Honorary Awards - Governing Policy | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Honorary Awards - Governing Policy

Approval authority
Responsible Executive member
Vice-Chancellor and President
Designated officer
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
First approved
19 August 2008
Last amended
6 September 2024
Review date
6 September 2029
Related documents
Linked documents

1. Purpose

1.1 This policy makes provision for the conferral of honorary awards, which affords a special opportunity for the University to recognise persons of outstanding achievement.

1.2 This policy must be read in conjunction with the linked Honorary Awards - Procedures.

2. Scope and application

2.1 This policy applies to all nominees and recipients of honorary awards.

3. Definitions

3.1 Refer to the University’s Glossary of Terms for definitions as they specifically relate to policy documents.

4. Policy Statement

4.1 The University can confer honorary awards to recognise distinguished service to the community, to the University, or for outstanding achievement in a particular field. The conferral of awards is undertaken by the University Council based on recommendations from the Honorary Awards Committee. Honorary awards are prestigious and are intended to recognise excellence.

5. Honorary awards

5.1 The University confers honorary awards in 5 categories:

(a) Honorary Doctorate;

(b) Chancellor’s Stole;

(c) Honorary Senior Fellow;

(d) Emeritus Professor; and

(e) Distinguished Companion of the University.

5.2 Honorary Doctorate

5.2.1 An Honorary Doctorate can be awarded to a person in recognition of excellence and extraordinary achievement in a significant area of human endeavour. The degree awarded can be either Honorary Doctor of the University (DUniv) or an Honorary Doctorate in a specific field.

5.3 The Chancellor’s Stole

5.3.1 The award of The Chancellor’s Stole recognises an extraordinary voluntary contribution to the University.

5.3.2 Primarily the Chancellor’s Stole is awarded to an Honorary Senior Fellow as additional recognition for continued outstanding contribution specifically to the University above and beyond that for which they have already been recognised.

5.3.3 The Chancellor’s Stole can also be awarded to recognise extraordinary philanthropic contributions to the University.

5.4 Honorary Senior Fellow

5.4.1 An award of Honorary Senior Fellow can be made:

(a) to a person in recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to the development of the University or of the region; or

(b) on the recommendation of the Chancellor, to external members of the Council or its Committees who have demonstrated sustained and distinguished service to the University on the Council or a Council Committee for a minimum of 3 years that is above and beyond the normal expectations of membership.

5.5 Emeritus Professor

5.5.1 An award of the title Emeritus Professor can be made to recognise a Professor of the University who has rendered sustained and distinguished service to the University.

5.5.2 An award of Emeritus Professor can only be made where the recipient of the award has retired from or resigned from their substantive position at the University, upon which the nomination for the award is based.

5.6 Distinguished Companion of the University

5.6.1 An award of the title Distinguished Companion of the University can be made to recognise the sustained and distinguished service to the University of a professional staff member who has:

(a) made an outstanding commitment to the life of the University by being instrumental in the leadership, development and/or support of a program, project or initiative that has substantially enhanced the reputation, organisation or operation of the University, and typically (but not necessarily) over a significant period of time; or

(b) displayed an outstanding application of exceptional skills, judgement or dedication in the service of the University at a sustained level above and beyond what is expected of a University staff member, normally over a considerable period of time.

5.6.2 For service to be considered as distinguished, the service must be well beyond the normal expectations of the person’s former role.

5.6.3 An award of the title Distinguished Companion of the University can only be made where the recipient of the award has retired from or resigned from their substantive position at the University, upon which the nomination for the award is based.

5.7 Approval and conferral of honorary awards

5.7.1 All honorary awards are made on the approval of the Council.

5.7.2 Honorary Doctorates, Honorary Senior Fellowships and Chancellor’s Stoles are normally conferred at a Graduation Ceremony. These awards can be made in absentia when the Vice-Chancellor and President determines that it is necessary or more practicable to do so.

5.7.3 The titles of Emeritus Professor and Distinguished Companion of the University can be conferred at a Graduation Ceremony or at any other time, at the discretion of the Vice-Chancellor and President.

5.8 Honorary Awards Committee

5.8.1 The Honorary Awards Committee seeks and considers nominations for honorary awards and makes a recommendation to Council for the conferral of honorary awards.

5.8.2 The Council determines the membership of the Honorary Awards Committee. The Committee comprises of:

(a) the Chancellor, or their nominee (Chairperson);

(b) the Vice-Chancellor and President;

(c) a member of Executive, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor and President and appointed by Council;

(d) up to three members of Council; and

(e) the Chancellor, in consultation with the Vice-Chancellor and President, can co-opt up to 2 additional members, with full rights, for a specified period to facilitate succession planning and access to specific expertise.

5.8.3 The period of office of Council members appointed to the Honorary Awards Committee is their term of office on Council.

5.8.4 In making its recommendations, the Committee should attempt to reflect the cultural diversity of the region and the international character and diversity of the University itself. It should also attempt to honour those whose outstanding contributions to their fields or to society have not yet been widely recognised. The Committee will also consider gender equity and diversity when making its recommendations.

5.8.5 As the only university headquartered in this region, the University has a special responsibility to acknowledge and honour persons of outstanding achievement who have significant ties to the region or the University, including those who have rendered distinguished service to the University as a Professor or professional staff member.

5.8.6 The Committee also considers the academic specialisations of the University in considering nominations.

5.8.7 The nominations made to, and deliberations of the Committee must be treated as strictly confidential.

5.9 Nominees

5.9.1 Honorary awards may not be made to current members of staff or current members of Council and its Committees, except in exceptional circumstances. Retired or former staff members must meet the same high standards for nomination as all other honorary award candidates. Nominations of former members of staff, Council or its Committees can be made directly by the Vice-Chancellor and President and be submitted in the form of a memorandum with Statements of Support, or other supporting material, not required. However, the memorandum must clearly convey how the candidate has met the criteria for that award.

5.10 Privileges

5.10.1 Holders of honorary awards are entitled to the following privileges:

(a) participation in the University’s academic procession;

(b) participation in University special events;

(c) receipt, at no charge, of University publications;

(d) limited use of the University Library; and

(e) any other privileges as determined by the Vice-Chancellor and President from time to time.

5.11 Rescission of honorary awards

5.11.1 An honorary award can be rescinded by Council, on the recommendation of the Honorary Awards Committee, when Council is of the opinion that the recipient has acted in such a manner as to bring the University's name into disrepute.

6. Authorities and responsibilities

6.1 The UniSC Council make this policy in accordance with the University of the Sunshine Coast Act 1998 (Qld).

6.2 The Vice-Chancellor and President is authorised to make procedures and guidelines for the operation of this policy. The procedures and guidelines must be compatible with the provisions of this policy.

6.3 The Vice-Chancellor and President is authorised to make associated documents to support the application of policy documents. These must be compatible with the provisions of the respective policy document.

6.4 This policy operates from the last amended date, will all previous policies related to the honorary awards are replaced and have no further operation from this date.

6.5 All records relating to the honorary awards must be stored and managed in accordance with the Information Management – Governing Policy.

6.6 This policy must be maintained in accordance with the Policy Framework – Procedures and reviewed on standard 5 year policy review cycle.

6.7 Any exception to this policy to enable a more appropriate result must be approved in accordance with the Policy Framework – Procedures prior to deviation from the policy document.

6.8 Refer to Schedule C of the Delegations Manual in relation to the approved delegations detailed within this policy document.

6.9 The following authorities are delegated under this policy and associated procedures:


University Officer / Committee

Approve and confer Honorary Awards


Rescind Honorary Awards


Maintain electronic register of honorary awards

Council Secretary