Job Evaluation of Professional Positions - Guidelines | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Job Evaluation of Professional Positions - Guidelines

Approval authority
Chief Operating Officer
Responsible Executive member
Chief Operating Officer
Designated officer
Director, People and Culture
Last amended
5 September 2024
Review date
21 June 2027
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Related legislation / standards
  • University of the Sunshine Coast Enterprise Agreement

1. Purpose

1.1 The purpose of these guidelines is to outline the job evaluation process. Job evaluation is the process by which the worth of a job is evaluated by comparing the content of a position description with the Professional Position Descriptors – Guidelines.

1.2 Reclassification occurs when a position description is revised to reflect significant changes and the evaluation of the position description determines that the position should be classified at a level other than that at which it is currently classified.

1.3 These guidelines must be considered in conjunction with the Recruitment, Selection and Appointment - Procedures.

2. Scope and application

2.1 These guidelines apply to all University professional position evaluations.

3. Definitions

3.1 Refer to the University’s Glossary of Terms for definitions as they specifically relate to policy documents.

4. Principles

4.1 A request for re-evaluation of a position does not normally occur unless the staff member has completed a Performance Planning and Review (PPR) discussion with their supervisor within the last twelve months.

4.2 Re-evaluation of a position does not normally occur more than once in any twelve-month period.

5. Process

5.1 Request for re-evaluation

5.1.1 A staff member, supervisor, or Cost Centre Manager (CCM) may request the re-evaluation of a position by completing the Application for Professional Position Reclassification.

5.1.2 When a staff member initiates a request for re-evaluation of a position and the supervisor or CCM does not support reclassification, the CCM will attach a written statement to that effect, explaining their reasons.

5.2 Review of application

5.2.1 The Application for Professional Position Reclassification, supported with the required documentation, is submitted via email to People and Culture. The evaluation of a revised position description will occur within 20 business days of receipt. Should additional information be required to progress the submission or if the assessment period extends beyond the 20 business days due to complexity, People and Culture will communicate accordingly.

5.2.2 The evaluation process will include at least two individual reviews conducted by People and Culture, reviewing and evaluating the revised position description against the Professional Position Descriptors – Guidelines.

5.2.3 When evaluating a position description, every effort is made to ensure the evaluators have a comprehensive knowledge of the position. Should additional information or clarification on a submission be required, People and Culture may make contact with the staff member, supervisor or the CCM.

5.2.4 Following this process, should the two assessments undertaken result in differing recommendations a third review will be conducted by People and Culture to evaluate the revised position description.

5.2.5 The Director, People and Culture or delegate approves all position review outcomes.

5.2.6 Where the evaluated position warrants reclassification, People and Culture notifies the supervisor and CCM and confirms the reclassification with the staff member in writing. The salary is adjusted accordingly.

5.2.7 Reclassification takes effect from the date the Application for Professional Position Reclassification was received by People and Culture, unless reasonable grounds for another date are demonstrated.

5.2.8 Where the position is evaluated and does not warrant reclassification, a People and Culture staff member will notify the staff member, supervisor, or CCM.

5.3 Appeal of decision

5.3.1 Should a staff member, supervisor or CCM not agree with the outcome of the evaluation, the matter may be referred for review to an Executive member who is not responsible for the work area. Written submissions can be made and the review will be conducted as expeditiously as practicable.

5.4 Records Management

5.4.1 A record of the Application for Professional Position Reclassification, Position Classification Review and supporting documentation will be retained by People and Culture.