Study Assistance - Procedures | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Study Assistance - Procedures

Approval authority
Chief Operating Officer
Responsible Executive member
Chief Operating Officer
Designated officer
Director, People and Culture
First approved
16 December 2015
Last amended
14 May 2024
Review date
13 December 2028
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1. Purpose

1.1 These procedures outline the study assistance processes.

1.2 These procedures must be read in conjunction with the Study Assistance - Operational Policy and Leave - Guidelines.

2. Scope and application

2.1 These procedures apply to ongoing staff and fixed term staff holding an appointment of 12 months or more.

3. Definitions

3.1 Refer to the University’s Glossary of Terms for definitions as they specifically relate to policy documents.

Cost Centre Manager (CCM) means the manager responsible for the budget of an organisational unit.

Examination leave means leave granted to attend examinations and can include time to travel to and from an examination.

Fee discount is a discount for all eligible staff to undertake UniSC subjects and courses.

Financial assistance means the provision of a fee discount for study at UniSC, study leave or reimbursement of associated costs.

Relevance to role means the program will directly contribute to the staff member’s performance of duties and is consistent with the qualifications and training level reflected in the classification standards of their substantive position or anticipated future duties at the University. Australian Taxation Office guidelines also help to inform assessment of relevance to role.

Residential schools involve online (distance) students attending campus for face-to-face teaching and workshops to practise and develop their skills, use course facilities and meet staff and other students.

Study leave means paid leave granted to attend classes, examinations and attend compulsory residential schools.

4. Application for study assistance

4.1 Following discussion between a staff member and their supervisor as part of annual performance and development discussions, the staff member completes and submits the Study Assistance Request Form to their supervisor. When the supervisor recommends approval, the request is forwarded to the Cost Centre Manager (CCM).

4.2 Applications for study assistance are authorised at the discretion of the CCM. Where the CCM does not support the application, they must notify the staff member in writing.

4.3 Applications authorised by the CCM are forwarded to People and Culture for verification of compliance with University policy and workforce strategy, and approval by the Director, People and Culture.

4.4 People and Culture notifies the staff member, supervisor and CCM of the outcome in writing.

4.5 Approval of a program of study operates for the entire period of the program, subject to satisfactory progress in study as well as in performance of duties. Therefore, once initial approval is given for a program of study, applications for approval each study period are not required provided the program and educational institution remain the same.

4.6 Financial assistance and study leave can only be accessed where prior approval has been granted. Backdating of study assistance prior to the date of approval will not be supported.

5. Application to change program or category

5.1 When a staff member proposes to change the institution at, or program in which they are studying, a new application is required. The staff member needs to demonstrate how this change will benefit their development and the University more than continuation in the current program.

5.2 Applications for program change must be recommended by the supervisor, authorised by the CCM and forwarded to People and Culture for approval by the Director, People and Culture.

6. Financial assistance

6.1 Financial assistance for study undertaken at UniSC or externally can be approved as per the Study Assistance - Operational Policy.

6.2 UniSC courses

6.2.1 The UniSC fee discount is applied prior to the session fee due date.

6.2.2 Staff receiving a fee discount are not eligible for other discounts offered by the University or vice versa (higher value applies). Student Services and Amenities Fees cannot be discounted.

6.2.3 Following approval of financial assistance for UniSC study, the staff member applies for the course or subjects via Student Central.

6.2.4 When the offer of admission is accepted, the staff member submits a Fringe Benefits Tax Declaration and a copy of the study invoice to Financial Services.

6.2.5 People and Culture collate and maintain a list of staff and approved fee discounts for UniSC study and provide that list to the Fees Group and Financial Services prior to session fee due dates.

6.3 External course providers

6.3.1 Study leave and reimbursement of associated costs is supported, subject to the following conditions:

(a) approval is granted prior to the commencement of study;

(b) costs have not been met by the receipt of a scholarship or award; and

(c) costs of preparation of masters and doctoral theses are only subsidised when the approved educational institution in which the staff member is enrolled, does not provide a subsidy for the preparation of the thesis.

6.4.1 Financial assistance can be provided for specified costs incurred to undertake the study. Specified costs include:

(a) compulsory equipment fees;

(b) textbooks;

(c) expenses for compulsory field studies; and

(d) compulsory residential school travel expenses (see clause 6.4.4).

6.4.2 To apply for reimbursement of associated costs, submit the Study Assistance Reimbursement Form to the supervisor and then CCM, along with receipts for the costs.

6.4.3 Once authorised by the CCM, the form is sent to People and Culture for verification of compliance with University policy. The approved form is then sent to Financial Services by People and Culture for payment and processing of Fringe Benefits Tax for the University.

6.4.4 Compulsory residential school travel expenses Travel to and from a compulsory residential school is either by public transport or private vehicle. Approved air travel must be booked through the University’s corporate travel provider. The staff member’s actual expenses for travel to and from the compulsory residential school and reasonable meals and accommodation expenses during the school can be reimbursed at the discretion of the CCM.

7. Leave for study commitments

7.1 Where possible, and with the approval of their supervisor, staff members can re-arrange their normal working hours around their study schedules to attend classes, examinations and other course requirements, where it will not adversely affect their work commitments.

7.1.1 Granting of leave (including study leave, recreation leave and leave without pay) is subject to the operational requirements of the work area and the approval of the supervisor. Where the granting of leave to attend classes will disrupt the operations of the work area, the staff member can be asked to make up the time, as mutually agreed, within the span of ordinary hours between the hours of 6:00am and 6:00pm Monday to Friday.

7.1.2 Study leave for fractional staff is provided on a pro rata basis calculated according to the percentage of time a staff member is employed compared to a full-time position.

7.2 Study Leave

7.2.1 Study leave can be granted to:

(a) attend classes - Paid leave up to 7 hours per week;

(b) attend examination – Paid leave for the time required to attend the examination; or

(c) attend compulsory residential school – Paid leave up to 20 working days per annum. This can include leave to travel to and from compulsory residential schools where such travel cannot be undertaken outside normal working hours.

7.2.2 Where the study is assessed as not relevant to the staff member’s role or career pathway, the staff member is not eligible for study leave.

7.3 Other Leave

7.3.1 A staff member can utilise other leave types, if required, to:

(a) study for examinations;

(b) attend placements or work integrated learning;

(c) attend non-compulsory residential school; or

(d) complete full-time study to complete course (see clause 7.3.4).

7.3.2 The staff member must first utilise recreation leave entitlements. Once recreational leave entitlements are exhausted, the staff member can utilise leave without pay or flexible work arrangements.

7.3.3 Staff members intending to take leave without pay must consider implications as outlined in the Leave - Guidelines.

7.3.4 Full-time study to complete course The University offers the option to take full-time leave to complete a course. Applications are subject to the staff member confirming their intention to return to work at the University at the completion of the studies, and meet the following criteria:

(a) the staff member has completed at least two-thirds of the approved program of study;

(b) the staff member has been continuously employed at the University for at least two years full-time;

(c) the supervisor and CCM are supportive of the application and can allow for the staff member’s return to work upon completion of the studies; and

(d) the staff member agrees to return to work at the University at the completion of the studies for a period not less than the period taken on full-time leave.

7.4 Applying for leave

7.4.1 An application for paid study leave must be made on the Manual Leave Request Form on UniSC Connect by selecting the Study Leave category.

7.4.2 An application for leave without pay must be made on the Manual Leave Request Form on UniSC Connect by selecting the Leave without Pay category.

7.4.3 An application for recreation leave must be made through UniSC Staff.

8. Summary table of entitlements by category


UniSC courses

External course providers


Approved fee discount applied prior to the session fee due date. The staff member pays relevant course fees or defers payments via HELP (HECS/FEE) prior to the Census.

Eligibility for study leave or reimbursement of associated costs would depend on the relevance of the study to the employee’s role or career pathway.

Associated costs may include compulsory equipment fees, textbooks and expenses of compulsory field studies.

Thesis preparation up to $100.00.

Course fees are not funded.

Eligibility for study leave or reimbursement of associated costs would depend on the relevance of the study to the employee’s role or career pathway.

Associated costs may include compulsory equipment fees, textbooks and expenses of compulsory field studies.

Thesis preparation up to $100.00.

Leave to attend classes

Up to 7 hours per week study leave on full pay without disruption to the work area.

Leave to attend examinations

Rearrange work hours around examinations where possible. If not possible, study leave on full pay to attend examinations.

Leave to study for examinations

Leave is through recreation leave entitlements, leave without pay or flexible work arrangements.

Leave to attend Placement/WIL

Leave is through recreation leave entitlements, leave without pay or flexible work arrangements.

Leave for full-time study to complete course

Leave is through recreation leave entitlements, leave without pay or flexible work arrangements.

Compulsory Residential School

Maximum of 20 working days study leave on full pay per annum. Reimbursement of travel expenses including meals and accommodation may be considered.

Non-compulsory Residential School

Leave is through recreation leave entitlements, leave without pay or flexible work arrangements.