Ocean Futures | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Ocean Futures

Working for a climate-smart future for marine ecosystems.

Ocean Futures at UniSC brings together researchers working at the interface between physical, mathematical and ecological sciences.

Marine and coastal systems provide a range of essential ecosystem services vital to human wellbeing, including providing​ the living marine resources​ ​that are ​a key source of protein for more than four billion people worldwide. The pace of physical change in the atmosphere, ocean and land resulting from anthropogenic climate change is driving widespread disruption to ecosystems​ globally.

This cluster is focused on climate​-induced​ ​impacts to marine ecosystems, and on ​adaptation​ to future climate-associated risks. Our work is both theoretical and​ ​applied​, spanning​ ​contexts from ​​fisheries sustainability​ to marine conservation and spatial planning.

Climate change is significantly affecting fisheries worldwide. These changes make fishing more challenging and require sustainable management to protect marine ecosystems. The disruption to the natural food chain in turn affects many non-fished species that require protection and conservation.

Our aim

To innovate a climate-smart future for marine ​​​​ecosystems and contribute towards the impact of UniSC on the UN Sustainable Development Goals, specifically 'Climate Action' & 'Life Below Water.'