Steven’s research interests are in the field of metacognition (thinking about thinking), self-regulatory processes, mental states and cognitive performance. His primary research outputs have included specific topics such as: metacognition, mindfulness, attention regulation, personality, substance use, psychopathology, and risky driving.
Steven is currently focused on research that investigates the links between substance use, psychological functioning, and subsequent driving behaviours. He is also involved in a number of research projects examining the characteristics of road offenders, and how underlying cognitive processes may influence the engagement of risky driving behaviours.
Research areas
- Cognitive psychology
- Self-Regulation
- Drink and Drug Driving
- Risky Driving Behaviours
- Deterrence
The impacts of drug use on cognitive functioning
The underlying processes involved with risky driving engagement
Situational factors that moderate perceptions of risk
The relationship between objective and subjective driving performance
Recent Publications
Love, S., Kannis-Dymand, L., & Armstrong, K. (2024). Development and validation of a Disorganised Thoughts Scale: A new measure to assess thinking difficulties in the general population. BMC Psychology, 12 (1), 1–15.
Truelove, V., Anderson, L., Love, S., & Wyer, T. (2024). Texting, talking, trawling and tunes: Risk perceptions, phone dependence and different types of phone use while driving behaviours. Traffic Injury Prevention, 1-9.
Love, S., Unger, P., Rowland, B. & Armstrong, K. (2024). Is cannabis associated with more than just driving impairment? An investigation into the psychological dysfunctioning and driving behaviours of active cannabis users. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 107, 1162-1174.
Love, S., Rowland, B., & Armstrong, K. (2024). Is cannabis a slippery slope? Associations between psychological dysfunctioning, other substance use, and impaired driving, in a sample of active cannabis users. PLoS One, 19(10), e0310958.
Wyer, T., Love, S., Anderson, L., & Truelove, V. (2024). Location, location, location! An application of situational action theory to phone use while driving in different environments. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour., 106, 356-369.
For more publications, please see Dr Love's Research Bank
Dr Steven Love’s specialist areas of knowledge include: cognitive psychology, metacognition, mental states, attention and emotion regulation, impaired driving, and risky driving behaviours.