Student Fees and Charges - Academic Policy | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Student Fees and Charges - Academic Policy

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Approval authority
Academic Board
Responsible Executive member
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
Designated officer
Academic Registrar and Director, Student Services
First approved
5 October 2004
Last amended
4 September 2024
Review date
25 September 2029
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Related legislation / standards
  • University of the Sunshine Coast Act 1998 (Qld)
  • Higher Education Support Act 2003 (Cth)
  • Education (Overseas Students) Act 2018 (Qld)
  • Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000 (Cth)
  • National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018

1. Purpose of Policy

1.1 Fees are established in accordance with the Higher Education Support Act 2003. This policy outlines the basis on which the University collects fees from students. It defines the types of fees and charges and provides the authorities to determine the types of fees.

2. Policy scope and application

2.1 This Policy applies to all fees charged by UniSC for programs, courses and associated administrative matters. The Student Fees, Charges and Refunds - Procedures set out the processes for administering these fees, including refunds of fees.

3. Definitions

Please refer to the University’s Glossary of Terms for policies and procedures. Terms and definitions identified below are specific to this policy and are critical to its effectiveness:

Commonwealth supported student means a student who is an Australian citizen, or a New Zealand citizen or Permanent Resident or a holder of an Australian Permanent Humanitarian visa who has been offered a Commonwealth supported place

Fee paying student means a student who is enrolled in a fee-paying place in a UniSC program. This includes students deferring payment through the taxation system with a FEE-HELP loan.

Fees means all fees, fines and charges payable as specified in the Schedule of Fees.

Refund means re-crediting fees paid to the University. In the case of student contribution amounts or fees deferred through the taxation system, refunds may involve removal of financial liability/penalty and Remission of the related HELP debt.

Student Contribution Amount means the type of fees payable by eligible Commonwealth supported students either by up-front payment or deferred as part of the Higher Education Loan Program (HECS-HELP) through the taxation system.

4. Schedule of Fees

4.1 The University has established that fees will be payable by a student as set out in a Schedule of Fees which will be reviewed annually and be published online and in relevant publications. The Schedule of Fees will be published prior to the opening of enrolments for the following Academic Calendar year.

4.2 The administration of fees payable as specified in the Schedule of Fees is the responsibility of the Academic Registrar and Director, Student Services who will, by notice, determine pursuant to this policy:

4.2.1 the method of advice of fees payable

4.2.2 the date for payment of fees

4.2.3 the circumstances in which a fee may be waived or deferred by way of a payment plan, if appropriate

4.2.4 a student’s eligibility for a refund or waiver of the whole or portion of the fees paid, and

4.2.5 administrative and miscellaneous fines and charges.

4.3 The University may impose a late payment fee where a student has not paid tuition fees or up-front student contribution (where applicable) by the advised due date for payment.

4.4 The University may impose a late enrolment fee for enrolment or re-enrolment in courses that is not made by the advised due date for enrolment. The enrolment will not be made effective until the fee has been paid.

4.5 The University may impose a program cancellation fee for international fee-paying students.

4.6 The University will cancel the enrolment of a Commonwealth supported student who has not complied with their Department of Education obligations by the census date.

4.7 A fee-paying student who has not paid tuition fees by the advised due date may have the student’s enrolment at the University cancelled.

4.8 A student who has outstanding fees owing to the University and the amount is greater than the threshold determined by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) for this purpose, will not be permitted further enrolment (except where any Commonwealth or State legislation or code of practice provides otherwise), will have their academic results withheld and will not be eligible to graduate until the debt is paid in full.

4.9 In accordance with the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (Cth) (HESA) and the associated Higher Education Provider (HEP) guidelines the University may set out charges for goods and services for:

(i) equipment or items which become the physical property of the student and are not consumed during the program of study (i.e. ‘tools of the trade’, e.g. a stethoscope), or

(ii) food, transport and accommodation costs associated with the provision of field trips that form part of the course or program.

4.10 The University may set student services and amenities fees.

4.11 Students may incur costs associated with their own personal professional accreditation, including, for example, special admissions tests required by external accrediting bodies or Government agencies.

5. Refunds

5.1 The Academic Registrar and Director, Student Services or nominee may, on behalf of the University, refund relevant fees to a student in accordance with Student Fees, Charges and Refunds – Procedures associated with this policy.

5.2 A student excluded, suspended or expelled under a University policy or procedure is not entitled to a refund (except where any Commonwealth or State legislation or code of practice provides otherwise).

6. Grievances

6.1 A student may seek a review of a decision to refuse a refund of student fees in whole or part. A student who remains dissatisfied following a review has no further internal avenue of appeal within the University. The student will have the option to lodge an external appeal with the Administrative Appeal Tribunal (AAT). There are costs involved in lodging an appeal to the AAT. Refer to the AAT website at

6.2 The availability of a complaints and appeals process, i.e. the option to request a review under the University’s Student Grievance Resolution – Governing Policy and associated Procedures, does not remove the right of a student to take action under Australia’s consumer protection laws, concerning refund of fees.

7. Authorities/Responsibilities

The following authorities/responsibilities are delegated under this policy:


University Officer/Committee

Approve Student Contribution for Commonwealth Supported Students for programs and courses

Vice-Chancellor and President

Approve tuition fees for programs and courses – domestic students

Vice-Chancellor and President

Approve tuition fees for programs and courses – international students

Vice-Chancellor and President

Approve Student Services and Amenities Fee

Vice-Chancellor and President

Approve tuition fees for courses of study which do not lead to an award of the University, including professional development and continuing education courses

Vice-Chancellor and President

Approve Administrative and Miscellaneous Charges

Academic Registrar and Director, Student Services

Approve refunds of fees and charges.

Academic Registrar and Director, Student Services or nominee: Associate Director, Student Business Services