Award of Commendations and Medals - Procedures | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Award of Commendations and Medals - Procedures

Approval authority
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
Responsible Executive member
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
Designated officer
Academic Registrar and Director, Student Services
First approved
6 December 2016
Last amended
6 January 2025
Review date
24 December 2029
Related documents
Linked documents
Superseded documents
  • Award of a University Commendation for Academic Excellence - Managerial Policy
  • Award of a University Commendation for Academic Excellence (Postgraduate Coursework Study) - Managerial Policy
  • Award of Faculty Commendation for Academic Excellence - Managerial Policy
  • Award of University and Faculty Medals - Managerial Policy
  • Award of Chancellor's Medal - Procedures

1. Purpose

1.1 These procedures provide details on the selection criteria and basis for the awarding of University medals and commendations, which recognise and formally acknowledge those graduates who have demonstrated the highest academic levels of achievement in their studies.

1.2 These procedures must be read in conjunction with the linked Scholarships, Bursaries and Prizes - Academic Policy.

2 Scope and application

2.1 These procedures apply to staff administrating the awards and to eligible students as outlined in each of the individual award eligibility criteria.

3. Definitions

3.1 Refer to the University’s Glossary of Terms for definitions as they specifically relate to policy documents.

4. Medals for Academic Excellence and University Commendations for Academic Excellence

4.2 Eligibility criteria

4.2.1 Medals for Academic Excellence and University Commendations for Academic Excellence are awarded to students graduating from an undergraduate award program (other than an End-on Bachelor Honours Degree) or a postgraduate coursework award program. Graduates of End-on Bachelor Honours Degrees and Higher Degrees by Research are not eligible for these awards.

4.2.2 Medals and commendations are awarded in recognition of exceptional academic excellence and are based on the graduating student’s final Program Grade Point Average (GPA), as calculated in accordance with the Grades and Grade Point Average (GPA) - Academic Policy. Table 1: GPA Eligibility Criteria for Award of Medals and Commendations sets out the minimum GPA required to be eligible for an award.

Table 1: GPA Eligibility Criteria for Award of Medals and Commendations

Award type

Program Grade Point Average (GPA)

Program Level/Type

University Medal for Academic Excellence

6.80 or higher


Medal for Academic Excellence

6.60 to 6.79


University Commendation for Academic Excellence

6.0 or higher*


University Commendation for Academic Excellence (Postgraduate)

6.6 or higher

Postgraduate Coursework

* Students who qualify for a Medal do not receive a University Commendation as well.

4.2.3 Students graduating from a program, including a double degree, are considered for only one medal or commendation, whichever is the highest award for which they are eligible.

4.3 Volume of study

4.3.1 To be eligible for consideration for a University Medal for Academic Excellence or a Medal for Academic Excellence, undergraduate students must have undertaken at least 192 units of study at this University. Students who do not meet these criteria can be considered for a University Commendation for Academic Excellence.

4.3.2 Undergraduate students who are eligible for consideration for a University commendation based on their final program GPA, but who have completed less than 192 units of study at this University, can have their performance in any previous studies awarded as credit taken into account.

4.3.3 When any credit transfer for previous study cannot, for whatever reason, be equated to a UniSC standard grade, or credit has been awarded on the basis of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), such that it is not possible to add up to 192 units, then a commendation cannot be awarded.

4.3.4 To be eligible for consideration for a University Commendation for Academic Excellence (Postgraduate), postgraduate students must have undertaken at least 96 units of study at this University.

4.4 Selection process

4.4.1 The recipients of commendations and medals are determined by the Academic Registrar and Director, Student Services, and advised to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic).

4.4.2 Selection of the awards are made prior to each Graduation Ceremony and includes consideration of all students who have been conferred since the previous Graduation Ceremony.

4.5 Notification of award

4.5.1 Students eligible for an award receive a confirmation email and a notation stating that a commendation or medal has been awarded is included on the recipient’s statement of academic record. For those eligible students who attend, their award is acknowledged at the appropriate Graduation Ceremony.

4.5.2 Academic Board and Deans of School are notified of any commendations or medals to be awarded

5. Award of Chancellor’s Medal

5.1 The Chancellor’s Medal, recognises outstanding achievements by graduates of the University who have:

(a) made a distinguished contribution to the local or wider community;

(b) provided outstanding support and service to members of the University community; and

(c) achieved a high level of academic performance throughout their program of study at the University.

5.2 Eligibility criteria

5.2.1 The Chancellor’s Medal is awarded in recognition of academic excellence together with exceptional community service.

5.2.2 Nominees must meet the following criteria:

(a) clearly demonstrate a distinguished contribution to University life or the community which is above and beyond any requirements of their award program;

(b) achieved a high level of academic performance. Graduating coursework students generally need to achieve a program GPA of no less than 6.0 to be considered. Bachelor honours students with a classification of Honours IIA or higher, as well as Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students can also be eligible to be considered;

(c) has completed at least two thirds of their graduating program of study at the University; and

(d) has not previously been awarded a UniSC Chancellor's Medal.

5.2.3 A recipient of the Chancellor's Medal is also eligible for the award of a University Medal for Academic Excellence or University Commendation for Academic Excellence.

5.3 Nomination process

5.3.1 Following results release in each study period the Academic Registrar and Director, Student Services calls for nominations for the award of a Chancellor's Medal.

5.3.2 Nominations for the Chancellor's Medal can be made by any staff member of the University, by another student or by a member of UniSC alumni.

5.3.3 A student cannot self-nominate.

5.3.4 A list of all graduating students who meet the eligibility criteria described in Section 5.2.2(b) to 5.2.2(d) are forwarded to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Deans.

5.3.5 The relevant Dean in conjunction with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) ensure nominees for this award are identified and appropriate nominations are made in accordance with the approved process.

5.3.6 Nominations require information to be provided by the nominator, the nominee is also given the opportunity to provide additional information to support their nomination. It is the nominator's responsibility to ensure that sufficient detail is provided for the selection panel to make an informed decision.

5.4 Selection process

5.4.1 Once the nomination period has closed an initial check is made to ensure all eligibility criteria have been met. Any nominations that do not meet the academic criteria, but exceptional circumstances have been indicated, are brought to the attention of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) for confirmation of their inclusion in the selection process.

5.4.2 The recipient of the Chancellor's Medal are determined on behalf of the University Council by a selection panel consisting of:

(a) the Chancellor (Chairperson);

(b) the Vice-Chancellor and President;

(c) the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic); and

(d) an elected student member of Council.

5.4.3 When an elected student member of Council is unable to participate in the work of the Selection Panel, the student representative can be an elected student member of Academic Board.

5.4.4 A meeting of the selection panel is called promptly following the closing date of nominations, allowing enough time to enable a nominee to be identified and advised of their award prior to the next scheduled Graduation Ceremony.

5.5 Notification of award

5.5.1 A letter is prepared on behalf of the Chancellor advising the nominee of their successful selection. This letter also includes an invitation for the successful nominees to deliver an address at the Graduation Ceremony on behalf of all graduands.

5.5.2 When a Graduation Ceremony is held and there is no Chancellor's Medallist or the selected Chancellor's Medallist indicates that they do not wish to speak, then a University Medallist is asked to give an address on behalf of all graduands. When no Medallist has been identified for a Graduation Ceremony, the relevant Dean of School is asked to nominate a suitable graduand to give the address.

6. Dean, Graduate Research Award for Outstanding Thesis

6.1 Eligibility criteria

6.1.1 Nominees for the Dean, Graduate Research Award for Outstanding Thesis the must have been conferred from a UniSC Higher Degree by Research (HDR) program. Selections are made to coincide operationally with appropriate graduation ceremonies.

6.2 Nomination

6.2.1 To ensure the continued neutrality and integrity of the award nominations must be completed by the external examiners who examined the thesis. Two examiner nominations are given preference over single examiner nominations.

6.2.2 For nomination it is the opinion of external examiners that the thesis makes an outstanding contribution to its field through:

(a) outstanding contribution to research area; or

(b) excellence in research practice.

6.3 Selection process

6.3.1 The Dean, Graduate Research is provided with a short list of nominated eligible candidates for consideration. Normally up to 10 percent of HDR conferrals from the preceding year are considered for the Dean, Graduate Research Award for Outstanding Thesis.

6.3.2 The Dean, Graduate Research considers nominations received and how they make an outstanding contribution to their field as described in Section 6.2 - Nomination.

6.3.3 Preference is given to original theses that are Awarded. Theses Award with Revisions can also be considered.

6.3.4 The Dean, Graduate Research recommends the successful recipients to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic).

6.4 Notification of award

6.4.1 Recipients of the Dean, Graduate Research Award for Outstanding Thesis are presented with a formal certificate in recognition of receiving the award.

6.4.2 Academic Board is notified of any award recipients and these are also acknowledged at the appropriate Graduation Ceremony.

7. Student complaints

7.1 There are no internal student complaints, review, or appeal avenues about a decision to award, or not award, a University commendation or medal.

8. Authorities and responsibilities

8.1 As the Approval Authority the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) approves these procedures to operationalise the linked Scholarships, Bursaries and Prizes - Academic Policy.

8.2 As the Responsible Executive Member the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) can approve guidelines to further support the operationalisation of these procedures. All procedures and guidelines must be compatible with the provisions of the policy they operationalise.

8.3 As the Designated Officer the Academic Registrar and Director, Student Services is authorised to approve associated documents to support the application of these procedures.

8.4 These procedures operate from the last amendment date, with all previous iterations of Award of Commendations and Medals – Procedures replaced and no longer operating from this date.

8.5 All records relating to awarding commendations and medals must be stored and managed in accordance with the Information Management – Governing Policy.

8.6 These procedures must be maintained in accordance with the Policy Framework – Procedures and reviewed on a standard 5-year policy review cycle.

8.7 Any exception to these procedures to enable a more appropriate result must be approved in accordance with the Policy Framework – Procedures prior to deviation from the procedures.

8.8 Refer to Schedule C of the Delegations Manual in relation to the approved delegations detailed within these procedures.