Principle 1: Safe, supportive and respectful | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Principle 1: Safe, supportive and respectful

What we will do  

  • Provide a safe, accessible and inclusive work, learning and social environment free from bias, discrimination and harassment, which supports staff and students to contribute fully 
  • Cultivate supportive social, physical and digital environments  
  • Empower people to achieve their educational, employment and career goals from a place of strength   
  • Implement practices to facilitate authentic student, staff and community engagement through partnership in University decision making and governance 
  • Continued commitment to eliminating or reducing barriers which prevent full participation in working and learning  
  • Provide and promote utilisation of safe and supportive disclosure and feedback processes founded in trust and respect 

How will we know we are making a difference?  

  • All facilities are accessible and gender-sensitive, providing safe, non-violent, inclusive and effective learning environments for all  
  • All University messaging, branding, campaigns and events are inclusive, accessible and reflect our diversity and inclusion principles  
  • University decision making is informed by perspectives of underrepresented groups
  • Diverse representation is evident at all levels and across all disciplines   

USC commitment   

  • Leadership is diverse, inclusive, informed by best practice, evidence-based and driven by our principles  
  • Support the development of all staff and students to achieve their work and learning goals  
  • Support managers, employees and students to identify and address inappropriate behaviour
  • Implement peer support programs to support the mental health and wellbeing of staff and students 
  • Eliminate all forms of bullying, harassment and discrimination  
  • Maintain and embed principles of the Australian Human Rights Commission campaign ‘Racism. It Stops with Me.’  

Examples of individual commitment  

  • Promote and model inclusive behaviours 
  • Leaders at all levels will role model inclusive leadership and champion diversity and inclusion initiatives within their sphere of influence  
  • Treat others with respect, courtesy, and dignity 
  • Listen to the views of others without prejudice 
  • Volunteer to be a Diversity Champion in your work area or cohort to promote and support diversity and inclusion efforts
  • Participate in various cultural experiences and learning opportunities that are available  
  • Undertake training that creates a shared understanding of consent and respectful relationships