ESOS Staff Training - Procedures | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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ESOS Staff Training - Procedures

Approval authority
Chief Operating Officer
Responsible Executive member
Chief Operating Officer
Designated officer
Director, People and Culture
First approved
21 June 2017
Last amended
28 August 2024
Review date
24 November 2027
Related documents
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Related legislation / standards
  • Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000 (Cth)
  • National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018

1. Purpose of procedures

1.1 These procedures ensure that the University’s international activities comply with all relevant legislation and that all relevant staff are aware of their obligations.

2. Scope and application

2.1 These procedures apply to all relevant staff.

3. Definitions

Please refer to the University’s Glossary of Terms for policies and procedures.

4. Staff training

4.1 All staff who interact directly with international students must be aware of the University’s obligations under the ESOS legislative framework and of the potential implications for students arising from the exercise of these obligations. This requirement is fulfilled through the completion of the ESOS Legislative Framework Awareness online training module.

4.2 ESOS staff training is mandatory for all staff who interact directly with international students. This includes all staff based in the Schools (including casual academic), International Office, and Student Services and Engagement. Staff are required to complete the training within one month of commencing employment, and then every two years. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring all relevant staff complete the training.

4.3 A record of staff completing ESOS training will be made available to work areas.

4.4 ESOS staff training will be available for all other staff, for optional completion.