1. Purpose of policy
This policy sets out the guiding principles of the University with regards to naming of its buildings, rooms, endowed chairs, and other initiatives. This includes functional, honorific and philanthropic naming, as well as naming rights offered as a benefit of sponsorship support.
2. Policy scope and application
This policy applies to all staff and members of University decision-making and advisory bodies.
3. Definitions
Please refer to the university Glossary of Terms for policies and procedures. Terms and definitions identified below are specific to this policy and are critical to its effectiveness:
Benefactor is the person or organisation who makes a philanthropic donation to the University.
4. Naming provisions and principles
4.1 The University has the authority to apply names to or change the names of its buildings, rooms and other facilities, as well as endowed chairs, and other initiatives.
4.2 The University will apply a naming convention for buildings for functional purposes to support the management of facilities, to aid timetabling and to facilitate ease of navigation around the various campuses and study sites.
4.3 The University may name various parts of its premises and activities such as buildings, roads, open spaces, rooms, research chairs, programs, scholarships and other initiatives to:
(a) honour the extraordinary distinguished contributions of its past members and others to humanity, to Australia, to Queensland, to the University’s local regions, or to the University
(b) honour a benefactor, in line with the principles set out in the University’s Donation Acceptance - Managerial Policy
(c) recognise a business or company engaging in corporate philanthropy or a sponsorship agreement, in line with the principles set out in the University’s Incoming Sponsorship - Managerial Policy
(d) recognise the history of the University’s geographical locations including Indigenous and non-Indigenous places and their significant characteristics
4.4 Naming using an Indigenous name or wording should undergo appropriate community consultation.
4.5 Names applied for honorific purposes and to recognise a benefactor are not applied in perpetuity and the University will clearly communicate this to all stakeholders.
4.6 Should a situation occur where a previously named facility or initiative is no longer able to be named, the University will endeavour to inform the individual, relatives and/or stakeholders of its intended course of action with regards to renaming or ceasing to name a facility or initiative.
4.7 Names that have been applied for honorific purposes or to recognise a benefactor may be changed should the University deem that the name calls into serious question the reputation of the University.
4.8 Naming that implies the University's endorsement of a partisan political or ideological position or of a commercial product will not be admissible.
4.9 The University will seek to demonstrate its commitment to diversity by proactively seeking balance in its choices for honorific naming.
5. Naming approval
5.1 Functional naming will be approved by the Vice Chancellor and President, following a process facilitated by Campus Development and Services (CDS).
5.2 Honorific or philanthropic naming proposals are facilitated by the Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global and Engagement). Names applied to whole buildings for honorific purposes or to recognise a benefactor will be recommended by the Vice-Chancellor and President for approval by Council. The naming of all other facilities, endowed chairs, and other initiatives for honorific purposes or to recognise a benefactor will be approved by the Vice-Chancellor and President.
5.3 The use of corporate logos or colours of any external entity will not be integrated into campus signage.
5.4 The naming of new scholarships or bursaries will be approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), in accordance with the Scholarships, Bursaries and Prizes - Governing Policy.
5.5 The revoking of a named facility or endowed chair must be approved by the University Council. Regarding other initiatives, the Vice-Chancellor and President will ensure that Council is advised of any significant issues or concerns in relation to risk for the University.
5.6 All records must be captured by all staff, at every stage of this activity and should provide reliable and accurate evidence of business decisions and actions. All records must be captured in an approved records management system, in accordance with the University’s Information and Records Management – Procedures.
6. Authorities/Responsibilities
The following authorities are delegated under this policy:
Activity | University Officer |
Functional naming | Vice-Chancellor and President |
Names applied to whole buildings for honorific purposes or to recognise a benefactor | Council |
The naming of all other facilities, endowed chairs, and other initiatives for honorific purposes or to recognise a benefactor | Vice-Chancellor and President |
The naming of scholarships or bursaries to recognise a benefactor | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) |
The naming of prizes to recognise a benefactor | Dean of School |
The revoking of a named facility or endowed chair | Council |