehabilitation. Students are required to seek their own host organisation.

Information Technology and Computer Science

A workplace learning internship in Information Technology and Computer Science is a pivotal opportunity for students already immersed in these fields. By gaining hands-on experience, collaborating with professionals, and applying your skills in real-world scenarios, you can bridge the gap between theory and practice, enhance your technical expertise, and gain a competitive edge in the industry. Embrace this transformative experience to shape a successful career and cultivate valuable industry connections.

Students should seek their own organisation for placement or request assistance from the Course Coordinator at and Placement Officer at

Continuing placement partners include

  • iDcare

  • Mallow Sustainability

  • Marine Discoveries

  • Moreton Bay Regional Council

  • Sunshine Coast Environment Council

  • Symbio Laboratories Pty Ltd

  • Tonkin & Taylor Pty Ltd

  • Wildlife HQ Zoo

Placement structure 

Students undertaking WPL have the option of completing work integrated learning appropriate to their discipline area in the form of industry work placements. Common durations of the work placements are:

Placements are available during semesters 1 and 2 as well as sessions 1, 5 and 8.

Applications for domestic placement are required to be submitted at least 4 weeks prior to the respective session or semester commencing.

Applications for International placement are required to be submitted at least 6 months prior to the respective session or semester for placement.


Study Sem/Session

Sem/Session start date

Application due date

Session 5 2024

17th June 2024

20th May 2024

Semester 2 2024

22nd July 2024

24th June 2024

Session 8 2024

25th November 2024

28th October 2024

Session 1 2025

6th January 2025

9th December 2024

Semester 1 2025

24th February 2025

27th January 2025

Session 5 2025

23th June 2025

26th May 2025

Sonia Online

To experience interest in WPL310/320 placement courses please log into your Sonia Online account under the Science and Technology Discipline.

Remuneration and insurance

All WPL placements should be unpaid. No remuneration or payment is made by the host organisations to the students or to the University for hosting a student. Students undertaking an approved placement are covered by the University’s insurance policies. If you intend on being paid by your placement site, you must disclose prior to commencement to the Course Coordinator at and Placement Officer at

Mandatory checks

Each placement has inherent requirements that may be specified by the host organisation and/or UniSC to enable you to undertake placement. Requirements may include but are not restricted to construction card, criminal history check, immunisation, current first aid certificate and Blue Card (working with children check).


Students are required to set learning objectives and maintain a daily reflective journal on their placement experience which will be assessed by the WPL Course Coordinator. Your placement supervisor will also complete a report on your activities and performance.

International Opportunities

Short Term Study Overseas placements require 6 months notice. Interested students must have a GPA4.5 or higher, must contact the WPL Course Coordinator at and Placement Officers at within this time-frame.

More information

For more information on how to apply for a WPL course visit Sonia online.


WPL Staff are available by appointment only. Contact your Course Coordinator using your UniSC student email at, please include your Program, year level, Semester or Session you wish to enrol in and which WPL course you intend to complete. Alternatively, students can contact to register their interest or request further information.