Professor Fiona Pelly | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Professor Fiona Pelly

PhD Syd., DipNutDiet Syd., BSc Macq., Accredited Practising Dietitian, Fellow of Sports Dietitians Australia

  • Discipline Lead, Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Professor, Nutrition and Dietetics
  • School of Health
+61 7 5430 2898
Office location
Sunshine Coast
Fiona Pelly

Professor Fiona Pelly is the Discipline Leader in Nutrition and Dietetics at UniSC. She is an Accredited Practising Dietitian, and a Fellow of the Dietitians Association of Australia and Sports Dietitians Australia. Professor Pelly has over 30 years’ experience as a dietitian, including 26 years in the area of sports nutrition with extensive experience in private practice and consultancy to The Wiggles (10 years), the International Olympic Committee (IOC), National Rugby League (NRL) teams, and individual Olympians. Fiona is internationally recognised for her expertise in food provision at major sporting competition events, and has evaluated the menu and food provision for the Olympic and Commonwealth Games since 2000. She is the current president of the international professional organisation PINES (Professionals in Nutrition for Exercise and Sport).

Fiona has worked at UniSC since 2004 and is responsible for establishing the discipline area of Nutrition and Dietetics. In 2011, she was awarded an Australian Learning and Teaching Council Citation for outstanding contributions to student learning for her leadership in curriculum development. She is an academic member of the Australian Dietetic Council for the Dietitians Association of Australia.

Fiona is interested in the translation of knowledge about nutrition and nutrient requirements into food and whole diets, determinants of food choice, diet quality, and eating behaviours. While she has a strength in the application to athletes and active individuals, her research has branched into many other population groups. She is also interested in nutrition and dietetic practice, and the relationship to student training.

Further details can be found at Food provision and nutrition support at major athletic competition.

Research areas

  • Food provision and nutrition support for athletes at major competition
  • The relationship between nutrition and food knowledge, food choice, dietary intake and eating behaviours
  • Development and evaluation of appropriate nutrition labelling and endorsement of packaged food
  • Development and evaluation of environmental nutrition interventions to improve nutrient intake
  • Evaluation of curriculum design, teaching practices and assessment of competency in nutrition and dietetics training

Teaching areas

  • Nutrition research design and methods
  • Food Service Systems - menu design and evaluation
  • Influences on food choice

Fiona's specialist areas of knowledge include nutrition, exercise science, food choice, sports nutrition

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