The overarching vision of the UniSC Athena Swan Implementation Committee is to achieve the enduring and transformational cultural change essential to enhancing gender diversity at UniSC and increase the number of women in leadership roles.
Professor Ross Young
Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Innovation)
Co-Chair, SAGE Athena Swan Implementation Committee
Associate Professor Gail Crimmins
Associate Professor, Communication | School of Business and Creative Industries
Co-Chair, SAGE Athena Swan Implementation Committee
Alex Elibank Murray
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global & Engagement)
Elvessa Marshall
Program Manager - Athena Swan | Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation)
Associate Professor Alexandra Campbell
Associate Professor, Bioscience | School of Health
Professor Patrick D. Nunn
Professor of Geography | Director of the Sustainability Research Centre | School of Law and Society
Dr Ann Parkinson
Senior Lecturer, Physiology and Anatomy | School of Health
Professor Stuart Parsons
Dean, School of Science, Technology and Engineering
Associate Professor Dominique Potvin
Associate Professor, Animal Ecology | Lead for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion | School of Science, Technology and Engineering | Member, Centre for Bioinnovation
Dr Roslyn Prichard
Lecturer, Nursing | School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedicine | School of Health
Dr Dan Wadsworth
Senior Lecturer, Applied Science | School of Health
Associate Professor Kylie Scales
Associate Dean, Research | Associate Professor, Animal Ecology | School of Science, Technology and Engineering
Dr Gregory Nash
Discipline Lead, Enabling and Engagement Education (EEE) | Program Lead, Tertiary Preparation Pathway | Senior Lecturer, Education | School of Education and Tertiary Access
Dr Vinathe Sharma-Brymer
Lecturer, Social Work | School of Law and Society
Matthew Hill
Lecturer, Paramedicine | School of Health
Dr Libby Swanepoel
Senior Lecturer, Nutrition and Dietetics | School of Health
Dr Omer Yezdani
Chief Data Officer | Insights and Analytics Unit (IAU)
Dr Natalie McMaster
Lecturer, Education I School of Education and Tertiary Access
Dr Briony Luttrell
Senior Lecturer, Contemporary Music | School of Business and Creative Industries
Dr Zalia Powell
Assistant Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching | Senior Lecturer, Social Work | School of Law and Society