Learning and Teaching Grants, Awards and Fellowships - Academic Policy | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Learning and Teaching Grants, Awards and Fellowships - Academic Policy

Approval authority
Academic Board
Responsible Executive member
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
Designated officer
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching Futures)
First approved
27 July 2010
Last amended
4 September 2024
Review date
6 August 2025
Related documents
Linked documents
Superseded documents
  • Learning and Teaching Grants Scheme (LTGS) - Academic Policy
Related legislation / standards
  • Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (2018)

1. Purpose of policy

The University encourages staff to engage with external grants, awards and fellowship programs and services as an important strategy to build sustained staff capability in the scholarship of learning and teaching.

In addition, internal awards, grants and fellowships are available to staff for recognition and promotion of excellence in teaching and learning.

This policy establishes the roles and responsibilities of staff:

  • for application and nomination approval, management and dissemination of outcomes for internal and external learning and teaching grants, awards and fellowships
  • for financial management and acquittal of internally and externally funded learning and teaching projects and fellowships, and
  • for disbursement of internal or external award monies.

2. Policy scope and application

This policy applies to all staff of the University.

Employment under the conditions of a ‘Teaching Fellowship’, as set out in the University of the Sunshine Coast Enterprise Agreement, is out of scope of this policy.

3. Definitions

Please refer to the University’s Glossary of Terms for policies and procedures.

4. Policy Statement

4.1 Principles

(a) The University of the Sunshine Coast will value and support outstanding teaching and encourage staff to undertake scholarly work and develop and disseminate significant innovations related to learning and teaching with the ultimate goal of enhancing student learning and contributing to the higher education sector.

(b) The University of the Sunshine Coast will aim to foster a culture that recognises and rewards excellence and innovation in Learning and Teaching. To this end, the University is committed to increasing staff engagement with internal and external grants, awards and fellowship programs and services as an important strategy to build sustained staff capability in the scholarship of learning and teaching.

(c) The Director, Centre for Support and Advancement of Learning promotes, supports and monitors internal and external learning and teaching grant applications, award and fellowship nominations and subsequent funded projects or initiatives.

(d) Academic or Professional staff who manage funded projects or initiatives will act as champions and disseminate project outcomes and promote good practice and innovations in learning and teaching to enhance student learning and the student experience at the University and in the sector more widely.

(e) Ownership of any intellectual property produced as an outcome of any grants, awards or fellowships should be clarified in the conditions and/or contracts prior to commencement, and must comply with the Intellectual Property – Governing Policy. This is of particular importance for projects jointly undertaken with other institutions.

(f) In entering into a contractual arrangement with a third party, the University will take all reasonable steps to minimise the restrictions or burdens imposed by such arrangements or conditions on the freedom of speech or academic freedom of any member of its staff or students carrying on research or study under such arrangements or subject to such conditions.

4.2 Internal conditions

(a) The Dean (Academic), on advice from the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching Futures), Deans of School and the Director C-SALT, will determine grant priorities in line with the University’s strategic objectives.

(b) Applications for internal grants and nominations for awards and fellowships must be peer reviewed, unless an exemption has been approved by the Dean (Academic).

(c) The Dean of School will authorise applications for internal grants or nominations for University awards and fellowships.

(d) The Dean (Academic) will approve applications for internal grants or nominations for University awards and fellowships (except Higher Education Academy fellowships), or alternatively at the discretion of the Dean (Academic) a selection panel will be convened to assess applications.

(e) Successful applicants or nominees who are recipients of grant funding or award or fellowship monies should comply with the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research.

4.3 External conditions

(a) Applications for external grants and nominations for awards and fellowships must be peer reviewed, unless an exemption has been approved by the Dean (Academic), in order to strengthen the quality of submissions.

(b) The Dean of School will authorise applications for external grants or nominations for external awards and fellowships.

(c) The Dean (Academic), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) or the Vice-Chancellor and President will approve applications for external grants or nominations for external awards and fellowships.

(d) The Grants and Awards Officer (C-SALT) will be the designated institutional contact for all grant applications and award and fellowship nominations.

(e) C-SALT will submit external learning and teaching grant applications and award and fellowship nominations to funding bodies.

(f) Successful applicants or nominees who are recipients of grant funding or award or fellowship monies should comply with the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research.

4.4 Financial management and acquittal of Learning and Teaching grant funding

(a) Project leaders who will disburse internal and external grant monies must conform to the Financial Management Practices – Managerial Policy and protocols in the Financial Management Practices Manual relating to University expenditure.

(b) Project leaders who will disburse external grant monies must conform to the contract general terms and conditions relating to management of funding.

4.5 Allocation and disbursement of Learning and Teaching award and fellowship monies

(a) Recipient(s) of internal awards may disburse the funds to advance career development and/or further develop and disseminate good practice related to learning and teaching e.g. professional development activities, conference attendance, support for learning and teaching related research/projects or equipment purchase (subject to University policy, equipment will remain the property of the University).

(b) Recipient(s) of internal awards who will disburse award monies should conform to the Financial Management Practices – Managerial Policy and protocols in the Financial Management Practices Manual relating to University expenditure.

(c) Recipient(s) of external awards who will disburse award monies should be governed by the funding body’s

requirements as outlined in authoritative documents.

(d) In the case of a joint program award, an understanding between the University and any partner institutions will be required with regards to the sharing of award monies.

5. Authorities/Responsibilities

The following authorities are delegated under this policy:


University Officer

  • Approves and signs external grant expressions of interest, applications and award and fellowship nominations
  • Signs contracts with external bodies on behalf of the University.

Vice-Chancellor and President, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), Dean (Academic)

  • Acts as the sponsor and promotes the internal grants and awards
  • Determines internal grant priorities, approves applications, and approves the allocation of funds
  • Endorses and signs external grant expressions of interest, and applications
  • Certifies reports on external grant and fellowship projects

Dean (Academic)

  • Apply the University procedures which govern the selection for grants, awards and fellowships programs
  • Assess applications against the relevant selection criteria
  • Provide feedback to applicants
  • Review progress and final reports
  • Agree recommendations for submission and funding of applications.

Selection panel

  • Authorise staff participation in the preparation of internal grant and other externally funded applications including University-led and partner projects

Deans of School

  • Manage funded projects or initiatives and disseminate project outcomes and good practice in innovations in learning and teaching
  • Disburse and acquit internal and external grant, award and fellowship monies

Project Leaders

  • Promote, administer, support and monitor internal and external learning and teaching grant applications, award and fellowship nominations and associated funded projects or initiatives

C-SALT staff