Chairperson - Professor Stuart Parsons
Deputy Chairperson - Associate Professor Gail Crimmins
Members ex officio (full rights)
Vice-Chancellor and President - Professor Helen Bartlett
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) - Professor Michael Wilmore
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) - Professor Ross Young
Chairperson, Education Committee -Professor Maree Dinan-Thompson
Chairperson, Research Committee - Professor Ross Young
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) - Professor Maree Dinan-Thompson
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global and Engagement) - Ms Alex Elibank Murray
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Strategy) - Professor Joe Fraser
Dean of Graduate Research and Researcher Development - Associate Professor Kate Mulgrew
Dean, School of Business and Creative Industries - Professor Mark Loon
Foundation Dean, School of Health - Professor Tony Perkins
Dean, School of Education and Tertiary Access - Associate Professor Debbie Heck
Dean, School of Law and Society - Professor Jay Sanderson
Dean, School of Science, Technology and Engineering - Professor Stuart Parsons
UniSC Adelaide Principal and Academic Director - Professor Roberta Crouch
Appointed members (full rights)
One undergraduate coursework student - Mr Julius Toole
One postgraduate student - Ms Shauna Fjaagesesund
One international student - Ms Jackline Mutunga
One Indigenous identifying student - Mr Drew Dale
Professional staff - Ms Anita Jones
Professional staff - Ms Liz Moon
Co-opted by the Chairperson - Associate Professor Gail Crimmins
Elected members (full rights)
Academic staff member (level B or C) - Dr Dominique Moritz
Academic staff member (level B or C) - Dr Shahab Pourfakhimi
Academic staff member (level D or E) - Associate Professor Kathy Townsend
Academic staff member (level D or E) - Associate Professor Kate Mulgrew
Academic staff member (level E) - TBC
Academic staff member (level E) - TBC
In attendance (having participatory, but not voting, rights)
Director, Governance and Risk Management - Mr Tim Jensen
Director, Library Services - Ms Blanca Pizzani
Chief Data Officer - Mr Omer Yezdani
Senior Quality Officer - Ms Kylie Batten
Chairperson of University Academic Appeals Committee - Dr Craig Cameron
Board Secretary - Ms Janet O'Hara
Invited to attend as appropriate (having participatory, but not voting rights)
Any visitors with the approval of the Chairperson
Observers (no rights)
Any person with the approval of the Chairperson